Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 5 Upgrade to show power

The playground of Lujiang University is located on the south side of the library. The entire playground is surrounded by barbed wire, with only an iron gate left on the east and west sides.

Xiao Qiang and his team of five took a break to observe the road ahead. There were many zombies left on the playground, but most of them were trapped in the playground. The door on the east side was blocked with an iron rod by someone who was probably an escaped survivor.

Even so, there are nearly 50 zombies on the road to the playground. The sky was getting darker and darker, and under the illumination of the street lights, so many zombies were walking back and forth, accompanied by low roars in their voices, which looked particularly weird.

Xiao Qiang retracted his head, looked at the other four people and analyzed: "There are about 50 zombies on this stretch of road next to the playground. It is almost impossible to clear them all. Running quickly is the best option."

Wang Peng adjusted his glasses frame and added: "This road is nearly 150 meters long. At the end of this road is the supermarket. Also, now that we have rested for nearly 5 minutes, the zombies in the teaching building are about to wander around." Come here. If we can't escape into the supermarket before the zombies in the teaching building catch up, we will face a situation where we will be attacked from both sides."

When Wang Liang heard this, he stood up and clenched the wooden stick in his hand: "I'd better be in front."

Xiao Qiang took a step forward, shook the baseball bat in his hand, and said, "I'm going with you this time. After all, my weapon is slightly better."

"Okay, then, let's start running." Wang Liang lowered his voice, shouted at the top of his lungs, and then ran out quickly.

Seeing this, the other four people also ran forward.

At this time, the five people maintained a formation with Wang Liang and Xiao Qiang at the front, Wang Peng a little behind, and behind them were Lin Bingyan and Li Wei. The three boys had a tacit understanding to put the two ladies in the safest position.

The five people ran less than 20 meters when zombies rushed towards them from both sides with their mouths open and their claws extended.

Xiao Qiang jabbed the baseball bat in his hand to stop the zombies rushing in front of him, and then swung the zombies diagonally upwards and fell away.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +10, exchange points +10."

Immediately afterwards, without stopping, he jumped up high and used the inertia of his body to slam down a female long-haired zombie that was rushing forward. Suddenly, the female zombie's whole head exploded, spewing out red and green liquid and leaving it all over the floor.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +10, exchange points +10."

After finishing this one, Xiao Qiang stopped for a moment and saw Wang Liang being dragged down by two zombies. Xiao Qiang directly swung the baseball bat in his hand towards the head of one of the zombies. At this time, Wang Liang also freed up his hands to deal with the remaining zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience points +10, exchange points +10."

Congratulations to the host for being upgraded. The host is Xiao Qiang. The overall evaluation is: Strong Level 1. Upgrade rewards: 5 free attribute points, 1 primary lottery, 100 redemption points, mace method (elementary - the host is detected to have primary staff skills, which can be fused), and the energy value attribute is opened (possessing the energy to implement the technique) ), activate the redemption point attribute. Does the host allocate attribute points? "At this time, Xiao Qiang suddenly remembered Xiao Cong's voice prompting for an upgrade. At the same time, he felt that his tired body had recovered. At the same time, he felt that his legs were full of strength.

"Allocate all attribute points to strength." Xiao Qiang felt that his strength was too poor, so he allocated all attribute points to strength.

"Attribute points have been allocated. Host: Xiao Qiang. Strength: 55 (50 for ordinary adults). Speed: 50 (50 for ordinary adults). Vision: 90. Possessed skills: primary stick method, mace stick method (not used in fusion). Number of draws: 1 redemption point: 100 points. Mall authority: level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.). Comprehensive evaluation of level 1 lottery authority: strong level 1. Strength value; 50. Experience value: 0/200.

"I didn't expect that there would be not only the rewards brought by the upgrade, but also the 10 attribute points automatically allocated to speed. This way of becoming stronger is simply not too easy." Feeling the physical changes brought about by the upgrade, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but Secretly secretly said.

In such a moment of confusion, the other four people had already run in front of Xiao Qiang.

At this moment, a fat zombie with eyes had already pounced on Lin Bingyan from the rear left. The fat body directly knocked Lin Bingyan to the ground. The zombie was about to pounce and bite her. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang stepped forward, made a diving leap from bottom to top, and directly hit the zombie. Then he rolled up on the spot, picked up the baseball bat in his hand, and hit the zombie directly. Black-red liquid suddenly splashed out. .

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience points +10, exchange points +10."

"Follow me, be careful." Xiao Qiang shouted to Lin Bingyan, and then continued to run forward.

Kill, kill, kill, then the five-man team, led by Xiao Qiang, kept killing zombies and kept moving towards the supermarket. At the same time, Xiao Qiang's mind also sounded reminders of killing zombies from time to time.

"Why is this Xiao Qiang so powerful? We are all exhausted after fighting, how can he still have strength, and he seems to be stronger than before." Wang Peng couldn't help but wonder when he saw Xiao Qiang's performance running all the way.

"Thanks to Xiao Qiang's sudden outburst, it would be hard to tell if he had come all the way." Wang Liang thought as he ran.

"I can't see through him anymore. He seems to have more energy and strength than before." Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang with her beautiful eyes and thought.

It happened so fast. The five of them had already run to the end of the road. There were more than 20 zombies hanging in front of them. They had killed more than 20 zombies all along the way. Xiao Qiang roughly calculated that it seemed that the next upgrade was not far away.

However, at this time, something strange happened. The zombies chasing out of the teaching building were less than 50 meters away from them.

"Let's go. There's a supermarket in front. It's safe to go in." As he said that, Xiao Qiang rushed to the nearest zombie.

Xiao Qiang saw that the situation was critical and was ready to use the Strong Level 9 Experience Card at any time. He poked a zombie's head with force. Xiao Qiang directly placed the baseball bat across his chest and pushed a hole with force to let the other four people pass.

After the other four people ran over, Xiao Qiang turned around and started to smash the zombies with a baseball bat.

The iron door of the supermarket was closed by someone, leaving only a hole for one person to crawl in.

"You hurry in, Wang Liang and I will block them first." Hearing this, the other three people did not hesitate and started to crawl into the supermarket.

After the other three crawled in, Xiao Qiang turned around and yelled at Wang Liang, "You go in first, I will cover the back, and carefully check if there are any zombies in the supermarket."

"Okay, you be careful." After seeing Xiao Qiang's strength, Wang Liang was no longer vague, and rolled on the ground and went directly into the supermarket.

At this time, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening. Under the dim street lights, a teenager was seen standing in front of the supermarket with a baseball bat in his hand, fighting a group of zombies behind him alone.

After Wang Liang also went in, the pressure around Xiao Qiang increased sharply, and he placed the baseball bat across the fangs of the zombies in front of him. At this moment, a zombie rushed over. Without thinking too much, he instinctively raised his hand to block it. Xiao Qiang thought that he had antidote antibodies, so even if he was bitten, it would only be a skin injury. Unexpectedly, there was no tingling sensation as imagined.

"I forgot about this, fortunately I put on the metal protective underwear." Xiao Qiang thought with surprise, and then, regardless of the bites on other parts of his body, he smashed down hard at the zombies in front of him.

Ding, Ding, Ding The endless prompt sounds were also heard, and finally after hearing the upgrade prompt sound. Xiao Qiang's fatigue was cleared again, and the metal underwear on his body had been torn into pieces.

Pushing the zombie in front of him away with force, Xiao Qiang rolled back and flipped directly into the supermarket.

Wang Liang and Wang Peng, who were guarding on both sides of the door, saw that Xiao Qiang had come in, and directly pulled down the iron door. Lin Bingyan and Li Wei also directly pushed the nearest shelves to block the door.

At this time, the five people collapsed on the floor of the supermarket and gasped for breath. Although Xiao Qiang's fatigue was eliminated due to the upgrade, the long-term hitting action caused his hands to feel strong soreness and pain all over his body.

Looking at the faces of the five people again, their bodies were all stained red with blood. The zombies outside the door gradually wandered away because they lost their target. Listening, the sound coming from outside became smaller and smaller. The five people sat in a circle and smiled at each other. This night, they were finally safe.

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