Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 409 Wang Peng Crisis (Ask for bookshelf!)

Wang Peng in the house had just wrapped his clothes when he saw that the house was hit by such dense arrows. Due to the huge impact force, the broken bricks of the house were constantly falling down, and the house was swaying from side to side. It looked like it would soon be pierced by arrows and collapse.

Wang Peng also looked very panicked, with big beads of sweat sliding down his cheeks. If he ran out of the house now, he would definitely be shot by Wu Lao as a target. However, if he stayed in the house, the house would soon collapse under Wu Lao's continuous shooting.

While thinking, Wang Peng had already discovered that the arrows had stopped shooting and Wu Lao had stopped attacking.

It turned out that just when Wu Lao was about to kill Wang Peng in one breath, a loud "bang" sound suddenly came from the huge sculpture.

Wu Lao turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. It turned out to be Han Feng who rushed over from the other side.

Seeing that Old Wu had been delayed by Wang Peng, Han Feng quickly rushed to the back of the huge sculpture from the other side, jumped high, and jumped to the waist of the sculpture, enduring the burning heat brought by the sculpture. The arm wearing the black and gold boxing gloves punched the huge sculpture that was on fire, making a loud "bang".

Unexpectedly, although the candle melted quickly when it met the fire, the outer layer had all turned into candle oil, but the quality was very hard. Han Feng's punch with all his strength only shook off some candle debris, and not even a crack was made. However, Han Feng's boxing gloves were covered with a lot of candle oil. Thanks to the black and gold boxing gloves, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable to rely on Han Feng's skin to resist the scorching flame.

At this time, Han Feng endured the burning feeling, big drops of sweat fell, and even his hair was burned and curled up. After one punch failed, Han Feng delivered two punches in succession, making two dull "bang bang" sounds. When he jumped, Han Feng actually delivered three punches in succession. However, he still couldn't shake the solid candle. There was just some candle oil stuck on the gloves. It was worthy of being Wu Lao's strongest trick. The texture of the candle alone was so solid.

After delivering three punches, Han Feng fell from the air and stood firmly on the ground.

Just after landing on the ground, a candle vine stretched out from the ground next to him. The speed was extremely fast and the angle was very tricky. Han Feng had no time to dodge, and was hit by the candle vine, and his whole body was pulled out.

Just after Han Feng fell, a huge palm formed by candles stretched out from the air. With a light pinch, Han Feng was already in his hand.

"I don't know where you found this guy from. He is very powerful. Although his level is not particularly high, his strength is above yours. It's a pity that he ran into the skills I just practiced." Old Wu urged his supernatural power. The huge candle palm pinched Old Wu's body and put it in front of him. Looking at Han Feng, he spoke to Han Feng calmly.

"It's not me who found this kid, but this kid who found me. Although I don't know where he came from, his strength is indeed very strong. Moreover, even if I haven't known him for a long time, he has a feeling that people can trust naturally. So, even if this is your strongest skill, it can't trap this kid. However, Old Wu, you are also hiding deep enough. If it weren't for Xiao Qiang, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to force out such a powerful strength that you are hiding now." Han Feng was pinched in the hand of Old Wu, and he didn't struggle. He looked at Old Wu calmly and smiled, and said.

"Hmph, you don't even know you're going to die. I'll deal with you first." After hearing Han Feng's words, Old Wu looked at the huge sculpture on fire and said to Han Feng viciously.

Listening to Old Wu's words, Han Feng only felt a circle of candle vines extending from the center of the huge candle palm, tightly wrapping Han Feng's body. Then, the huge candle palm pinched Han Feng's body hard, lifted it up high, and then with a force, it held Han Feng's body and threw it towards the sharp steel spikes on the ground.

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