Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 370 Brother Han appears (ask for bookshelf!)

When Old Wu heard what Xiao Qiang said, he did not answer. He raised his hand slightly and aimed at Xiao Qiang. It seemed that he was ready to launch those white candle discs at Xiao Qiang to attack Xiao Qiang.

However, Old Wu just raised his hand, smiled slightly, and then slowly put his hand down. Xiao Qiang was a little confused when he saw this scene. He was thinking about how to break free from the bondage formed by the candle. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang heard a sound of climbing the wall on the left wall of the roof. Climbing on the wall, there was a "thump thump thump" sound, and there was also the sound of the wall stones breaking and falling.

With a "smash", an object jumped out directly from below, crawling, and jumped more than three meters high, and attacked Xiao Qiang with the thick claws in his hand.

In a hurry, Xiao Qiang had no time to react. He could only raise the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand and raise it horizontally, facing the monster's claws. This blocked the monster. The crawling object passed over Xiao Qiang's head and flew to the side.

Xiao Qiang saw clearly that the brown eyes and face should not have changed yet. It was still a human face, covered with thick hair, and the limbs had become claws. There were thick pads in the middle, and the body had clearly become a dog's body.

Xiao Qiang also saw that face clearly. He had seen it before. It was Yang En who was responsible for guarding the Black Gold Exchange. He had the strength of level 8 supernatural power. According to this, Yang En should have the same type of supernatural power as Li Ke, but his supernatural power was in dog form.

After landing, Yang En kicked his legs backwards, looked at Xiao Qiang with his eyes, and was about to attack Xiao Qiang again.

Suddenly, a voice came from the corridor on the roof: "Two against one is not a glorious thing, Mr. Wu, after all, you are also an awakened level strongman, two against one, don't you feel ashamed?"

The three stopped their actions and looked at the entrance of the corridor on the roof in unison. They saw a man with his hands behind his back, talking slowly while coming up from the corridor and walking towards the three people. The man was burly and tall. He was Brother Han who was previously restricted by drugs in M ​​Company and rescued by Xiao Qiang.

"You are awake, who rescued you?" Mr. Wu looked in the direction of Brother Han and asked him.

"Yes, it was me, sorry." Xiao Qiang was slightly relieved when he saw Brother Han coming over. After all, a strong man of level 9 on his side could still make people feel more relaxed, so he also replied to Mr. Wu jokingly.

"Hahaha, how come you are in such a mess? You were so heroic when you rescued me. Didn't you say you could handle Old Wu yourself?" Brother Han ignored the two old men Wu who were present. Seeing Xiao Qiang trapped in the same place, he laughed heartily.

Although Brother Han is over 30 years old, he is much older than Xiao Qiang. It may be because he stayed with these young people in the legion for a long time before the end of the world. His temperament is also very easy-going, and he also likes to make some jokes like a young man.

"Mistake, mistake, I will definitely beat this old Wu to a pulp later. However, why did you come out so late? If you come out later, we will be finished here." Xiao Qiang curled his lips helplessly, rolled his eyes and complained to Brother Han.

"Some of my brothers stopped me on the road, so I just used them to practice. I haven't done it for a long time, so I'm a little rusty. It's just right that I came here to save you." Brother Han stood beside Xiao Qiang, pinched his waist and shook his head, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Ahem, enough, Han Feng, it's good that you woke up. I advise you to tell me the whereabouts of the batch of materials, otherwise I will let you fall here now." Yang En coughed twice, interrupting the conversation between the two. At the same time, the whole person returned to human form and spoke to the two.

"Yang Xiaogou, are you too arrogant now? You think you have a backer after joining M Company, right? You didn't dare to talk to me like this before, but now you are so arrogant, right? See how I deal with you later, and let you still bark like a dog over there." Han Feng opened his mouth and cursed at Yang En, not giving him any face.

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