Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 45 Knowing the past

"Aunt Wang and Uncle Li killed a chicken. I heard that you woke up and are making chicken soup down there." Wang Peng sat on the edge of the bed and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Bingyan is sleeping. She has an injury on her head. She took care of you all night last night. She will only go to rest after seeing you feel better in the morning." Li Wei said to Xiao Qiang with some annoyance.

"Bingyan is injured, what's going on?" Xiao Qiang was a little excited when he heard that Lin Bingyan was injured, and his already weak face looked even paler now.

"Brother Qiang, don't get too excited. Lin Bingyan's injuries are not serious." Upon seeing this, Wang Peng said hurriedly.

At this time, Li Chong said with some annoyance: "It's my fault. That day you asked the four of us to stop the zombies. After we lit the oil barrels, we found that you were not where you were. We discussed it and let Sister Xiaoxue take a detour. Bring the car over, and the three of us will go find you."

Li Chong paused, glanced at Xiao Qiang and continued: "On the way, I was running in front and didn't notice the rocks splashed by the collapsed stone pillar behind me. Sister Bingyan pushed me away, but the rocks hit me. There was a lot of blood on his body at that time. Later, we found you lying on the ground in front of the supermarket and hurried back to the villa. "

Wang Liang continued: "After returning to the villa, we were shocked and quickly bandaged you two. But last night, you suddenly had a fever and cough. Fortunately, there was a medical kit in the villa, and we found medicine for you. You took it, but Bingyan was still worried. It wasn’t until this morning that she saw that you were stable, so she went back to sleep under our persuasion. "

Xiao Qiang didn't expect that so many things happened, and he was very moved at the moment: "That's really hard work for everyone. It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. The most important thing is that everyone is fine. You young people are working hard. Please drink more when the chicken soup is ready." Uncle Cui just wanted to smoke, but then he remembered that he was in the house. , stopped moving and said to several people.

"Wait until Bingyan wakes up. Remember to ask me to check on her." Xiao Qiang was still a little worried and warned Li Wei.

Li Wei looked at Xiao Qiang and nodded.

At this time, Xiao Shutong pulled Xiao Qiang's sleeve and said crisply: "Uncle, uncle, they said you like Sister Bingyan, is it true?"

Xiao Shutong just finished speaking and saw everyone in the room looking at him with smiles on their faces. Xiao Qiang blushed with embarrassment and hurriedly pretended to cough and said: "Ahem, cough, um, I want a drink of water."

The people in the room laughed when they saw Xiao Qiang's embarrassment. Seeing Xiao Shutong handing the water to him, Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, pretending to be a scare, and said: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense."

Uncle Cui said: "I went to the generator again in the past two days and refilled the gasoline. Not to mention, the motor you found is really good. It not only consumes less fuel, but also stores a lot of electricity. We can also Feel free to use it.”

"Moreover, we have cleared away all the lawns around the villa in the past two days, and found that wheat seeds have been planted in your house. By the fall, we will be able to eat the food we grew ourselves." Li Chong was also excited. Said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang remembered that he had won it through a lottery and had kept it in the bedroom without paying attention to it. Unexpectedly, he had made the best use of it.

"Our base is getting better and better!" Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh as a breeze blew into the house.

Aunt Wang's voice came from the window: "Come down and eat! The chicken soup is ready."

"Let's go, let's eat!"

"Help me, I'll go down and eat too." Xiao Qiang said to the few people walking out.

"Stay there, I'll serve it to you later." With cold words, Yang Xue glared at Xiao Qiang and said.

Xiao Qiang shuddered, lay on the bed, and said no more.

Maybe it was because he was too tired from fighting zombies, or maybe Xiao Qiang had a better appetite after upgrading. In short, Xiao Qiang ate four large bowls of rice and drank three bowls of chicken soup before he gave up.

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