Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 62 A conflict breaks out in the villa, Xiao Qiang takes on two

Listening to everyone's discussion, Li Ke, who was sitting on the bed, looked more and more gloomy.

It turned out that after returning from Lin'an Village today, Li Ke was dissatisfied with Xiao Qiang. In addition, at noon, fellow villagers also complained about the vegetable supply. In the afternoon, after dinner, they gathered in Li Ke's house to discuss.

"Brother Ke, Xiao Qiang keeps saying that we should unite in the end times, but it's so unfair now. Moreover, I don't think Xiao Qiang has much strength. He wants to show off in the end times with a few guns in his hands."

"Brother Ke is so strong, and the people in the villa are not as good as Brother Ke."

"That's right, it's the end times, and the strong ones have the final say."

"Okay." Li Ke interrupted the discussion, "Come with me to the villa later and ask them for an explanation. The distribution of materials can't be decided by them alone."

"Brother Ke, I think we should not go. I think they have been very good to us." Wang Lei, a level 3 strong man who had been sitting in the corner and had not spoken, said.

"No, even if it's not to make trouble with them, we have to let them know how powerful we are, so that the people in our village can have a better foothold." Li Ke said this, got up and led a few people towards the villa.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang was lying in the bedroom, summoning Xiao Cong to draw a lottery.

"Xiao Cong, check my draw times."

"Host, I currently have 1 primary draw and 1 intermediate draw." Xiao Cong replied.

"Then let's do the primary draw first."

As Xiao Qiang spoke, a six-square grid appeared in his mind, and the six items were iron wrist guard, iron protective coat, Kong, communicator, trauma medicine, and 10 jin of vegetable seeds.

The hour hand stopped moving and finally stopped on the vegetable seeds.

"That's about it for the primary draw, so let's continue with the intermediate draw." Xiao Qiang continued to say to Xiao Cong.

This time, the six-square grid turned into a yellow frame, and the six items were Bone Forging Pill (intermediate), Gold Silk Armor (intermediate), Kong, 10 grenades, Double Experience Card 1 Hour (intermediate), Navigator (intermediate).

This time, the pointer pointed to Double Experience Card 1 Hour (intermediate)-within 1 hour, the experience of killing enemies doubled.

Xiao Qiang was satisfied, and at the same time he was thinking about how to make good use of this experience card.

At this time, there was a commotion downstairs. Xiao Qiang listened to it, walked out of the house, and stood on the stairs to look at the situation downstairs.

Downstairs was divided into two groups, standing separately, one side was Li Ke and others, the other side was Wang Liang and others, each holding a weapon, and the smell of gunpowder was already filled.

"Old Hu, you are still standing on the side of others. They live in a villa and let you work every day." Someone said to Hu San on Li Ke's side.

"Humph, I, Old Hu, know what it means to be grateful. If it weren't for Xiao Qiang, I wouldn't have enough to eat in the village that day. And you bastards, roll over here." Hu San pointed at several people from the same village and said angrily.

"Li Ke, the vegetables and all the supplies are kept by us, not just by us standing there." Wang Peng patiently explained to Li Ke and others.

"What do you mean by safekeeping? Who knows if you will embezzle them privately?" Someone said.

"Fuck you, you ungrateful bastards." Li Chong could no longer control his temper and yelled at the other side.

"Hmph, in the apocalypse, strength is everything, and the one with the strongest strength has the final say." Someone else said.

"What a great saying that strength is everything, I want to see how strong you are." Xiao Qiang said as he walked downstairs without changing his expression.

"Okay, then I'll come and spar with you." Li Ke saw Xiao Qiang coming downstairs and said to Xiao Qiang.

"No, not you, but the two of you." Xiao Qiang deliberately showed off his skills in front of everyone to create a deterrent, and pointed at Li Ke and Wang Lei and said.

Wang Lei stepped forward, and Li Ke looked at Xiao Qiang with a strange look.

"Please." Xiao Qiang put his left hand behind his back and made a gesture of invitation with his right hand.

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