Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 347 Rumors about Sister Rourou (Ask for bookshelf!)

Cheng Wen obviously underestimated the Qingfeng armor, thinking it was just an ordinary type of armor, and his attack would definitely leave scars.

Cheng Wen raised his hand and waved to the younger brother behind him, indicating that it was okay. After carefully looking at Xiao Qiang's chest, he found that he was not injured.

"Where were you just now?" Cheng Wen asked Xiao Qiang.

Because he felt that the people he was guarding were rescued, and Li Feng said that, Cheng Wen felt embarrassed, so he searched very carefully.

"Just now? I fought zombies all night last night, and I was so tired today that I asked Brother Xuan for a leave. He allowed me to rest in the house today. Just now, after dinner, I took a walk in the base and went back to sleep. Many people in our base can testify to this. Brother Cheng Wen, you know, there is nothing to play in our base. I was a little sleepy, so I fell asleep." Xiao Qiang scratched his head, pretending to think, and spoke to Cheng Wen honestly.

Cheng Wen stood up and asked the younger brother behind him: "Besides him, is there anyone else who has come to the base recently?"

"Brother Wen, there is a member of the hunter team who came to us to exchange supplies these two days. He is still living here, in the building next to us." One of the younger brothers pointed to a building next to him and replied to Cheng Wen.

"Let's go, take some people to check them out, and let others speed up and search other rooms in the base." Cheng Wen said as he led people out of the house.

"Brother Cheng Wen, I didn't mean to scold you just now. I really don't know who you are just now. Don't be angry." Xiao Qiang pretended to be very cowardly and shouted at Cheng Wen's back outside the house.

After seeing Cheng Wen lead people away, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh secretly. But he was also a little worried, because Cheng Wen just said that every room must be searched carefully, and he didn't know if Sister Rourou could get away. However, it was not suitable for him to go to Sister Rourou in the house now, and he could only hope that Sister Rourou could get away. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang also took out the Qingfeng armor from the system and put it on, and put on his clothes, listening carefully to the movements in the base. As long as he noticed any abnormality, he could rush out to deal with the enemy in time.

On the other side, Sister Rourou's infirmary is the only one in the second circle with electricity because she is a doctor.

A patrol team searched here, and the leader sighed, "Hey, after entering here, you guys should search carefully, do you hear me?"

The leader sighed, stood outside the house and spoke to his men. There is no way. Normally, if they are not injured, no one would be willing to come here, just because Sister Rourou's mask is too ugly, especially the abscess on it. Just look at it, and you don't even want to eat. Moreover, Sister Rourou also looks like she hasn't had a man for a long time, so even if there is a shortage of women in the end times, they are unwilling to come here.

If it weren't for the fact that Sister Rourou is a doctor, Li Zhong also specifically explained that they would definitely not be so polite to Sister Rourou. Moreover, they also said that the abscess on Sister Rourou's face was because her body was not clean. In this way, even if Sister Rourou had a very sexy figure, no one was willing to come.

With a "puff", the door was gently pushed open. The captain poked his head and urged the others to hurry in.

"Hey, who is this? Why are you here so late at night? There are so many handsome guys? Where are you injured? Are you injured below? You have to check it carefully." Sister Rourou had been prepared for a long time. When she saw people coming in, she came over and spoke to the patrolling personnel.

When those people saw Sister Rourou's face, a stream of abscess flowed out from a white acne mark, and the liquid even flowed onto Sister Rourou's clothes. Sister Rourou was wearing a loose pajamas outside. The length of the pajamas reached the knees, revealing the black stockings inside, and she was wearing a pair of slippers on her feet. With Sister Rourou's mask, the whole person looked like a landlady.

When the patrol members saw this situation, they all kept their mouths shut. As they watched Sister Rourou approaching, they remembered that the abscesses on her face were caused by dirt, and they kept retreating backwards. The whole scene looked a little funny.

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