Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 496 Lottery Upgrade

"Okay, after sending someone to watch him go out, tell everyone to disperse. Tomorrow, remember to ask Wang Liang to arrange for someone to repair the square here." Xiao Qiang continued.

After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, everyone dispersed and went to work.

"Why don't you try to persuade him? Maybe this fight can be avoided. The big devil in the city, Mr. Wu, can be defeated easily, and he has awakened level 3 strength, and I heard that he My wife is not weak, even if there are no strong men in our base, she may not be able to defeat her." Han Feng said as he walked towards Xiao Qiang with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, it's not that I don't want to persuade him, but I can clearly feel that he hates human beings very much, and he also doesn't trust them. It seems that this battle is inevitable. Fortunately, we The base personnel are always in a state of combat." Xiao Qiang sighed and said to Han Feng.

"Well, in this case, it seems that I will have to exercise hard this week and get back into shape." As he spoke, Han Feng waved his hands and walked towards the Black Gold Exchange.

Because of that person's sudden attack on the base, everyone in the base went back to their houses to sleep early.

With Lin Bingyan's support, Xiao Qiang also returned to his bedroom.

I took out some black gold from the warehouse and fed it to the little wolf, and then fed some meat to the little wolf. However, seeing that although the little wolf was growing very fast, it was still only strong at level 5. Xiao Qiang also shook his head, saying that the current Xiaolang couldn't help much.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang kept looking at the system, thinking about how to defeat that person in a week.

I currently have over 100,000 experience points, but to upgrade, I need 1 million experience points. It is still impossible to upgrade to 1 million experience points within a week. Of course, you can't open the secondary mall and buy those intermediate items.

However, Xiao Qiang noticed that he still had two intermediate draws, and he had already done more than 200 primary draws. After more than 200 times, he could proceed to the intermediate draws. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang decided to upgrade the lottery to an intermediate lottery. In this way, he could get a lot of intermediate items, and even have a chance of getting high-level items.

"Xiao Cong, I still have two intermediate lottery times, please help me use them first." Xiao Qiang entered the system and said to Xiao Cong.

"Okay, Lord Host, now we will conduct two intermediate draws for Lord Host." Xiao Cong replied.

Following Xiao Cong's words, a golden six-square grid appeared on the panel of Xiao Qiang's system. The six items were instant noodles, Cangxue Sword (intermediate level), Health Pill (intermediate level), and Laser Gun (intermediate level). ), flamethrower (intermediate), feed (intermediate).

The pointer rotated rapidly and finally stopped on the feed column.

After that, another panel quickly appeared, with six golden grids. The six items were ordinary daggers, bread, breeze armor (intermediate level), blood shadow machete (intermediate level), detonating talisman (intermediate level), double Experience Card (Intermediate).

The pointer rotated again, this time landing on the double experience card.

"Xiao Cong, how many times do I have to upgrade to the junior lottery? Draw them all for me." Xiao Qiang asked Xiao Cong.

"Okay, the current number of draws for the host is 224. The number of draws needs to reach 500 before it can be upgraded. Therefore, it needs to be done 276 times before it can be upgraded. It costs 200 redemption points each time, and a total of 55,200 redemption points are required. Xiao Cong introduced Xiao Qiang in detail.

"Okay, but just skip that process and just tell me the results of the lottery." Xiao Qiang reminded Xiao Cong again.

"Ding, I won a piece of bread."

"Ding, I got a pistol."

"Ding, I won the Yinfeng Machete (intermediate level)."

"Ding, I drew a double experience value card (intermediate level)."

"Ding, got vegetable seeds."

"Ding, I drew a double redemption point card (intermediate level)."

. . . . . .

Soon, the system's beeps kept ringing in Xiao Qiang's mind. Finally, Xiao Qiang took a look at the items he obtained.

Most of the items are low-level items, and there are relatively few mid-level items drawn, only about 10 kinds. After all, the probability is there. Among these 10 kinds of intermediate items, Xiao Qiang had encountered most of them, but one item caught Xiao Qiang's attention. Xiao Qiang had never encountered such an item before.

"The Talisman of Weakness (Intermediate Level) - Effective against strong people below the awakening level. After using it, the enemy's body will become weak and powerless for 1 minute." Xiao Qiang saw the introduction of the system and sighed. It is only for those below the awakening level. It is effective for a strong person, which means that it cannot be used on that person.

"Ding, the number of host draws has reached 500, which meets the upgrade conditions. Now it is upgraded to an intermediate draw. A single draw requires 2,000 redemption points. When the number of draws reaches 3,000, it can be upgraded to an advanced draw." System prompts The sound started.

"Okay, the main event has begun. Next is the intermediate lottery. I hope to draw some good things, even high-level items, which can help deal with the strong people who have awakened to level 3." Xiao Qiang heard the system prompts. , I thought in my mind.

"There are more than 140,000 exchange points. Please help me to draw 70 intermediate-level lotteries. As usual, skip those steps and tell me the items you drew." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said to Xiao Cong.

"Ding, I drew a flamethrower (intermediate)."

"Ding, I drew a tiger peak long sword (intermediate)."

"Ding, I drew a bread."

"Ding, I drew a feed (intermediate)."

"Ding, I drew a Qingfeng glove (intermediate)."

"Ding, I drew a thunder and lightning talisman (intermediate)."

. . . . . .

Soon, the items for the lottery were presented. Xiao Qiang took a rough look. Except for a few low-level items, the rest were all intermediate and above items, and there were even 3 high-level items.

Among them, Xiao Qiang collected two complete Qingfeng suits, and there were 3 additional aircrafts, and there were many violent pills, multiple experience cards and exchange point cards. Of course, the most drawn items were still feed, with so much feed.


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