Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 92 A Beautiful Night (If you like it, you can add it to your bookshelf)

June sky, a child's face.

It was sunny during the day, but at night, there was a sudden strong wind and rain.

Next to the spacious window, Xiao Qiang sat in front of it, watching the pouring rain, constantly hitting the window, splashing water, falling on the ground, and constantly washing the earth.

Hearing a noise behind, he knew that Bai Lu had finished washing. Xiao Qiang turned his head and greeted Bai Lu.

I saw that she had changed her clothes. The lower body was a black nightgown. The length of the skirt was only enough to cover the most private parts, revealing her fair legs. The upper body was wearing a black lace vest, revealing most of her shoulders. The wet hair was on her shoulders, exuding a shampoo fragrance.

While wiping her hair, she said to Xiao Qiang: "Go wash it quickly, it will be cool after washing."

Xiao Qiang nodded, took a clean set of clothes, and walked towards the bathroom.

The life of the rich is really luxurious. The area of ​​the bathroom alone is more than 50 square meters, and the floor is also covered with luxurious carpets. Not only that, there is also an extra-large bathtub inside.

Xiao Qiang took off his clothes and saw Bai Lu taking off her clothes, including a black bra and super short black panties.

Xiao Qiang blushed shyly and turned his face away and turned on the faucet.

Without electrical heating, he could only take a cold shower, but after Xiao Qiang became stronger, this level of cold water would not make Xiao Qiang shiver.

I have to say that after a day of fighting, taking a shower is quite comfortable.

After taking a shower, Xiao Qiang saw that Bai Lu had returned to her room to rest. He immediately extinguished the candle and chose a bedroom to rest alone.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang entered the system and planned to check the items he had obtained in the afternoon.

First, he took out the Meifeng dagger (intermediate)-the sharpness was equivalent to the bone spur dagger, but the difference was that there was a plum blossom engraved on the dagger.

With one more dagger, Xiao Qiang had planned to give the bone spur dagger to Bai Lu for self-defense tomorrow.

Then he took out the sniper rifle, which was the first time he killed a human being, and it was given by the achievement.

This gun has a very long sound, 1.3 meters, black, with metal patterns all over, with aiming facilities, and 100 bullets.

It was also fortunate that Xiao Qiang had learned basic shooting skills, otherwise he would not even be able to use this gun.

At that time, the achievement also had a skill fusion card, and Xiao Qiang read the introduction in confusion.

Skill fusion card-primary item, which can fuse primary skills with intermediate skills to form a new intermediate skill, and increase skill proficiency by 50.

His primary skill is only the wolf tooth stick method, but he has quite a few intermediate skills. After thinking it over, Xiao Qiang decided to merge it with the dragon body method.

"Ding, the wolf tooth stick technique and the dragon body technique have been successfully integrated, and the intermediate skill wolf tooth step (intermediate) has been obtained, which consumes 200 energy points per time, and the proficiency is 81/100"

Wolf tooth step (intermediate)-smart movement, sharp stick technique. The user can use the body technique to dodge while using the stick technique to attack.

Black Wind Base Pass Card-The base established by Liutong County is called Black Wind Base. You need to hold the pass they made to enter.

"I feel that their base is so advanced, and there is an exclusive pass. I really learned a lot after going out for a while. I have to organize my base after returning." Xiao Qiang couldn't help complaining.

The next thing is the black gold that exploded. Xiao Qiang asked Xiao Cong directly.

"Xiao Cong, what is this black gold? Can you tell me?"

"Host, this black gold is the bones of ordinary zombies above level 4. It is hard and has a precise density. It is the best choice for making weapons and high-tech products in the end times." Xiao Cong introduced it to Xiao Qiang as if he was telling GG.

"How does it compare with black gold?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Black gold is the most precious material in the end times, there is no other. Host, rest assured, the products produced by this system must be high-quality. Compared with black gold, black gold is simply not worth mentioning." Xiao Cong raised his head proudly and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Then I feel relieved. Even if they use black gold to make weapons, my Thousand Machine Umbrella is stronger than theirs. This alone can suppress them. Then help me check the strength value and experience value, as well as the exchange points." Xiao Qiang said.

"No problem, host, the experience value is 7620/20000, the exchange points are 54372, and the strength value is 700/2500."

Other things are fine, but the strength value is a bit low. Even the strongest broken palm cannot be used, and it will take 5 days for the strength value to be fully restored.

While thinking, Xiao Qiang exited the system and prepared to go to bed.

It must be said that expensive furniture is naturally expensive for a reason. Lying on this luxurious round bed, Xiao Qiang felt soft. Listening to the sound of rain outside that did not weaken at all, Xiao Qiang felt a wave of sleepiness.

I don't know if it was because of the alcohol or because it was the first time to kill someone today, Xiao Qiang felt particularly depressed in his sleep and kept having nightmares.

In his sleep, Xue Ying's face kept appearing in front of him, hugging his thighs, with tears in her eyes, begging for mercy, begging him to spare her life.

After a while, Bai Lingfeng's face appeared in front of him again. His face was covered with torn rotten flesh, and his fingernails were protruding. He looked like a zombie, constantly attacking Xiao Qiang.

Suddenly, Xue Ying's face turned pale, her eyes were filled with blood and tears, she stood in front of him, pinched Xiao Qiang's neck with her hands, and kept shouting "Give me back my life, give me back my life."

Xue Ying held the Thousand Machine Umbrella, covered her broken wound with her hands, and kept spitting blood foam from her mouth, her face was full of blame for why Xiao Qiang had to kill her.

Xiao Qiang, who was sleeping, felt that the scenes in front of him kept changing, and he slept particularly depressed and terrified.

As if he couldn't breathe, he kept opening his mouth and making "ah, ah" sounds, and his face was sweating a lot.

Xiao Qiang was extremely uncomfortable, and the whole person was extremely depressed.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiang felt a soft feeling coming from his body, and his legs seemed to be rubbed and entangled by a smoothness.

A hand held his hand and placed it on his body.

A lip gently approached Xiao Qiang's ear, and Xiao Qiang smelled a fragrant feeling, and said to Xiao Qiang gently: "Don't be afraid, sister is here."

Bai Lu slowly took off Xiao Qiang's clothes, revealing the golden silk armor on his upper body.

"Take this?" Bai Lu said.

Listening to Bai Lu's words, Xiao Qiang was a little confused in his sleep, and he directly untied the golden silk armor on his upper body and took it aside.

Xiao Qiang turned over and vented his pressure continuously.

The rain outside the house gradually stopped, and the sound of the pattering became smaller.

Heavy voices came from the house from time to time, and the two seemed tireless.

Xiao Qiang, who woke up, felt a little ashamed, looking at Bai Lu with his back to him, and didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what you've been through, but even before the end of the world, if it was self-defense, the sentence would be lenient. Moreover, now is the end of the world, I believe you are a good person, if you feel that you are on the right path, don't care about other people's opinions, and don't question your own decisions, so as not to have demons in your heart." Bai Lu, who was sitting on the bed, said slowly to Xiao Qiang while putting on clothes.

It turned out that Bai Lu had already known the general situation of Xiao Qiang's dream talk just now.

And these words seemed to be spoken to herself.

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