Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 427 Strong Pressure

As expected of the pressure from a Level 3 awakening warrior, Xiao Qiang was stared at closely by Shen San, just like a beast looking at him. Xiao Qiang felt that no matter how he attacked Shen San, he could not succeed in a sneak attack. Moreover, the pressure was like a mountain, pressing tightly on Xiao Qiang. Although Xiao Qiang pretended to be calm on the surface, his heartbeat accelerated a lot, and his blood began to flow faster. Sweat began to seep out of his face, and big beads of sweat kept sliding down Xiao Qiang's cheeks.

Looking at the people at the Longshan base behind Xiao Qiang, Han Feng was okay. Relying on his Level 9 strength, he could still withstand it, but it can also be seen that Han Feng was trying his best to resist. Lin Shan leaned against the pillar, and his hand had unconsciously placed on the handle of the Qiushui Knife, pushing it upwards, ready to pull out the long knife. Wang Peng, Wang Liang and others were even more unable to hold on. They could no longer stand and were about to squat on the ground. At the same time, they had already grasped their weapons and attacked the other side.

Xiao Qiang was also very uncomfortable at this time. Shen San's pressure was mainly directed at his body. Facing the powerful pressure, Xiao Qiang did not expect that the gap between him and the awakening level 3 strong man was so huge. However, Xiao Qiang did not plan to defeat the enemy. After obtaining the heart of the brave that day, Xiao Qiang also unconsciously felt a desire to win. While gritting his teeth to support himself, Xiao Qiang's eyes were fearless. He met Shen San's gaze and looked back closely.

After a moment, Shen San took back the pressure, laughed, and said to Xiao Qiang: "It is true that heroes emerge from youth. A strong man of level 8 can achieve such an achievement. In the future, he will definitely be able to become the master of a region."

"Brother Shen is too polite. I flatter you. But if Brother Shen can't help showing his strength again, I'm afraid I can't help but play a few tricks." Xiao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Shen San with a smile.

"Haha, I just don't know why Brother Xiao has a problem with my M company, and what kind of hatred he has with Li Zhong. If Brother Xiao is willing to make peace, I am willing to be a middleman." Shen San continued to sit down, restored his previous smile, and looked at Xiao Qiang and asked.

"Li Feng, the son of Li Zhong, joined forces with Lu Bai of the Black Wind Base that day, and took the roll of kraft paper formula in their hands, and actually used living people to conduct experiments, trying to develop their weapons. In my base, there are people who survived from the Black Wind Base. That kind of research is simply a torture to the human body. In addition, after the people from M Company arrived at the Black Wind Base, they created inequality and oppressed the people there. In order to find a batch of supplies, they destroyed the entire Lujiang Base. With such disgusting behavior, how could we cooperate with M Company and let Li Zhong go?" Xiao Qiang stood up and said passionately, pacing back and forth while speaking. Because he was too excited, his face had turned red.

"I didn't expect there would be so many things involved. I thought you just had conflicts. However, what I want to tell Brother Xiao is that our M Company is a very large organization with many factions and branches. Even I have many organizations and things that I don't know about M Company." Shen San also stood up and patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder.

After a pause, Shen San continued: "It can be said that we are the open staff of M Company. If Brother Xiao's Longshan Base is willing to join, then Li Zhong and others will not dare to openly ask M Company to send people to deal with Longshan Base. At most, they will send people to deal with it secretly. Moreover, as far as I know, with Brother Xiao's current strength, he can't compete with the forces behind Li Zhong at all." Shen San looked at Xiao Qiang in a friendly manner, and persuaded Xiao Qiang with a heartfelt word.

Seeing Xiao Qiang nodded, Shen San continued: "And even if Longshan Base joins the alliance, it is a relatively independent existence. In addition to paying some taxes every year, you can get a lot of information and even help. Why not do it?"

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