Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 480 Dare to touch Bingyan

At this moment, the long-tailed zombie that was entangled with Xiao Qiang suddenly swung its tail towards Xiao Qiang. After Xiao Qiang dodged it, the long-tailed zombie relied on the force of the slam, and the whole body jumped high, rushing towards Lin Bingyan who was passing by and continuing to attack in front. Flying in the air, the long tail was swung high, aiming at Lin Bingyan.

At this moment, Wang Peng was still flying in the air with the aircraft. Seeing this, he clenched the crescent bow, pulled out an arrow, and aimed at the cut of the long-tailed zombie's tail. The arrow hit the gap of the long-tailed zombie's tail accurately, and the whole arrow was immersed in it. However, this time, the long-tailed zombie was not seriously injured. After being hit, the long-tailed zombie just shook its tail lightly.

Lin Bingyan also heard the movement, but there was no time to dodge. She could only quickly control her supernatural power and wrap herself in a thick layer of ice armor. However, it is obvious that with Lin Bingyan's level 5 ability, she can't withstand the full force of an ordinary level 5 zombie.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 46/1000."

At this time, Xiao Qiang also discovered the situation on Lin Bingyan's side. Fortunately, he had already engraved a mark on Lin Bingyan's clothes. He didn't care about entanglement with the skinny zombie, and resisted the claw of the skinny zombie. The whole person used the Flying Thunder God technique and arrived in front of Lin Bingyan. While holding Lin Bingyan in his arms, he used the Thousand Machine Umbrella (umbrella form) to block the attack of the tail.

"Dare to touch my woman, you're looking for death!" Xiao Qiang looked at the two zombies with anger and said firmly.

Lin Bingyan, who was in his arms, heard it and showed a hint of shyness.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang turned around and took out three daggers from the system, shooting them at the two zombies in order.

The first dagger quickly reached the thin zombie's eyes. After Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God, he switched to the front of the thin zombie. He held the dagger in one hand, and the other hand was ready to go. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) and chopped down at the thin zombie's body. The thin zombie reacted quickly, blocking Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella with one claw, and the other hand quickly attacked Xiao Qiang's chest.

Xiao Qiang did not entangle with the zombie too much. He pulled out when he failed to hit it. At this moment, the second dagger thrown by Xiao Qiang had missed the long-tailed zombie and reached behind the long-tailed zombie. Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique again, and instantly dodged the attack of the thin zombie while changing to reach behind the long-tailed zombie. While holding the second dagger, the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in knife form) in his hand was about to sweep across and chop off the top of the long-tailed zombie's head.

The long-tailed zombie raised half of its tail and slapped Xiao Qiang's body. At the same time, the thin zombie also rushed over at a very fast speed, with both claws out, stabbing at Xiao Qiang's back.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang stood between the two zombies. Although the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand was slashing at the long-tailed zombie, the zombie's tail was about to hit Xiao Qiang's body, and, more importantly, behind Xiao Qiang, the thin and sharp nails were about to pierce Xiao Qiang's chest.

When the long-tailed zombie attacked Lin Bingyan just now, everyone stopped and watched Xiao Qiang's fight with the two level 5 zombies in the field nervously. At this time, seeing Xiao Qiang in danger, their hearts were about to rise to their throats. One by one, they all held weapons and were ready to rush over to help Xiao Qiang.

"Xiao Qiang, be careful!" Seeing this, Lin Bingyan crossed her hands and shouted while preparing to use her supernatural power.

However, Xiao Qiang did not show panic. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he even showed a smile.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 47/1000."

It's slow, but in fact, all these happened in an instant. But at this moment, Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique again, because just now, Xiao Qiang threw out three daggers, and the third dagger was thrown at a slower speed, and it just arrived in front of the long-tailed zombie.

After Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God, he instantly changed from between the two zombies to in front of the long-tailed zombie. The skinny zombie had already rushed out, and the long-tailed zombie's half tail also swept over. With a "bang", the two collided heavily. The skinny zombie's nails inserted into the long-tailed zombie's body, and the long-tailed zombie's half tail also swung heavily on the skinny zombie's body, and the two zombies were entangled together.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 61/1000."

Seeing the two zombies standing together, Xiao Qiang also quickly seized the opportunity and used the Broken Palm technique. A majestic palm wind instantly swept towards the two zombies. With a "boom", the two zombies were taken by the Broken Palm together, and their whole bodies fell backwards.

However, even so, the two zombies had strong physical fitness and were not killed, but they were still seriously injured. Xiao Qiang did not give the two zombies a chance, and rushed up to use the Thousand Machine Umbrella to kill the two zombies.

“Ding, kill ordinary level 5 zombies, experience +1000 points, exchange points +800 points, reward 4 pounds of black gold, ten times experience card (advanced), ten times exchange point card (advanced).”

“Ding, kill ordinary level 5 zombies, experience +1000 points, exchange points +800 points, reward 4 pounds of black gold, upgrade card (intermediate), intermediate lottery 2 times.”

“Huh, if you encounter level 5 zombies again, it’s better to use the Lotus Flower. Using the Flying Thunder God is too tiring and brain-consuming. The key is that it’s too thrilling.” Xiao Qiang exhaled a long breath, listening to the prompt sound in his mind, thinking.

The people around him saw Xiao Qiang constantly changing positions and finally killing two powerful level 5 zombies. While sighing at Xiao Qiang’s powerful strength, they also stood there, looking at Xiao Qiang’s direction as if he were a monster.

"Okay, keep attacking forward. Don't forget, we are members of the assault team. Don't fall behind Wu Ze and the others." Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly, clapped his hands, and reminded everyone.

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