Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 444: Plan to Kill Zombies

After everyone had their meals, they gathered together. Wang Liang was also going to take advantage of this time to tell everyone about the plan for cleaning up the zombies that he had sorted out in the afternoon.

"I will briefly tell everyone about the plan for the combat personnel to clean up the zombies." After Wang Liang saw that everyone was ready, he was going to tell everyone about the plan as Xiao Qiang said.

"Tomorrow, we are going to send two teams, Longshan Team 1 and Longshan Team 2, to go out and carry out the plan to clean up the zombies. Longshan Team 3 will stay in the base and will be trained by Wu Ze and Wu Shan as usual. Among them, Longshan Team 1 is responsible for going to Liutong County for cleaning up, and Longshan Team 2 is responsible for cleaning up the nearby villages. Due to the small number of zombies in the village, Longshan Team 2 is relatively easier. Although these zombies will continue to move, everyone must be meticulous and clean up, and don't leave some zombies behind."

Wang Liang looked at everyone, took out the plan written in the afternoon from his pocket, and said to everyone.

Seeing that everyone was listening while picking up the fragrant stir-fried dishes, Wang Liang couldn't stop swallowing his saliva.

"Come on, you tell me the rest." Wang Liang handed the battle plan to Wang Peng next to him, picked up his bowl and ate a few mouthfuls.

"Well, let me continue. The day after tomorrow, Longshan Team 1 will take a break because of the heavy task of cleaning up the zombies in Liutong County. Longshan Team 2 will start to go to Liutong County to clean up the zombies, and Longshan Team 3 will start to go to nearby villages to continue their mission. And so on, there will be one day of rest every week, and one day to search for supplies in Xuzhou City. In addition, the battle plan can be flexibly adjusted depending on the situation of the cleanup." Wang Peng took the battle plan and continued to speak to everyone.

After listening, everyone nodded, indicating that they had no objection and agreed to this battle plan.

Among them, Longshan Team 1 is led by Liang Kai, who has a level 7 earth ability, and his deputies are two powerful humans at level 4. Most of the 400 members selected are from the previous legion. Although they have no superpowers, they are well-trained. Overall, it is also the strongest team in the base. This is also what Xiao Qiang meant. He planned to build a particularly strong team so that he could have an ace team at hand when he encountered a difficult situation.

At that time, when Xiao Qiang handed this team to Liang Kai, he just said to Jiang Kai lightly: "Such an excellent soldier is handed over to you. Try to bring out a team that can fight hard battles."

It was this sentence that made the members of Longshan Team 1 train like chicken blood, and they were originally a group of extremely excellent soldiers in the legion, so the overall strength was strong.

Longshan Team 2 is jointly led by two strong level 6 humans. The two are brothers and cooperate very well. When encountering things, the two can discuss and deal with them. The deputy is Li Chong and Li Ke. Through the improvement in the mutant training room, the two have been promoted by 1 level. One has become a strong level 4 and the other has become a superpower level 5. The members of the Longshan team are composed of the remaining members of the corps and other people selected from the base. They are considered to be of medium strength among the three Longshan teams.

"Everyone will set off from the Longshan base at 7 o'clock tomorrow, and each will drive 20 trucks. The extra trucks can transport supplies. The trucks are already full of gas. At 6:30, all the departing personnel will gather on the big square to receive guns and ammunition. I will arrange the guns and ammunition in front of the arsenal in order. Everyone can line up to receive them. Since this is the first time we have cleared zombies on such a large scale, we will inevitably lack experience, so everyone must pay attention to safety when they get outside." Wang Peng continued to say to everyone.

After speaking, Wang Peng looked at Xiao Qiang. As the leader of the entire base, Xiao Qiang naturally had to ask Xiao Qiang's opinion.

"It's not a one-day job to clean up the zombies. When you get to the place tomorrow, you must pay more attention to safety. When you encounter good supplies, you must report as soon as possible. We can make adjustments according to the situation. I have two bottles of antidote and five bottles of hemostatic agent, which will be distributed to the two teams. If you are bitten by a zombie, you must report immediately and take the antidote. If you are seriously injured, you can take the hemostatic agent. In addition, in order to better protect everyone's safety, several members of the medical team are also arranged to go with everyone tomorrow." Xiao Qiang looked around and added to everyone.

Xiao Qiang just mentioned the joining of the medical team, and several deputy captains in the team also began to lower their heads and discuss quietly, with smiles on their faces. The reason, of course, is that Sister Rourou's medical team, in addition to only recruiting girls, also has another requirement of being young and beautiful. Therefore, the medical team also has the largest number of young girls in the base.

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