Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 376: Sudden increase in strength (ask for bookshelf!)

Qiao Tong stopped and looked around, trying to find Zhang Jun. Suddenly, when Qiao Tong was confused, he felt a huge force coming from his back. He didn't even have time to react. The huge force made Qiao Tong lean back with his upper body, looking up at the sky. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body was in pain. He fell to the side involuntarily.

"Ah~", Qiao Tong just fell down, and saw Zhang Jun on the side walked around in front of him and walked towards him step by step.

It turned out that after Zhang Jun used the drug, he relied on his speed to increase his speed instantly, and arrived behind Qiao Tong in the blink of an eye. Then, he kicked Qiao Tong in the back. After taking the drug, Zhang Jun's strength was also strengthened a lot. With one kick, he contained a thousand pounds of force and kicked Qiao Tong's huge body to the ground.

Seeing Zhang Jun coming towards him, Qiao Tong pushed his huge palm against the ground, endured the pain from having one of his ribs broken, and slowly stood up. He superimposed his two palms, from top to bottom, like an ordinary palm leaf fan, and used all his strength to wave his huge palms, slapping Zhang Jun's position vigorously. The wind on his palms whistled, and before it reached Zhang Jun, it blew Zhang Jun's clothes up with the wind.

Relying on Zhang Jun's speed after taking the medicine, he could easily avoid the attack of Qiao Tong's palm. However, Zhang Jun did not use his own speed, grinned slightly, and slowly raised his right hand.

With a "bang", Qiao Tong's superimposed hands pressed heavily towards Zhang Jun's position, stirring up a cloud of dust. However, after the dust dispersed, Zhang Jun was not crushed to the ground by Qiao Tong's two hands as before. Instead, he just stretched out his right hand and blocked Qiao Tong's attack, and the whole person stood firmly in place.

After the blow, Qiao Tong felt that his palm hit a piece of steel plate and could not move down any further. Not only that, Qiao Tong soon felt a pain in his fingers, and he couldn't help shouting "Ah~".

He looked at the position of his palm and saw that his thick finger was actually held by Zhang Jun's hand. He broke Qiao Tong's finger by twisting it in the opposite direction. The pain forced Qiao Tong's face to be covered with sweat beads at this moment, which kept falling one by one and wet the ground under him.

Qiao Tong hurriedly began to struggle, trying to pull his fingers out of Zhang Jun's hand. Unexpectedly, his fingers were like being firmly clamped by iron pliers. Even if Qiao Tong tried his best to drag, he couldn't shake it at all. His fingers were still firmly held in Zhang Jun's hand.

Seeing this, Zhang Jun also enjoyed the powerful strength brought by the drug. The corners of his mouth rose, revealing a smug smile.

Qiao Tong saw that he could not compete with Zhang Jun in strength, so he stretched out his other hand and slapped Zhang Jun from left to right. Zhang Jun naturally noticed Qiao Tong's action, smiled "hehe", stood firmly with his legs, stretched out his two hands, and held several fingers of Qiao Tong's right hand. Standing on his left foot, with his right foot as the center of the circle, the whole body twisted slightly, and stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot. With an over-the-shoulder throw, Qiao Tong was thrown out.

After Qiao Tong's whole body was multiplied, he was more than 3 meters tall. According to the original body proportion, his body was still very fat, and his weight was at least nearly 1,000 pounds. In addition to Qiao Tong's own strength, he dragged his fingers in the opposite direction. In this case, he was thrown out by Qiao Tong. This also shows how terrifying Zhang Jun's power is after taking the drug.

With a "crash", Qiao Tong's entire huge body was thrown out by Zhang Jun. After his entire body fell heavily to the ground, due to inertia, his body continued to slide forward. As a result, the tents on the road were knocked down by Qiao Tong's huge body, and a large number of tents fell down at once.

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