Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 499 Obtaining the Mission

With a "swipe", Xiao Qiang felt the force coming from his arm became stronger. Under the heavy pressure of Lin Fei's arm, Xiao Qiang gradually showed signs of being unable to support himself. His arm was bent, and slowly Lower it down.

"No, we can't lose to this brat. Bingyan is still watching from behind." Seeing that Xiao Qiang's arm was about to touch the stone table, Xiao Qiang also forced himself to hold on, thinking to himself.

"The third door - open!"

In the last battle between Xiao Qiang and Wu Lao, he was trapped by Wu Lao with a huge candle, and his body could not move. At that time, he could not open the fourth door. Xiao Qiang also used his body to forcefully open the fourth door. Since then, Xiao Qiang has specially practiced to open the fourth door by automatically rushing away with his body, and has become proficient in it. He can open the fourth door even if his body does not move.

Now, when Xiao Qiang felt that he was about to lose, he instantly broke through the restrictions of the third door and opened the third door.

Lin Fei held Xiao Qiang's arm with both hands and was about to touch Xiao Qiang's hand to the stone table. At this moment, Lin Fei noticed that there were cracks on the stone table. Then, with a "bang", Lin Fei felt a heavy pressure on his arms and pushed his arms to the other side. The stone table below also shattered under the force of the two of them. When it opened, stones scattered on the ground.

The two stood up, both flexing their sore wrists, and smiled at each other. On the other hand, the onlookers were amazed at the strength of the two men and clapped unconsciously.

"Lin Fei, I didn't expect that you have already reached the 8th level of a strong person. And it seems that your training is really effective. At the 8th level of a strong person, the strength alone is so amazing." Xiao Qiang moved his wrist. , while couldn't help but praise Lin Fei.

"It's okay, but I still have to increase the training intensity to provide you with more help." Lin Fei took his clothes from Miaomiao's hands and said to Lin Fei while wearing them.

Lin Fei has a relatively cold personality, and there are few people in the entire base who can make him say more. However, he was very willing to follow Xiao Qiang, not only because Xiao Qiang saved his life, but also because Xiao Qiang said that he would start to unite mankind and clean up zombies, so Lin Fei was more convinced by Xiao Qiang. Of course, there is still one person in the base who is willing to talk more, Lin Fei, and that person is Miaomiao who has joined the medical team.

"Since everyone loves watching this kind of event, and it can inspire everyone to work hard, I suggest that our base hold some similar competitions every month in the future. As for the prizes, Brother Qiang will distribute them to us. , how about it?" Wang Liang, who came to exercise in the crowd, saw this and picked the opportunity to make a suggestion among the crowd.

"That won't work. No matter how hard we train, we ordinary people can't compare with you mutants. In that case, wouldn't it be a big disadvantage?" Some ordinary people without mutations in the crowd said.

"This is easy to handle. Can we divide into two groups for a duel? Mutants compete with mutants. We ordinary people compete with ordinary people. Isn't this enough? When the time comes, Brother Qiang will distribute the rewards to the winners. , I’m telling you, there are a lot of good things in Brother Qiang’s place.” Wang Liang laughed again and suggested to the crowd, and his posture made it clear that he wanted Xiao Qiang to come up with good things to inspire everyone. .

Xiao Qiang suddenly looked at Wang Liang speechlessly, and he agreed that he would come up with something every month. However, seeing how excited the crowd around them was, the enthusiasm for training was also high.

Smiling and patting Wang Liang, Xiao Qiang looked around and said: "Okay, as Brother Yi Liang said, as long as everyone exercises well, I will provide prizes when the time comes, including weapons and elixirs. As for ordinary people, You can get extra food. Therefore, everyone must train well. In the end of the world, only by training your body can you be safer. You can learn from Lin Fei for the specific implementation details. Let Brother Liang formulate it.”

"Well, it seems that there will be another reason to kill zombies in the future." Looking at the cheering crowd around him, Xiao Qiang thought helplessly.

After breakfast, Xiao Qiang briefly discussed with everyone and decided that starting from tomorrow, the members of the Longshan team in the base will go to Liutong County to clean up the zombies as originally planned, while Xiao Qiang decided to go alone. Head to the city for some experience. As for the scheduled fight a week later, Xiao Qiang will return to the base one day in advance, discuss it with everyone, and go to the Lujiang Building to compete with him.

Lin Bingyan also knew that Xiao Qiang had a fighting mission, so she didn't persuade him much. She just kept telling Xiao Qiang to pay attention to safety when he went out, and to communicate with her through a video call intercom every night.

After Xiao Qiang said a simple goodbye to everyone, he set off on the road to Lujiang City. The reason why Xiao Qiang went to Lujiang City for training was because he felt that it would be better to go to the city for proficiency training in the base. On the one hand, he could truly improve his combat awareness. On the other hand, You can also accumulate some experience points and exchange points by killing zombies. After all, although Xiao Qiang has obtained three high-level items, he is still not sure that he can defeat a strong person who has awakened to level 3. Therefore, I am also thinking about trying to upgrade or obtain some items that can be distributed to the people in the base. If the power to help is greater, that is also possible.

Just after Xiao Qiang drove the jeep onto the road, the little wolf in the system clamored to come out. There was no one around, so Xiao Qiang summoned the little wolf out of the system. As soon as the little wolf was summoned, he sat in the passenger seat, lying on the glass of the car window, curiously looking at the scenery on the road, looking left and right, everything he saw was new.

"Ding, the mission is to unify Lujiang City. The reward for a successful mission is to be able to advance to the super power level. The reward for a failed mission is to withdraw the reward for promotion to the super power level. The host starts to advance to the awakening level." Xiao Qiang was carefully driving the jeep along the way, thinking in his mind Suddenly a "ding" sound sounded.

Xiao Qiang drove slowly and slowed down. Although there were no cars or anything walking on the road, there were still many zombies wandering along the way.

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