Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 420: The popular mutant training room

For example, Sister Rourou strongly requested Xiao Qiang to build a spacious infirmary for herself. She also asked Xiao Qiang to order people to go to hospitals in the city and find various medical facilities for herself. Placed in the infirmary. Not only that, he also selected people from the base who were willing to learn medical skills and recruited them into his own medical team.

However, after Sister Rourou showed her true face at the Longshan base, as soon as the news was released that she would establish her own medical team, many men rushed to join her and lined up to sign up. I want to join Sister Rourou’s medical team. However, soon, they left Sister Rourou's place with their heads down, just because Sister Rourou posted four big words "Only girls."

Sister Rourou began to build a professional medical team, which finally saved Lin Bingyan and the others from having to rush to the shelves. When someone was injured, they went to bandage it hurriedly. Xiao Qiang knew that Sister Rourou was willing to build a professional medical team, so he was naturally full of joy and strongly supported and helped Sister Rourou to build it.

As for Yang Xue, it is equivalent to occupying the scientific research laboratory that Xiao Qiang obtained before. Although this laboratory is not very large, it is indeed a high-end item. All kinds of research equipment are available in it, not only It can meet the needs of science and technology, and can also meet the research on chemical substances. Moreover, the technological equipment inside greatly exceeded the technology before the end of the world. Yang Xue also asked Xiao Qiang for two helpers, and also asked for a house to be built next to the research room.

However, Yang Xue really researched a lot of things. For example, the arrows used by Wang Peng were greatly enriched by Yang Xue. Moreover, Yang Xue also started to develop several sets of arrows suitable for defense. Ordinary zombie-biting defensive clothing, convenient for those in the Longshan Legion to wear when going out.

This made Xiao Qiang very overjoyed. Unexpectedly, the research laboratory he obtained was actually used by Yang Xue, and could be used so well to develop so many new things for the base.

There is also the mutant training room that Xiao Qiang obtained. Xiao Qiang simply placed it on the square and ordered Li Chong and Li Ke not to leave the base unless they were upgraded to a level. Come out. In just one week, the two of them used the mutant training room to level up. Although there is still a gap compared to Xiao Qiang who kills zombies and relies on experience to level up, this speed is enough to surprise Xiao Qiang. . With this training room, these mutants in their base can use this training room to improve their strength. However, the space of this training room is limited, and it can only accommodate two people entering at the same time, and it is only effective for experts below level 9. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also went in to practice, but for Xiao Qiang, the effect was not as fast as killing zombies.

After knowing the power of this mutant training room, the mutants in the base also rushed to use this training room. After all, in this apocalyptic world, strength is king. Due to the addition of some mutants from the urban base and members of the hunter team, there were more mutants in the base. They even had a dispute over the use of this superpower training room. Xiao Qiang did not expect that everyone's enthusiasm for training would be so high. In order to prevent everyone from arguing, he could only ask Wang Liang to arrange the time reasonably to ensure that everyone could use this training room.

In addition to the arsenal, research room, training room, medical room, and the two large areas in the agricultural park, in the base, under Xiao Qiang's strong advocacy, we also handled various tasks based on everyone's strengths. Barber shops, black gold exchanges, classrooms and other institutions have organized classes, which also ensured that the children in the base were protected, and they no longer just had to run around and play every day.

After so many people were added to the base and so many institutions were handled, the base was finally on the right track. The entire base was booming and finally became lively.

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