Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 502: Staying in a Hotel

While driving, Xiao Qiang noticed that there was a hotel among the shops on the roadside. This place was not in the city center, so the hotel was not big, only about 3 floors. The GG sign, which was no longer lit, also fell halfway down, the door was half covered, and the windows of the rooms upstairs were still a little damaged. It can be seen how chaotic the situation here was when the zombies broke out.

"Let's choose this place. The zombies on this road were just killed by me, so it is relatively safe. After entering, search all the houses first. If you encounter zombies that you can't deal with, just shout. Did you hear it, little wolf?" Xiao Qiang said to the little wolf at the door of the hotel.

The little wolf rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang's body and rushed into the hotel first. Xiao Qiang smiled when he saw it from behind. He didn't expect that it would be helpful to bring the little wolf with him. Taking out the flashlight from the backpack, Xiao Qiang also searched the house by house.

After entering the hotel, Xiao Qiang finally understood why a hotel was built here. It seemed that this place was a place for some pornographic transactions before the end of the world. Each room was decorated in a different style, and the decoration style was more ambiguous. There were also portraits of various sexy beauties posted on the walls of the room. On the table in the room, there were also some props, small whips, stockings and the like, which made Xiao Qiang a little restless.

"It would be great if I came here with Bingyan, but now there is only Xiaolang around." Xiao Qiang looked at the Xiaolang running in front and couldn't help thinking.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang opened a door. As soon as the door was opened, Xiao Qiang heard a zombie howling. Looking into the room, Xiao Qiang found a female zombie lying on the round bed in the room, with her hands handcuffed to the bed. Moreover, this female zombie was wearing a sexy black jumpsuit on her legs, and a black hollow mesh-like clothing on her upper body. The two plump and round balls on her body were looming. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help blushing. He walked gently to the zombie, took out a dagger, and killed the female zombie with one dagger.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2."

After searching the entire three-story hotel, Xiao Qiang was worried and went to the roof of the hotel again, ready to check. There were no zombies on the roof, but on the roof Xiao Qiang heard a series of dejected howling sounds, which seemed particularly sharp under the black night sky. Xiao Qiang turned on the flashlight and shone it into the distance, and found that at the corner of the road, another road was full of zombies. Hurry up and put away the flashlight to prevent the light from attracting those zombies.

"It seems that I still need to be more careful when sleeping at night. Although there are no zombies on this road, there are still many zombies on the road not far away." Xiao Qiang thought to himself after a simple exposure.

At this time, Xiao Qiang looked at the entire Lujiang City. The end of the world has been here for more than 4 months. The entire city has been without water and electricity for a long time. The city is shrouded in darkness, with only some light from the stars and the moon in the sky. Xiao Qiang glanced at the little wolf beside him and found that the little wolf was staring at the moon.

"Fortunately, you are here, otherwise it would be quite uncomfortable to come out alone in this city." Xiao Qiang said, and took the little wolf downstairs.

However, what Xiao Qiang didn't notice was that under the moonlight, the little wolf who was looking at the moon just now had his eyes red.

Back in the hotel, Xiao Qiang took the little wolf to find a cleaner house, ready to take a shower first, and then eat some food, and then train to open the fourth door.

Turning on the faucet, there was no suspense, and some red water with rust flowed out of the faucet, and then there was no movement, leaving only the empty sound coming from the faucet. Xiao Qiang turned around and looked at the layout of the room. It was a big bed room, but the sheets were already covered with dust. The portraits of sexy girls posted in the room were also a little loose and a little yellow. Everywhere in the room was covered with dust, but fortunately Xiao Qiang was only staying here temporarily for one night.

The bathroom in the room was a semi-obstructed restriction. Between the bathroom and the bedroom, there was simply a half-transparent glass. Such a setting undoubtedly added a lot of interesting style to the whole room. Xiao Qiang noticed that in the bathroom, in addition to a shower head, there was also a spacious bathtub. It must have been some stylish things set up for the guests who drove here to attract more customers.

There was already some dust on the white bathtub. Xiao Qiang had just tested the faucet. Except for some rusty water, there was no water.

"Fortunately, I got this thing when I killed zombies this afternoon, otherwise I would have a problem taking a shower tonight." After seeing this, Xiao Qiang also took out a pill-sized capsule from the system.

"Capsule water bag (intermediate) - use it by pinching it with your fingers. After use, the capsule can be transformed into a water bag that can store about 2 cubic meters, which is convenient to use."

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang gently pinched the capsule with his hand, and a water bag of about 2 cubic meters immediately appeared on the ground in front of him. Xiao Qiang reached out and touched it. The water was still relatively mild. Now the weather was just early autumn, so it would not be a big deal even if he took a cold bath.

"Let me wash you first!" Xiao Qiang poured out some water, wiped the bathtub simply, and said to the little wolf.

Soon, the man and the wolf had finished their baths. Xiao Qiang pulled out two towels placed in the middle from under the counter. They were relatively clean. After wiping the little wolf's body, he put another one on himself. After taking a bath, Xiao Qiang brought some clean beds from another room and made a bed for the little wolf next to his bed.

At this time, Xiao Qiang looked at the little wolf who had been following him, and he also understood why Xiao Cong said that the little wolf could now cultivate a relationship with him.

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