Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 642: Level 2 Qi Gathering Expert

Wang Peng also carefully led the personnel in the base to quietly hide around the Huzhou City base. Not only that, Wang Peng left 4 Longshan teams to guard the Longshan bases in various cities, and brought 6 Longshan teams at once, and also transferred Lin Fei, Shen Ku, Yang Xue and others, in order to be able to suppress M Company in the first large-scale fight with M Company and beat them.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. If you have any problems in the future, you can go to my Longshan bases to seek help. At that time, as long as the personnel in my Longshan bases, they will definitely help you." Xiao Qiang clasped his hands and said to the people in the team who were hunting with a knife.

Since being defeated by the Ye family in Longshan Base last time, coupled with the training in various cities in the past few months, Xiao Qiang is no longer the indecisive Xiao Qiang who only thought that everyone should fight zombies together in the end of the world. Otherwise, Longshan Base would not have killed the entire Black Wind Base. Xiao Qiang has become mature.

As he spoke, the members of the Knife Hunter Team rushed to the Huzhou City Base under the leadership of Cao Yu. As for where Xiao Qiang was going, they did not ask much. After all, they knew about the Ye family's attack on Longshan Base before. They also knew that Xiao Qiang had not returned to Longshan Base since then. Now the two sides have reached an alliance. As long as they know that Longshan Base needs their help, they will go to help. There is no need to ask anything else.

After seeing that all the members of the Knife Hunter Team were heading to the Huzhou City Base, Xiao Qiang took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened Lin Bingyan's photo. His eyes were immediately filled with tenderness, and he murmured to himself: "There are still three months, Bingyan, we will be able to meet again soon. The Ye family will start by dealing with M Company. Little Wolf, let's go. If we are full, we should set off."

On a mountain road, there are several rivers behind. On the other side of this mountain road is the territory of Huzhou City, and a bridge over these rivers is the only way to Huzhou City. At this time, Xiao Qiang led Little Wolf to one end of the bridge and ambushed there. According to the news sent back by Yu Feng to them, tonight, because some people were brought back from Langzhou City in Longshan Base some time ago, and among these people, there are many young and beautiful girls, Ye Shui of the Ye family, that is, the person sent by the Ye family to the third-level city to sit in the battle, the strong and the supernatural level double cultivation physique, after knowing such news, is planning to take his own confidant to the Huzhou City Base by car today, and his purpose is naturally self-evident. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also plans to let Longshan Base attack Huzhou Base today. At that time, Ye Shui will also come out of Hucheng. Even if Huzhou Base wants to ask for help from Hucheng, Yu Feng will not send people to rescue. It is worth mentioning that since Xiao Qiang asked Yu Feng to return to Hucheng again last time, Yu Feng has become very obedient to Ye Shui's words on the surface. In addition to Yu Feng's own strength and the cooperation of the personnel of Longshan Base several times, Yu Feng has also gained Ye Shui's trust. When Ye Shui is not at the base, it is Yu Feng who is in charge of Hucheng Base. Xiao Qiang himself ambushed Ye Shui here with Little Wolf. Although it was an ambush, Xiao Qiang and Little Wolf stood on the wide road waiting for Ye Shui's arrival. In front of the two, Xiao Qiang and Little Wolf brought many trees to block Ye Shui's car.

Xiao Qiang leaned against the stone pillar, holding his Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, closing his eyes and quietly waiting for the arrival of Ye Shui and his confidants. However, Little Wolf couldn't sit still. He ran to the road to fight with zombies, and then ran to the mountains on both sides to take a walk, chasing rabbits and climbing trees.

It was just getting dark, and Xiao Qiang heard movement on the mountains on both sides. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that Little Wolf ran down the mountain. After the little wolf came down, he howled softly and gestured to the position in front.

"I know, they are here. Okay, cheer up, Little Wolf. If you want to take Bingyan back to Longshan Base, then this fight is the first step. I will deal with Ye Shui later, and the rest is up to you." Xiao Qiang stroked the head of Little Wolf who came to him, and spoke to Little Wolf gently.

A moment later, a beam of strong light from the car shone towards Xiao Qiang and Little Wolf. Soon the car arrived in front of the trees set by Xiao Qiang and Little Wolf. There were three cars in total. A man got out of the car in the front, stood on the trees blocking the road, and looked at Xiao Qiang and Little Wolf in front of the bridge.

"What are you doing? Are you zombies or humans? Get out of the way and move all the trees that are blocking the road. How dare you seize our M company's road? It has always been our M company that seizes other people's points. Be smart and move all these trees away, otherwise the gun in my hand will not recognize anyone." One of Ye Shui's confidants who came down, shook the machine gun in his hand and shouted at Xiao Qiang.

"You're stupid, you didn't see that the man had a weapon in his hand. What nonsense are you talking about? Tell everyone to come out. Go up and quickly clear away those who are blocking the road. If you delay my important event, I won't deal with you." Ye Shui also ran out of the car, reached the man's side, slapped the man on the head, and spoke to the man.

At this time, the three cars brought by Ye Shui turned on their lights and could easily see Xiao Qiang and Xiao Lang blocking the road side by side. Xiao Qiang still held a weapon in his hand. However, Xiao Qiang had no intention of hiding it deliberately. After all, Xiao Qiang still had a mask on his face, and they didn't know who Xiao Qiang was. Besides, only Xiao Qiang and Xiaolang were blocking the road. With Ye As a person with dual water cultivation, if Ye Shui encountered such a situation, it would be impossible for him to escape without fighting.

"Everyone, come out, take down that man, and then move all the trees away." The henchman received a blow from Ye Shui and shouted to the people in the car behind him.

As he spoke, the man picked up the machine gun in his hand and shot at Xiao Qiang's position. This kind of gun and bullets were specially made. The bullets were specially made of black gold. The power of the gun can be Even bigger, it can cause damage even to mutants. Xiao Qiang gently touched the button, and the Thousand Planes Umbrella changed into an umbrella form. He raised the Thousand Planes Umbrella in his hand toward the front, and there was a "crackling" sound. After the man's machine gun fired a shuttle, Xiao Qiang Qiang put away the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella. Without Xiao Qiang's words, the little wolf howled and rushed towards Ye Shui's cronies who were rushing over.

"Ding, I found a powerful person who has awakened to level 7!"

"Ding, I found a level 6 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a powerful person who has awakened to level 7!"

"Ding, we found a strong person with level 2 Qi Gathering!"

"Ding, ordinary people found!"

. . . . . .

After Xiao Qiang roughly scanned those people, he found that except for Ye Shui, who was a strong man at the Qi gathering level, the other cronies were basically strong men at the awakening level, and there were even ordinary people who were also at Ye Shui. Among the cronies of water. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also handed over these cronies to Xiaolang to deal with.

"Door 4 - open!"

After opening the fourth door, Xiao Qiang's legs turned into flames, and he jumped into the air, leaping over the crowd and rushing toward Ye Shui next to the car. Since Ye Shui was also a strong man and had a superpower level, Ye Shui also drew out his own weapon, a heavy machete, and struck Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella together. The movement of these two people was also very loud, and they quickly chopped up the three cars. Then the two people jumped over the fight between Xiaolang and his cronies, and reached the bridge. superior. Xiao Qiang held his Thousand Chance Umbrella, constantly changing the form of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, using various techniques, and fought with Ye Shui, and Ye Shui's heavy black gold machete Those who were cut by the sharp Thousand Chance Umbrella had curled blades. Although this black gold long knife was not made of black gold, it was also made of carefully selected black gold through the expert research of M Company. However, After opening the four doors, Xiao Qiang used the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to continuously impact, and the black gold long knife was also chopped badly.

"Ah~ Who are you and why are you going against our M Company? Do you know that I am a member of Andu's Ye family? If you offended me today, the Ye family will definitely not forgive you. "The man was having some difficulty being suppressed by Xiao Qiang's control of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and he threatened Xiao Qiang.

"Haha, it's okay if you don't say that you are from the Ye family. Once you say that you are from the Ye family, I will be even more angry. I will beat you from the Ye family." Xiao Qiang spoke, but the speed of his attack become faster.

The man gradually became unable to withstand Xiao Qiang's rapid attacks. Ye Shui roared angrily, put some distance away from Xiao Qiang, and then used his own superpower. I saw that the black gold machete in his hand had electric current flashing continuously, and strands of electricity were wrapped around the black gold machete, and there was also a "crackling" sound of electricity. Xiao Qiang frowned slightly, and Ye Shui rushed over with a black gold machete and slashed at Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella with one hand and gently moved the Thousand Chance Umbrella laterally. Ye Shui's attack was blocked, but then a strong current came from the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. The current hit Xiao Qiang's hand, making Xiao Qiang unable to help but use the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella for a moment. Let go. Then, Xiao Qiang reacted quickly, raised his foot slightly, touched the top of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, and then held the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand. Ye Shui followed closely and attacked again. Xiao Qiang retracted his hand into his sleeves and held the Thousand Chance Umbrella through his sleeves. However, every time, Ye Shui's black gold machete with electric current came in contact with him. When they collided with each other, they could still feel the shock caused by the electric current. After a while, Xiao Qiang felt that his hands were a little sore from the electric shock.

"Hahaha, it feels uncomfortable to be electrocuted. Come again, let you taste the power of the Ye family." Ye Shui held the black gold machete in his hand and said to Xiao Qiang with some pride.

"Door 5 - open!"

"Towards the peacock!"

Seeing this, the corners of Xiao Qiang's mouth raised slightly, he put the Thousand Planes Umbrella back into the system, moved his wrists, and saw Xiao Qiang used his superpower, his whole body turned into flames, and he flew into the air. In the air, Ahu's high-speed moving fireballs were continuously fired from Xiao Qiang's body, illuminating the entire bridge. These fireballs densely shot towards Ye Shui's location. Seeing this, Ye Shui quickly raised the black gold machete in his hand to block. After a moment, the bridge was pockmarked by Xiao Qiang's fireball, and Ye Shui's black gold machete had broken and been destroyed. Thrown aside, Ye Shui's clothes were also in tatters.

Ye Shui glanced at Xiao Qiang's position angrily, and then he went crazy and threw the handle of the black gold machete aside. The electricity in his body "crackled" and emitted a light blue sound. When the light came, those powerful electric currents wrapped around Ye Shui's body and kept flowing. The bridge under Ye Shui's feet was struck by these electric currents, and holes were opened one after another. In these powerful With the support of the electric current, Ye Shui's entire body floated into the air, and there were still electric currents around him that kept beating around him. Ye Shui waved his hands, and the range of the current expanded a lot. The iron cables of the bridge were broken by the current, and the whole bridge seemed to be shaking precariously. The dense electric current immediately attacked the position where Xiao Qiang was. Xiao Qiang's whole body turned into a ball of flame and quickly flew over the river beside him. Ye Shui waved his hand, and a large area of ​​electric current burst out. It became even faster, and the scope expanded a lot, illuminating the dark night a lot, and quickly enveloped Xiao Qiang.

The current hit the river, and in the flickering light of the current, only a vast mist could be seen rising in the current. When Ye Shui saw this, he also smiled proudly, but the little wolf on the side turned around to take a look, slightly stuck out his tongue, and then continued to deal with those cronies.

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