Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 429 A bribe for you

"Hehe, Brother Xiao is really out of touch with the news. You see how necessary it is to join our alliance. Let me tell you, this black gold is not only special enough to make weapons. And because of its special material, it can also extract substances from it to develop some medicines. More importantly, this black gold is also effective for upgrading the level of mutants. After it was discovered, its value is increasing day by day. This is no longer a secret in other cities." Shen San said.

"Oh, that's it. In this way, in addition to the 200 kilograms of black gold that our Longshan base gives to M Company every year, how about I personally give 20 kilograms of black gold every month to Brother Shen?" Xiao Qiang leaned over and whispered to Shen San.

20 kilograms per month, that's 240 kilograms a year, which is more than what Longshan Base gave to M Company. After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Shen San really widened his eyes, his eyes revealed a light, and he looked at Xiao Qiang with joy. Xiao Qiang saw Shen San's reaction. Sure enough, in this end of the world, people can't change their nature of greed for money. It's just that black gold is the money in this end of the world.

"Hehe, I'm afraid Brother Xiao won't give me these 20 kilograms of black gold for nothing. If you have any conditions, Brother Xiao, you might as well tell me." Shen San kept rubbing his palms back and forth, looking at Xiao Qiang and smiling.

"Brother Shen is a smart man, and I can see that Brother Shen is definitely a well-informed person, so please let me know when you have news. At that time, in addition to these black golds, I will definitely give you black gold." Xiao Qiang tilted his head and looked at Shen San and said.

"Okay, okay. I thought it was something else, so let's cooperate happily." Shen San said, and then he laughed.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang reached out to take the 240 kilograms of black gold that Wang Peng took out from the black gold exchange and handed it to Shen San. Among them, 200 kilograms is the annual fee paid to M Company, and the 40 kilograms is the black money for Shen San for two months.

"When you are free in the future, welcome to visit Longshan Base often. I will definitely welcome you very much." After waiting for Yang Xue to learn and master the use of the instrument, Xiao Qiang took people to send Shen San to the gate of Longshan Base. Standing at the gate, Xiao Qiang held Shen San's hand and said to Shen San, it felt like the two of them were friends for many years.

"Of course, but since Brother Xiao is so kind, Brother Shen has some news to tell Brother Xiao. One month later, the Legion Base in the Level 3 city Xianzhou will organize personnel to deal with zombies, and this time they will deal with a huge munitions storage depot in the Level 3 city. I heard that those who go there will have a share. Also, two months later, the M Company Base in Fengzhou City will organize an auction, which will not only have munitions, but also various medicines developed by M Company. Among them, there is also a fragment of a cowhide formula. I heard that Brother Xiao also has one in his hand. I believe Brother Xiao should be interested." Shen San leaned close to Xiao Qiang's ear and whispered to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang was not very interested in the attack on the munitions storage depot one month later, after all, he had just received a lot of munitions. However, Xiao Qiang was very interested in the auction because there was a kraft paper formula in it, and he had a task to collect the kraft paper formula.

"Thank you, Brother Shen. Take care." Xiao Qiang smiled at Shen San with satisfaction and said to him.

Then, Shen San and the other two waved their hands, got into the jeep they drove over, and walked towards the next small base.

"It's just right. Everyone is here. It's time for lunch now. Let's have a meeting in the villa. I have something to say to everyone." Xiao Qiang looked at the time and said to the people following behind him.

Soon, all the people in charge of the Longshan base gathered in the living room of the villa. Today, Li Wei and Aunt Wang cooked stir-fried dishes and steamed buns. The stir-fried dishes were the vegetables grown from Xiao Qiang's vegetable seeds. Due to the large number of mutants in the house, everyone's appetite was also very amazing. Everyone's rice bowls were no longer ordinary rice bowls, but almost pots. Among them, the rice bowls of Li Chong and Han Feng were the most amazing, as big as washbasins.

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