Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 450 Xiao Qiang Authorization

At this time, since the nearby villages had been searched many times by Xiao Qiang and his team, the pressure on Longshan Team 2 to clean up the nearby zombies was relatively small. Xiao Qiang and his three companions followed Longshan Team 1 to Liutong County to clean up the zombies. The medical team members brought by Xiao Qiang and his team included Miaomiao. Originally, Miaomiao and his team should have been riding in a special, more solid armored vehicle, but Miaomiao insisted on following Xiao Qiang and his team, or to be more precise, she insisted on following Lin Fei. There was no other way, Xiao Qiang could only drive by himself, let Lin Bingyan sit in the co-pilot, and give the back seat to Lin Fei and Miaomiao.

Along the way, with Miaomiao, the atmosphere in the car was also much more lively. Miaomiao was still looking for something to talk to Lin Fei. Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan were still happy to create opportunities for the two, but Lin Fei still didn't talk much along the way, and spoke very little. However, Xiao Qiang noticed that Lin Fei would occasionally secretly look at Miaomiao, and when he saw Miaomiao, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

Xiao Qiang drove the car and walked at the front of the entire convoy. From time to time, zombies wandered nearby on the road. After hearing the sound of the convoy, they rushed towards the convoy and launched an attack on the convoy.

"That's right. Even if it is a large-scale cleanup of zombies, we still can't be careless. These zombies are wandering back and forth, not fixed in a certain place. It's just that relatively speaking, zombies are more concentrated in the city. Therefore, when there are not many people in the base now, it is better for everyone to stay in the base where there is already a patrol team." Xiao Qiang thought of it in his heart after seeing those wandering zombies.

Soon, those zombies that approached were shot one by one by the attackers arranged by Longshan Team 1.

Everyone drove to Liutong County very smoothly. After all, this road has been cleared many times by people who went to Liutong County to search for supplies. Even the cars on the road were driven back by people in Longshan Base under Xiao Qiang's instructions.

Arriving at the entrance of the first main road in Liutong County, Xiao Qiang noticed that there was still a cover left by the car explosion that Lin Fei and Li Ke used when they searched for supplies last time. However, looking at the street, a lot of zombies have gathered again, a dark mass, one by one, with fangs and claws bared, and a dull howl coming from their mouths.

Xiao Qiang stopped the car at the main road intersection, and the members of Longshan Team 1 in the trucks quickly got off the trucks and quickly stood in a neat queue under the command of Jiang Kai and the two deputy captains. The members of the medical team also got off the car and stood beside.

"Brother Qiang, all the members have gotten off the car. Shall we start cleaning up?" Jiang Kai ran to Xiao Qiang and asked after lining up all the Longshan teams.

"You are the captain, and you are the one who follows the daily training. No one knows this team better than you. Now you are responsible for the full command. I believe in you." Xiao Qiang patted Jiang Kai on the shoulder and said to him.

"Oh, okay, Brother Qiang, I will definitely carry out the mission well." Jiang Kai originally thought that Xiao Qiang followed him and was ready to command himself, but he didn't expect that Xiao Qiang would hand over the command to him so readily and trustingly, so he hurriedly spoke.

"By the way, Lin Fei and Bingyan are also very strong. If you encounter zombies that are difficult to deal with, you can discuss with them. But you still have to make the decision and command. In addition, protect the members of the medical team." Xiao Qiang pointed to Lin Bingyan and Lin Fei next to him and said.

"Okay, Brother Qiang, don't worry, I will definitely complete the mission." Jiang Kai heard that Xiao Qiang recommended two helpers to him, but still let him make the decision, and his heart was full of emotion.

"Yeah, go, and tell the brothers to pay attention to safety. If you are injured or bitten, remember to take medicine." Xiao Qiang reminded again.

Jiang Kai agreed and went to the front of the team to command the team to start cleaning up the zombies.

Xiao Qiang was originally planning to go to a deeper location in Liutong County by himself to kill zombies and gain experience. However, he was not in a hurry to leave, but wanted to see how the Longshan team would act.

"Stand at attention, at ease. Everyone, according to the current situation, follow the plan that was previously rehearsed and start to act. Among them, three people in a group, take care of each other." After discussing with the two deputy captains, Jiang Kai decided on the plan according to the current situation, and then spoke to the members of the team.

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