Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Guterres family

Remember for a second【】

The most common type of transportation on the ship is a variety of pipes.

Even some experts sometimes can't tell what a pipe they see is used for. These pipes are like blood vessels in the human body, each performing its own duties.

Lin Mo looked at the copper pipe above his head and walked forward.

The copper pipes are mixed with other pipes and are not conspicuous, and even if you don't look carefully, they may be confused, because there is not only one pipe of that color.

Along the pipeline, Lin Mo came to an old-fashioned elevator shaft.

The pipes penetrated the walls and went deep into the elevator shaft.

The elevator on this ship has a sense of age, and the wooden box is definitely an antique more than a hundred years ago.

It may be in disrepair, so even when the elevator button is pressed, there is no response.

Lin Mo tried to open the protective net, but didn't open it. Of course, it was violent to open the lock in the end, otherwise don't try to open it.

Entering the elevator box, there is a strong smell of leather, which is still wrapped in leather, but the leather does not feel like cowhide.

Human skin?

There is this possibility.

Because he has a few friends who are good at skinning, Lin Mo is also quite familiar with human skins. He can basically be sure that the ones inside are human skins.

Moreover, it is the skin of a girl.

"It's quite particular!"

Lin Mo opened the emergency exit above his head and drilled out.

The elevator shaft was dim and had a musty smell, kind of rushing to the nose.

He took out the brick hammer and shook it, green flames came out, and a few unnamed bugs fled around the wall in a panic.

There is a natural feeling of discomfort in this place.

It took Lin Mo a lot of effort to find the pipe. The pipe went down the elevator shaft. Now the elevator is out of service. If Lin Mo wants to explore, he can only climb down.

Then climb down.

This process is quite scary.

Not to mention the ubiquitous little bugs, there is no other harm apart from some shyness, as long as your heart is strong enough, you can completely ignore these little things.

Moreover, these little bugs seem to be afraid of Lin Mo, and they hide on purpose, not worried that they will suddenly climb up along their fingers.

A few meters down, Lin Mo knew where these little bugs came from.

He saw several corpses fastened to the inner walls of the elevator by sticky cobwebs.

These corpses were basically hollowed out, with bugs crawling in and out of their stomachs and chests, looking quite busy. Seeing black bugs crawling around in the eyes and mouth of the corpse up close is actually quite disgusting.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid or not, it's just disgusting.

However, if Lin Mo wanted to continue to climb down, he could only pass by these corpses. If he was not careful, he might bump into them.

"I was just passing by, you are busy with yours, leave me alone."

Lin Mo muttered as he climbed down.

At this time, Lin Mo heard some rustling sounds from below.

As if something was crawling.

Lin Mo stopped and looked down.

The bottom is pitch black, and the green flames can only illuminate a small area, most of which are chaotic, and you can vaguely see something creeping below.

Lin Mo had never seen any scenes, and he dared to go down regardless of whether it was a monster or a group of ghosts. …

So keep going down.

Soon, it became clear that there were a bunch of big bugs below.

I have never seen this kind of bugs, they seem to be photophobic, so they are slowly avoiding them.

There are quite a lot of them, and basically the walls below are blocked.

"Please let it go!"

As Lin Mo climbed down, he squeezed away the big bugs that were blocking the way.

The biggest bug is about to catch up with the size of a normal adult. They are relatively flat, with layers of smooth carapace on their backs, a bit like a skin shrimp.

Despite their scary appearance, they are actually quite docile in character. Even if Lin Mo squeezed them, they would move away slowly and unhurriedly.

There is a bit of a sense of indifference to the world.

It is true that these nightmare creatures live in such a dark corner.

If all nightmares can live in this way, the world will be peaceful.

Following that pipe, Lin Mo kept going down until he reached the bottom.

The pipes extend outward from the lowermost layer.

After Lin Mo landed, he still opened the rusted retractable fence door left and right, and walked out of the elevator shaft on the bottom floor.

No one should have been to this place.

It's not a passenger cabin, it's more like a wheel room at the bottom of the ship. You can see all kinds of thick pipes and machines. The floor is also an iron grid, and you will make a brittle metal sound when you walk on it.

But it may be too long, so some places have been rusted. You have to be extra careful when you walk here, because the bottom is empty. If you step on the rusted and cracked place, you may plop and people will fall.

After finding the copper pipe, Lin Mo continued to explore.

Finally, he saw that the pipe was connected to a wall in front. The wall had a hatch, which was made of metal, thick, and most importantly, could not be opened.

I have followed all the way here, how can I give up halfway because of this little difficulty?

Walking around in a circle, there is only such an entrance.

It seems only from here

^0^ One second to remember【】

go in.

Lin Mo decided to be direct.

knock on the door.

So he knocked a few times.

After waiting for a while, there was no response, and continued to knock.

Ten minutes later, Lin Mo knew that either there was no one inside, or the other party did not open the door on purpose.

Next, Lin Mo asked Xiaoyu and Sister Yue again. There was nothing they could do. There was an extremely powerful curse on that door, which could prevent any violent unlocking.

"Then it's just a trick."

Lin Mo still had a lot of ideas, and soon the ideas of smoldering and wickedness jumped out one by one.

He chose a reliable one.

He took out the sickle, swung it round, and cut the copper pipe with one knife.

This is what Lin Mo thought.

There is a nine o'clock casino specially designed to collect the various desires of passengers. It must be of great use. If you cut off the pipe directly, the people inside must be anxious.

Anyway, if it was me, I would definitely have to open the door and come out to take a look.

So, won't the door open?

The plan is perfect.

At this moment, the gap of the copper pipe that was cut off by Lin Mo continued to emit red smoke of desire. The pipe was destroyed, and naturally the power of desire could no longer be delivered from the outside. …

Originally, Lin Mo thought that no matter who was inside, he would definitely be anxious.

But he waited for a while, still no movement.

"Is it that stable?"

Lin Mo is also a little angry. He likes Gou and stability, but he doesn't like enemies like him.

The less the other party came out, the more Lin Mo wanted to force the other party out.

There is actually more than one pipe leading to this wall.

Lin Mo said in his heart that if he didn't do it, he would cut it off.

Immediately, he picked up his sickle and chopped melons and vegetables for a while.

Thanks to the toughness and tenacity of the sickle, it could withstand Lin Mo's torment. If it was replaced by a normal weapon, it would collapse early.

Some hacking, the results are remarkable.

All pipes were split.

All of a sudden, all kinds of strange and unknown liquids and gases flowed and sprayed all over the world.

The next moment, a creaking sound was heard, and the metal hatch over there that had been closed was finally twisted. After opening, several gloomy figures crawled out of it.

Certainly not alive.

These are more like ghosts than ghosts. Although they are different in length and shape, the anger on their faces is surprisingly consistent.

A gloomy cold also swept over.

Among them, a monster with disheveled hair and deformed body, who seemed to be a hybrid between humans and some kind of spider, crawled over first, staring at Lin Mo with gloomy eyes.

"Are you sick? If you ignore it, you will get it. You are not finished yet?"

It growled softly.

There was also a hint of grief in his expression.

Ordinary people must be at a loss at this moment, but Lin Mo is not an ordinary person.

"It's not your fault. Who told you not to open the door? I've knocked several times. Say it yourself, how many times have I knocked?" Lin Mo was arrogant and directly confused the other party.

How do you feel that you are the one doing the wrong thing?

While the long-haired man was still pondering who was more in control of this matter, he couldn't help but speak when there was something weird behind him.

"What nonsense, kill him directly."

"Yes, kill him!"

The atmosphere changed suddenly.

At this moment, a woman over there rushed over with a **** mouth, and the long-haired man stretched out a spike like a spider's leg and stabbed at Lin Mo.

Not just these two.

There is more behind.

At a cursory glance, there must be four or five people, all of whom, without exception, have been transformed into terrifying monsters by various desires, resentments and hatreds.

But to be honest, their strength is really average, and they are very good.

At most, it is a B+, and there is not even an A-level.

To say it's a bunch of **** is an understatement.

To deal with these, Lin Mo doesn't need to shake anyone, he alone is enough.

Although these monsters attacked fiercely, obviously wanting to kill Lin Mo, but Lin Mo did not immediately kill them, but just chopped off their legs.

Soon, the stump and the broken arm were scattered on the ground.

These people are not stupid. Knowing that they are not opponents, they hurriedly stopped and looked at Lin Mo with those angry and aggrieved eyes.

"You were sent by that woman? Did she decide to kill us?"

After discovering that they were not opponents at all, the momentum of these monsters also plummeted, and now they began to ask. …

Can't beat it, and started talking.

Lin Mo asked which woman they were?

"It doesn't look like you were sent by her. You are the diners on the boat? You, why did you come here?" From behind the door, another person came out.

is an old woman.

The upper body of this old woman is human, and the lower body is like a cockroach.

Lin Mo said in his heart that you didn't find a better one, so why did you find Xiaoqiang?

How disgusting.

Lin Mo glanced at the other party, always wondering where she had seen this old woman.

I remembered.

When he entered some living rooms before, he found some oil paintings of Guterres family members, which seemed to have this old woman on them.

not only

^0^ One second to remember【】

She, take a closer look, there seem to be all of them on the opposite side.

Are they from the Guterres family?

Turned into a monster.

Lin Mo asked directly, and asked if they were members of the Guterres family.

"He asked knowingly."

"Yes, he cut off our supplies. This must be the woman who is planning to get down and kill people. She is not at all..."

"Shh, some things can't be said nonsense."

"There's nothing that can't be said, everyone knows it well, hum..."

It seemed unconvincing to speak, but the voice was much lower, and in the end, he didn't say what he was going to say.

This appetite hangs, it makes people angry.

Lin Mo couldn't bear this.

"Who is that woman?" he asked directly.

As a result, the people from the opposite Guterres family snorted, and no one answered.

Got it, gotta fight.

Lin Mo jumped up.

There was a flurry of chickens and dogs, and there were a few more broken hands on the ground.

The Guterres family were much more honest this time.

Lin Mo asked who the woman was, and they said that the woman was 'Jane'.

The name made Lin Mo's heart skip a beat.

In fact, Lin Mo had already guessed before, but this time it was only confirmed by the other party.

As far as Lin Mo knew, 'Jane' was a member of the Guterres family, but was replaced by another woman. This detail was reflected in the musical in the Coliseum.

After Lin Mo mentioned this, the old woman over there said that the musical was arranged by Jane.

"I haven't seen it. I don't even want to hear what that woman arranged." The old woman gritted her teeth.

In the current situation, Lin Mo felt that the woman who pretended to be 'Jane' should be the villain. The other party's family background was ordinary, but she became a nobleman. She must have used some sinister and sinister means.

And in order to prevent others from telling this secret, a terrible curse was placed and everyone's mouth was sealed.

Of course, this is the current inference. As for whether this is the Lin Mo felt that he had to wait until he watched the second half of the musical before he could really be sure.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from behind.

It was the crisp sound of high heels walking on the ground.

When the Guterres family heard this voice, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly hid back into the hatch just now.

At this time, a hand stretched out from Lin Mo's clothes and dragged Lin Mo over.

It's light rain.

She wanted Lin Mo to hide in too.

It doesn't matter to others, since Xiaoyu did this, Lin Mo must have obeyed unconditionally.

So he rushed over before the other party closed the door and squeezed in too.

"Come on, let's go, I'll come in and hide too!"


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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