Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 461 Level 5 Zombie Leader

“Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2.

The gunshot obviously alarmed the zombies and caused a commotion among them. They followed the source of the sound and looked towards the rooftop where Xiao Qiang was.

A long howl of “Woo” was heard, and Xiao Qiang noticed that it came from the mouth of the level 5 zombie. The zombies instantly quieted down and looked in the direction of Xiao Qiang.

Now, Xiao Qiang understood that he had been fighting so hard in the playground just now, and even threw grenades, but he didn’t alarm the zombies. It turned out that there was a level 5 zombie. The level 5 zombies were commanding a group of zombies here. Xiao Qiang knew before that the level 5 zombies had a certain intelligence and could command a group of low-level zombies.

The level 5 zombie howled several times in succession, and Xiao Qiang noticed that there were 5 level 4 zombies rushing towards the rooftop where he was. At the same time, Xiao Qiang noticed that Jiang Kai and his men on the opposite side also started to attack, and it seemed that they were still using the same strategy as before.

Xiao Qiang pulled the trigger again and again, and the sound of the sniper rifle rang out, and zombies in the zombie group kept falling down.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience value +10, exchange points +10."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2. ”


With a “pop”, Xiao Qiang quickly climbed up from the ground. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand had already switched its form, from a gun to a knife. Where Xiao Qiang was standing originally, a long zombie tail swung up and fell out of a big hole on the roof. It seemed that there was a level 4 zombie with a long tail.

Xiao Qiang jumped high in the air, and a long tongue stabbed at Xiao Qiang’s head from the side. Xiao Qiang raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand high, Aiming at the long tongue, he smashed it down with all his strength.

With a "bang", the zombie was hit by the long tongue, and the whole tongue shrank back to the bottom of the building.

On Xiao Qiang's side, after repelling the zombie's long tongue in the air, the whole person had just landed, and the other three level 4 zombies had already climbed to the top of the building, with their strong bodies, they rushed towards Xiao Qiang.

"Wolf Fang Step"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 95/100."

Xiao Qiang heard the movement behind him, and quickly reacted. He used the Wolf Fang Step technique, shuttled back and forth among the three zombies, and avoided the zombies' attacks. Now, Xiao Qiang stood in the middle of the roof, surrounded by five level 4 zombies.

"Well, I have never dealt with so many level 4 zombies at the same time, so it's just right to practice with you guys. "Xiao Qiang glanced at the situation around him and thought to himself.


"Ding, the host uses the raid skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 33/100."

Xiao Qiang instantly moved to the side of a zombie standing on the edge of the roof. Facing so many level 4 zombies, Xiao Qiang used this killing move as soon as he made a move, slashing at the top of the zombie's head. Xiao Qiang used all his strength and the speed was fast, and he chopped off the head of the level 4 zombie in one go.

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +500, exchange points +300, reward 2 pounds of black gold, 1 bottle of hemostatic agent. "

After killing this level 4 zombie, the other 4 zombies rushed over and attacked Xiao Qiang together. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang nimbly jumped high and jumped over the zombies' heads.

One of the zombies gathered all his strength and rushed straight towards Xiao Qiang. After Xiao Qiang dodged, the zombie fell to the ground and fell on several low-level zombies. However, the level 4 zombie's body was strong enough and it was not seriously injured.

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