Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 324 The cause of the incident (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Hey, why didn't you stop them? Before Brother Han was injured, those people from M Company didn't dare to do anything too extreme. But now Brother Han is also injured, and those strong men in our army have also suffered heavy casualties. The remaining ones can't compete with the people from M Company at all, not to mention that there is also an old man Wu among them, whose strength is very terrifying." After the big man knew that Xiao Qiang knew Wu Ze, his attitude softened a lot and he said to Xiao Qiang.

"What's the matter with the heavy casualties? And why did the people from M Company come here?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"The people from M Company came here at the beginning, and it is said that they wanted arms and a batch of black gold stored." The big man replied.

"Black gold? Arms? Isn't black gold obtained from the corpses of zombies? Why is it here?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"We originally had a legion here, so we have a relatively large munitions warehouse, which stores a lot of munitions. Then, about a month after the outbreak of the apocalypse, a truck came from the upper-level city, carrying a full truck of black gold, and handed it to us for safekeeping. That old Wu came for this truck of black gold." Wu Shan said.

The black gold brought from the upper-level city was still a full truck, and M Company even sent someone to keep an eye on this truck of black gold. Xiao Qiang was also full of questions when he heard Wu Shan's words.

"You should have heard of the two big demons in the city. They are very powerful and live in the center of the city. Maybe they are very dissatisfied with humans. After the apocalypse, these two big demons not only killed zombies, but also killed a lot of our patrol teams, and even attacked our base." Wu Shan said slowly.

"About two weeks ago, M Company, led by Mr. Wu, invited our big brother Han to lead the strong men in the base to encircle and suppress the two big demons. I don't know what happened during the process. After returning, big brother Han was seriously injured, and the strong men in the original legion were also killed or injured. However, the strong men of M Company were not injured. Since then, the legion has lost its status day by day due to the lack of strong men. More and more strong men have followed their M company, and we can only let them do whatever they want." Wu Shan played with a lighter and sighed.

"Then why don't you go to Tongjiang Base to find your brother?" Xiao Qiang took out a cigarette and handed it to Wu Shan.

Wu Shan looked at Xiao Qiang gratefully, lit a cigarette, and took a puff: "I received an order to build a base here, and Brother Han is very good to me, I can't abandon him. Besides, my brother's base is not far from here, they often come here to exchange supplies, so I can see him every once in a while."

"What level of strongman is Brother Han? And where is he now, how is his injury?" Xiao Qiang looked at Wu Shan and continued to ask.

"Brother Han is a strongman of level 9, and Old Wu is even stronger than Brother Han. I don't know what his level is. Since Brother Han was carried back from the city that day, we only saw that he was seriously injured and was carried into the middle building. The bastards of M Company stopped at the door and said they wanted to treat his injuries and didn't let us visit him at all. Humph, I hate that I am not a mutant strongman, otherwise, I must lead people to fight with these shitty people from M Company." Wu Shan extinguished the cigarette butt, threw it heavily on the ground, and said viciously.

"Then do you know what happened at Xujiang Base? I heard that the base was completely wiped out. What happened?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"Humph, Xujiang Base is just a small base. There are not many strong people in it, but there are still a few hundred people. Originally, Brother Han planned to gradually move the people from Xujiang Base here. However, last week, there was suddenly news that arms and black gold were hidden in Xujiang Base, and then Xujiang Base was wiped out. It must be the work of the people from M Company." Wu Shan was very angry and punched the wall directly.

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