Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: gourmand

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Oshima is a standard office worker.

He is nice, humble and courteous to people, never quarrels with people. I have worked hard in the company for more than ten years, and I am still a small employee, and I have no complaints.

When he became an uncle, the years were over, his wife disliked him for nothing, and he longed for a free life, so he divorced him and took away all his savings.

Even the daughter is rebellious and has no respect for his father.

Yes, only disgust and cursing.

Even Oshima overheard the previous conversation between his daughter and his wife.

Say yes, and if he dies now, they'll get a big insurance payout.

From that moment on, Oshima was disheartened.

Multiple blows and years of depression have directly awakened the evil in Oshima's heart.

That day, he stabbed his wife and daughter to death with the knife that his wife used to cook.

He is aggrieved.

So, every time I talk about a wronged past, I stab it.

In the end, both of them were stabbed into sieves by him, and there was no good meat in the mix.

In the second half of the night, Oshima couldn't sleep, he was hungry.

Then the flesh of the two women was cut off and eaten.

So much so that when he took the initiative to call the police the next day, several experienced old policemen were all scared.

He stood there, not knowing what to do for a long time.

Or did Oshima say, why don't you take me away first?

Because the details of this murder are too perverted and terrifying, the Metropolitan Police Department is not allowed to announce it, but some media still smell the clues and start reporting.

So Oshima's name has also become synonymous with a perverted demon.

Later, Oshima said that if the pheasant had the death penalty, he would definitely become a nightmare for the famous town in the future.

But unfortunately, when the nightmare came, he was in prison.

Although he died later, it did not become the kind of terrifying nightmare in his mind.

Obviously everyone's memory didn't last that long.

Or, in the magical capital of the Pheasant Country, the metamorphosis is that one generation is stronger than the next, and the front wave of the big island has been shot to death on the beach.

After the nightmare came, the pheasant country was completely in chaos, and this chaos naturally spread to the prison.

So Oshima died in prison.

However, his soul was reborn in the nightmare world.

In his words, this is called Nirvana rebirth.

He returned to the small town where he lived before, where he established this 'Eater City'.

Perhaps it was because he ate his wife and daughter after killing people before, so Oshima had a great craving for food.

There is no shortage of perverts like the big island in the pheasant country.

In this **** nightmare world, good people don't live long, but perverts survive batch after batch.

Oshima tangled a group of people.

First, there is chaos everywhere, and the things that are done are more murderous than nightmares.

Nightmare only acts with resentment and malice, while Oshima and the others have brought their malice to the extreme, especially they are calm, know how to use their brains, and know how to figure out people's hearts.

So far, it has been the dominant party.

Here, they are the masters.

Decide the life and death of everyone here.

Not just people, but nightmares too.

Oshima obviously took the concept of 'what to eat to make up for' to the extreme.

At first, he just ate people, and later, ghosts and evil spirits also ate them.

The flesh and blood containing resentment and malice entered their bodies and slowly digested them, and the perverted thinking and will suppressed these resentments and malice, forming a special symbiotic relationship.

If you can't take it anymore, keep eating.

Fight poison with poison.

Maybe it's because of bad luck in the first half of my life, so the luck behind Oshima is excellent.

Until now, it has become stronger and stronger.

Ordinary nightmares are in his hands, which can be easily suppressed, and then hold down to eat.

Of course he prefers cooked food.

It can be fried, but he prefers it as sashimi.

He said that he didn't eat a single person or nightmare, and he could feel the other person's joys, sorrows and sorrows, feel the resentment and malice, and then turn it into his own strength.

They call themselves 'ghost eaters'.

The ferocity here is well known in the whole pheasant country, that is, Lin Mo and the others just arrived, and they didn't know the situation, so they went straight to the door.

In the eyes of Oshima, they are simply a group of dumb sheep.

rushing to get them to eat.

Perhaps because he is a ghost eater, Oshima's sense of smell is extremely sensitive.

Whether the other party is alive, dead or a nightmare, and what type of nightmare he is, he basically knows it all by smelling it.

The three people in front of them are a little strange.

Just keep talking to yourself about this.

Should be alive.

But there is also the breath of the dead, and in addition, there is the smell of nightmare.

More than one.


There is another person in black clothes with a hat and mask, who has an invisible temperament, like a living person, and a dead person.

somewhere in between.

Extremely weird.

As for the old man, this breath is relatively simple, it is a nightmare.

But the hatred is overwhelming.

It doesn't feel good to mess with.

But Oshima is not afraid at all. He has seen the monsters that are not easy to mess with. For him, there is no easy way to mess with them. The difference is whether they are delicious or not.

Feeling that this old man is not very tasty, so he has already thought about it, this old man will give the ghost eaters under his command to eat, and he will eat the other two.

He even thought about how to cook next and what condiments to use.

Maybe it was a bit greedy, so I couldn't help it at the moment, leaving two saliva on the corner of my mouth.

"Hurry up and wipe it, it's all on the ground."

Lin Mo reminded at this time.

"I'm sorry, I laughed." Mr. Oshima said with a smile, explaining what a polite pervert is.

People are really polite, nodding and bowing, just doing things, not human affairs.

"You may not understand what I mean, that is to say, your saliva is in vain." Lin Mo explained it.

"No, you can eat delicious food right away, how can you say it's a white stream?" Oshima was puzzled.

Obviously, in his eyes, the three people in front of him are already the meat in his mouth and the food on the plate.

"I mean, you can't eat it." Lin Mo simply told the truth, these pheasant people have to speak directly to understand, and yes, they have no culture, or their ancestors said they were barbarians.

"Hahaha, the people and monsters I've eaten before have also said the same." Oshima was still full of confidence.

At the same time as he spoke, the ghost eaters under him were already approaching with scarlet cruel eyes, and they were also holding various weapons in their hands.

Lin Mo asked what kind of monster you were.

"Not a monster, but a ghost eater." Oshima corrected.

"Okay, before I start, I still have something I want to ask. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to ask after I start." Lin Mo said.

"You ask. In the end, I usually meet the food requirements, but not too much, just one." Oshima smiled.

Lin Mo asked if he had heard of an extremist organization in your pheasant country called the "Ixie Society".

"Of course I know." When Oshima heard the "Ixie Association", a trace of fear appeared on his original face.

"Do you know, where is the headquarters of this 'Ixie Society'?"

"What are you asking about this?"

"Oh, nothing, just plan to go over and destroy them."

Oshima was stunned.

Then burst into laughter.

Not only him, the ghost eaters around were laughing, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

When Lin Mo saw this posture, he said to the elder brother and the veteran next to him, "If you don't do it first, you can just ask two questions. It seems that they all know."


"Can't wait."

What happened next changed Oshima's cognition.

He has grown all the way to the present, and he has eaten no less than 20 ghosts alone. There are also many other murderers and evil spirits, adding up to hundreds of people.

The malicious resentment accumulated in the body interacted with each other, allowing him to gain power and ability far beyond ordinary people.

It also made him extremely confident.

The problem is, this guy doesn't know a reason.

A mountain is higher than a mountain.

The more you walk, the wider the world can be seen.

He suffers in this way.

I have been nesting in this place all the time, dominating, and having a younger brother and power, I feel that I am different, I am a bull, and I am a master.

That's all an illusion.

He didn't roll over, simply because it was a backcountry, there wasn't any real terrible nightmare, and one more thing, he was lucky.

That's all.

But one's luck cannot always be good.

If he knew it was because of luck and had self-knowledge, that would be fine.

Because it won't make him cause trouble.

I am afraid of this kind of thing, the strength is not good, I don't know it by luck, and I still feel that I am very powerful.

It's too soon to roll over.

Today, the big island overturned.

And it's the kind of flip that falls off a cliff.

He had no idea what was going on and the fight was over.

Ghost eaters.

In the eyes of Lin Mo and the others, that's a fart.

It is also a little stronger than the ordinary nightmare.

He didn't even need to shoot, the hated veteran alone chopped down the ground with three or two blows.

It's really like chopping melons and vegetables.

Lin Mo felt that Mr. Oshima definitely had the talent to be an actor, or he could change several expressions in just a few seconds.

From disdain to stupefaction to surprise to fear.

Very silky and very supple.

He certainly did not expect the veteran to be so fierce.

To be honest, Lin Mo also felt that the veteran was stronger than before.

It should be the powerful hatred that gave him a huge blessing.

Especially now that the people who were cut are still evil Japanese people, and there is no mercy in the shot.

At the end of the calculation, one minute and seventeen seconds, by hand.

Killed about a hundred ghost eaters.

You can cut two of them together in one second.

Lin Mo gave the veteran a thumbs up.

Left two alive.

One is Mr. Oshima, and the other, I don't know what it's called, is now frightened, the original fierceness has disappeared, knelt down in front of the veteran, kowtow like garlic.

Again, what are you asking?

"The headquarters of the 'Ixie Society' is in Hankyo. I also know that they are the largest organization in our pheasant country. At present, even the official can't suppress them. It seems that there is not much suppression, and there is cooperation."

"Yes, in addition to the headquarters, the 'Ixie Society' also has branches in various places. There are many people, tens of thousands of people, and we have done business with them."

Mr. Oshima and another ghost eater also reacted at this moment and began to rush to confess.

Obviously, even this kind of pervert, even a ghost eater who relies on eating people and ghosts to become stronger, will show fear when facing absolute power.

And once the fear is revealed, it can get out of hand.

Only under fear can people tear off all disguise and masks and show their true self.

Whether this person is a tough guy or a coward can be revealed immediately.

Without a doubt, both of them are cowards.

Moreover, one is more cowardly than the other.

All the questions that should be asked are clear, and I also asked Oshima what business they are doing with the other party.

Simply put, it's disgusting.

Sale of women.

That's it, the veterans killed just now, if one counts as one, they all deserve to die. Killing them is considered a good deed.

It's not right to say it, brother. It's a good thing to go to the pheasant country to be a good person. Isn't this helping the people here to get rid of harm?

Lin Mo nodded and said that was the truth.

Veteran awareness is still high.

It is said that this kind of thing still needs to be done, and if it is not encountered, then it is irrelevant.

As for Oshima and the ghost eater, they were all cut off naturally.

This kind of metamorphosis is a scourge to keep.

The old soldier's sword is full of hatred. Unless a ghost is killed by this sword, unless it has some special abilities, it will definitely die, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

From this place, I also found some detained people, as well as Specter.

The people like Oshima still have two brushes. They have some special methods to suppress the ghosts. They use the stumps and body tissues of other ghosts to suppress another ghost.

For example, a spooky Specter wrapped in a **** skin; another example, a Specter trapped with extremely flexible tendons.

Lin Mo felt that they were also victims, so they let them go.

This is called, good people do it in the end.

As for how much harm these ghosts will cause in the pheasant country, they can't control it.

The situation of the "Ixie Society" has been clearly inquired, and it is enough to go directly to Hankyo.

The counterattack strategy set by the General Administration is divided into several steps.

First test the depth of this 'Ixie Society', find out the specific situation of the other party, and then take decisive action to completely destroy this organization, then destroy it; if the advance personnel can't do it, they will temporarily stand still, notify the country, and mobilize If the strength of the opponent is too strong to be eliminated directly, a beheading plan will be carried out to eliminate some high-level officials.

This is the General Administration's plan.

But from the results of the discussions between Lin Mo and the veteran on the road, they actually only do one thing.

That is to kill the organization.

It's like buying a very expensive thing. Some people need to install it, but Lin Mo and the others feel that they don't have the ability to pay the full amount, and there is no need to install it.

Even if there are terrifying monsters like Evil Sha in the 'Ixian Society', so what?

The last evil spirit was not easily solved by the combined attack of Zuo Bai and his brother.

Besides, Zuo Bai also said that since evil spirits are extremely difficult to control, it is impossible for the other party to have too many. If this is the case, then you might as well take bigger steps.

It's all about doing things, why not make it bigger?

As for how to get to Hankyo, Lin Mo has a plan.

Saying that Mr. Oshima and the others are not cooperating with the "Ixie Society", then it's better to follow this line.

The other party confessed to the contact method before, and Mr. Oshima also found a ghost phone that can be used in the nightmare world.

If you have a number and a phone number, you can dial it directly and say that a batch of goods will be delivered here, please come and pick it up.

Then just wait.

The old man said that your plan is very good, but there is a problem.

"The other party is here. If we don't do it, what if the other party wants the goods? If we do it, what if they don't obey us and would rather die than take us back?"

What my brother said is indeed a problem.

"The best thing is to let them take us back, so that it will save a lot of trouble on the way."

This is my brother's suggestion.

Lin Mo accepted.

Then the next step is not only to act, but also to need 'goods'.

What Oshima prepared for the other party was a 'woman', Lin Mo pondered, and then slapped his thigh.

He really doesn't have anything else, but there are quite a few female ghosts.

And all of them are top notch.

After listening to Lin Mo's thoughts, the old man actually felt some sympathy for the people in the 'Yixie Hui'. Ordinary people, faced with the three superlatives Xiaoyu, Yuejie and Xiwenjun, really have no luck.

It depends on how tough it is.

The plan is good, just do it like this. If the person receiving the goods doesn't see it, then go according to the plan; if they see it, then coerce and induce.

Next is to wait.

By the way, let Xiaoyu have a few good words for them.

They have to cooperate.

Xiaoyu is still very talkative and well-behaved; Sister Yue and Xiwenjun are a little unruly, but fortunately, Lin Mo has a big face, so they can agree.

"Hmph, that's you, if it were someone else, I would immediately make him a doll, and then smash him inch by inch."

Sister Yue said something cruel.

However, these cruel words had no deterrent effect on Lin Mo.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, which of those enemies do you fancy, you can do whatever you want. Whether it is made into a doll first and then or first minced and then made into a doll, it's up to you to decide."

At this time, Xiwenjun made a request, saying that after the matter was completed, he would let Lin Mo stay with her for a while, take a walk, and chat.

Lin Mo asked, are you sure it's just a walk and chat?

After getting a positive answer, Lin Mo nodded and agreed.

In this way, the three female ghosts are all done.

"The hatred in the veterans is too strong, so I have to cover it up."

Lin Mo also obtained materials on the spot, and found a human skin in the ghost eater's warehouse. This thing can cover up all the breath, and after covering it, it is covered with a layer of black cloth to pretend to be a female ghost.

As for the elder brother, he did the same, covering himself with black cloth and pretending to be a female ghost.

Lin Mo pretended to be a ghost eater and traded with the other party.

Next is waiting.

A few hours later, a car pulled up to the door.

Lin Mo immediately greeted him with five 'beauties'.

One person got out of the car, first looked at the five women covered in black cloth, and then at Lin Mo.

"What about Big Island?"

Lin Mo had thought about how to answer for a long time, and said that Mr. Oshima had been waiting, but suddenly there was something wrong and he went out.

"Disgusting stuff."

The man spat.

It is estimated that he is scolding the ghost eaters in Oshima.

Lin Mo thought that the other party would inspect the goods. If he wanted to inspect the goods, he would let Xiaoyu on top.

Xiaoyu's makeup without makeup is extremely beautiful, and she will definitely be fascinated by the other party.

As a result, people did not mention the inspection of the goods at all.

Lin Mo couldn't help but ask, don't you inspect the goods?

"You disgusting bastards, with your courage, don't dare to deceive our 'Ixie Society'."

Very confident.

Catch the five beauties into the car, and the other party does not talk nonsense, and directly greets the driver to drive away.

Lin Mo called out the dark horse, and the horse followed.

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