Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 413 Killing Mr. Wu

"Well, if you don't like my base. [ ] I know the whereabouts of the batch of arms and black gold you are looking for here. As long as you are willing to spare my life, I can take you there. Find the whereabouts of that batch of supplies." Xiao Qiang said to Mr. Wu with a begging tone and an expression on his face.

Mr. Wu walked up to Xiao Qiang, feeling a little proud at the moment. After all, Xiao Qiang was just a weakling with level 8 strength.

However, Mr. Wu did not intend to let Xiao Qiang go. After all, Xiao Qiang was already a threat to his life.

Therefore, although he was a little proud in his heart, Mr. Wu said to Xiao Qiang: "If you had begged me for mercy just now, I might still have spared your life, but it's too late now. Who knows? Are you trying to trick me? Moreover, after I kill you, the people here will not be able to stop me. Then I can slowly ask, and someone will find out. "

After speaking, Mr. Wu raised the candle spear above his head, making a gesture of aiming it at Xiao Qiang's head.

"No, no, no, no, we have something to discuss. They don't know, and they may not be able to tell you if they know, but I will tell you. Look, why are you in a hurry? Let's discuss it slowly. Look, you are already... "Xiao Qiang seems to be a little anxious, and he keeps making noises to stop Mr. Wu.

When Mr. Wu heard Xiao Qiang's words, the movements of his hand only stopped for a moment, and then he continued to thrust downward towards Xiao Qiang's head.

Xiao Qiang opened his eyes and looked at the candle spear that was approaching his eyes and was about to reach the top of his head. Suddenly, the candle spear stopped thrusting downward, and just like that, the candle spear stopped in mid-air. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he glanced at the corner of his mouth and showed a soothing smile that his plan was successful. After laughing, his smile was too big and affected the wound. Xiao Qiang coughed twice and took a quick break.

After resting for a while, Xiao Qiang felt that his body had regained a little strength and was no longer as weak as before. He struggled to hold his hands on the ground, supported the ground and slowly slid his body away from Mr. Wu's candle spear.

Then, Xiao Qiang supported the ground with both hands, supported his body and slowly stood up. After standing up, due to his weak body, Xiao Qiang deliberately half-leaned on the iron shelf next to him.

At this time, Mr. Wu stood in front of Xiao Qiang, bent over, holding the white candle spear in both hands, still maintaining the posture of stabbing Xiao Qiang just now, but his body seemed to have been tapped. , unable to move, and his body could no longer continue to stab downwards.

However, no one suddenly appeared to tap Elder Wu's acupuncture points and stop Elder Wu's movements. Mr. Wu was just about to continue stabbing when he felt as if his body suddenly couldn't move.

"Xiao Qiang, what kind of technique did you use? Why was my body suddenly unable to move?" Mr. Wu also felt that no one was attacking him, and his body was suddenly unable to move. Therefore, he was also confused. Asked Xiao Qiang.

"It feels very uncomfortable to be unable to move. I knew you would be curious, but I don't have that much time to tell you. I won't be like you. After all, you are also very strong. I won't give you a chance to delay. Ah." Xiao Qiang grinned and said slowly to Mr. Wu.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang had already taken out the bone spur dagger from the system and held it firmly in his hand. With great effort, he moved his body away from the iron frame he was leaning on. Xiao Qiang kept breathing heavily. He held the dagger firmly with both hands, slowly raised his arm, and pointed the dagger at Mr. Wu's neck. Location.

"Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang, please tell me if you have anything to say. Don't you want to join Company M? The conditions are easy to negotiate. When you get to the higher-level company, I will put in a good word for you. When the time comes, all kinds of "..." Mr. Wu looked at the tip of the dagger, which was so close that it made people shudder. Mr. Wu was also panicking, and he was busy facing Xiao Qiang. said.

However, Xiao Qiang didn't listen to what Mr. Wu said at all. He bumped his butt back hard, and his whole body staggered forward. His whole body was already lying on Mr. Wu's body. At the same time, the dagger in his hand was already It was aimed at Mr. Wu’s neck and inserted.

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