Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 525 The Man in Black

At this moment, Zhang Bo no longer had the image of a big devil as others said. He was completely in a mood of caring for his lover. His pitiful appearance would make anyone feel distressed.

"Hurry up!" Hearing the sound wave attack from Xu Ran's mouth, the black-clothed man who was awakened at level 2 also had a drop of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth. He turned his head and spoke to another black-clothed man.

The black-clothed man who was awakened at level 1 behind him was the one who had just attacked Zhang Bo very quickly and placed the bomb. After hearing what the black-clothed man who led the group said, he actually pulled out a dagger from his waist, and a look of determination flashed across his face, as if he had made up his mind. He suddenly stabbed his ears twice, and even destroyed his ears. Obviously, these black-clad men from Tongzhou Base also learned the lesson from the last time Zhang Bo and his team attacked the base. They knew that Xu Ran's sound wave attack was powerful, so they came up with such a method to destroy the hearing system.

The black-clad man whose ears were damaged recovered instantly and looked in the direction of Xu Ran, with a very hot light flashing in his eyes. Then, the whole person turned on the speed and rushed to the position behind Xu Ran in an instant, holding the dagger in his hand high, and the cold light flashed instantly. The dagger in the hand of the awakening level 1 man was fiercely stabbed into Xu Ran's body. As the dagger was inserted into Xu Ran's body, Xu Ran suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood in front of him, and the sound of the sound wave also stopped.

"Don't~" Zhang Bo, who was still struggling to rush over, saw the black-clothed man rushing over and stabbing Xu Ran with a dagger. His eyes widened, and he screamed loudly in the direction of Xu Ran, even his voice seemed a little hoarse.

After Xu Ran's voice stopped abruptly, everyone felt much more comfortable without being attacked by the sound waves, but they still seemed a little weak. They were all panting and slowly supported themselves on the spot.

When Zhang Bo saw Xu Ran being attacked, he looked at the black-clothed man behind Xu Ran with angry eyes. "Swish", his arm made of stone instantly flew towards the man's body. In the process of flying, the fist made of stone turned into a sharp stone knife, which pierced into the body of the awakened level 1 strong man.

After destroying his hearing system, the awakened level 1 warrior resisted Xu Ran's sonic attack, but his reaction speed and many other aspects were affected. Under the angry full-strength attack of Zhang Bo, the awakened level 3 warrior, the stone spikes pierced through the chest of the awakened level 1 warrior, stabbing him out and killing him.

Then, Zhang Bo didn't even look at the black-clothed man. His eyes were full of staring at Xu Ran, full of heartache. He rushed over and hugged Xu Ran tightly with his remaining arms, looking flustered.

"Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran, don't, hold on, you must hold on, I will definitely find the best doctor to treat you, I will definitely be able to cure you." Zhang Bo saw that Xu Ran was seriously injured at the moment, and he looked extremely flustered. He was not so panicked when he was besieged by the black-clothed man just now. His voice was a little trembling, and he said.

Xu Ran, lying in Zhang Bo's arms, was so weak that even his breathing slowed down. He slowly raised his hand and gently touched Zhang Bo's head lovingly. He then reached out to Zhang Bo's face and wiped away the tears on his face. He smiled gently at Zhang Bo, then held Zhang Bo's hand and gently drew on it, and finally wrote a word on Zhang Bo's palm. As the last stroke of the word was written, Xu Ran's hand drooped weakly, and his eyes slowly closed, full of reluctance to Zhang Bo.

"Ah~", Zhang Bo saw this and howled to the sky. He was already in great sadness and collapsed. Tears kept falling from the corners of Zhang Bo's eyes like beads with broken strings, falling on Xu Ran's blood-stained face.

After a long howl, Zhang Bo buried his head deeply in Xu Ran's arms, unwilling to raise his head, unwilling to bear such a fact, on this continent, the person who treated him best, such a kind girl left him. It was such a girl, in such a dark night, not only did not despise him, but also wiped the blood off his face and bought him a clean piece of clothing. In such a small house, she washed clothes and cooked for him, and warmed his heart with tenderness again and again.

"Go, kill him, and then find the recipe." After the black-clothed men were no longer attacked by the sound wave, they slowly recovered. The black-clothed man who led the group, with a murderous look on his face, said to the black-clothed man behind him.

Several black-clothed men rubbed their hands one by one, drew their weapons, and slowly walked towards Zhang Bo, ready to kill him. Soon, several black-clothed men surrounded Zhang Bo, each with blood on their faces. Seeing that Zhang Bo was still in great grief and didn't care whether they would take action or not, one of them glanced to the side, drew out the black gold long sword in his hand, and chopped it down at Zhang Bo's head.

A crisp sound rang out. The man in black was holding a long knife and was about to chop Zhang Bo's head. Seeing that Zhang Bo didn't care about fighting with them anymore, the long knife was about to touch Zhang Bo's neck. Suddenly, he felt the long knife in his hand was shaken. The huge force made his arm slightly painful. He took a step back unconsciously while holding the long knife. Looking forward, he found that it was an arrow that hit his long knife, preventing him from killing Zhang Bo with the long knife.

And this arrow was shot by Wang Peng who flew into the air with the aircraft on his back. Xiao Qiang and the others just recovered under the long howl of the little wolf. After seeing the situation in front of them, Xiao Qiang and the others had no time to make a move, so they quickly asked Wang Peng to fly into the air and shoot an arrow to help Zhang Bo resist.

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