Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 856: the bride is mine

The latest website: Lin Mo thinks that he must have made a mistake in some details, but the general direction is still correct.

Xiwenjun put up a battle in such a conspicuous place, in fact, he wanted to let himself find out.

I feel that this is a tacit understanding between myself and Xiwenjun.

"That is to say, for some reason, Xiwenjun couldn't give me a hint directly, but she believed that I would definitely be able to find her."

This feeling is not groundless.

Based on what Lin Mo knew about Xiwenjun, it was not difficult for her to hide this haunted house in a more secret place, but she chose the only island here, and it was on the open space of the island with the door wide open. , without any restrictions.

This is obviously not a convenience for that spirit monster.

She wanted to make it easier for herself to find the house.

Then find out the real her.

Lin Mo guessed that there were still some details that he hadn't discovered.

According to the current situation, he has only one chance to lift his hijab.

If you make a mistake, you will end up being swallowed up by the fake bride in an instant, just like the spirit monster just now.

A lot of tactics flashed through Lin Mo's mind.

For example, he can choose to wait, and when the spirit monster chooses all the fake brides, the last one left is the real bride.

But the problem is that the premise is that the other party will make the wrong choice every time.

Once you've picked the right one, you're going to beat the chicken and the egg.

This is tantamount to a disguised gamble.

Lin Mo knew that he would lose nine out of ten bets, and this method would definitely not work.

"Look again!"

Still have to take the initiative, this time Lin Mo intends to carefully observe every bride.

From head to toe, no detail can be missed.

This vampire curse worked. This curse gave Lin Mo a strong sense of observation. He could even see the thread on the bride's clothes clearly.

To be honest, the thread ends are indeed different, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with distinguishing between real and fake brides.

I looked at them one by one again, but still found nothing.

That's right, if it's so easy to find out the truth and the fake, the previous spirit monster won't be blindly selected, and the other party is completely taking luck.

Suddenly, Lin Mo slapped his forehead.

"Why should I bother myself, just ask Xiaoyu, she is a pen fairy, maybe she can detect the truth."

Do it when you think of it.

Lin Mo called Xiaoyu out and briefly explained the situation.

"Xiaoyu, make a prediction and see which one is the real Xi Wenjun."

Lin Mo held the pencil, hoping Xiaoyu would give a hint.

Xiaoyu turned her head to look at a dozen red-clothed brides, and then looked at Lin Mo, with a hint of resentment in her eyes.

"Good guy, my little rain, what time is this, you are still jealous, hurry up, the monster should come again later."

When Lin Mo said this, Xiaoyu's heart softened.

Obviously, Lin Mo has been able to accurately grasp Xiaoyu's weakness.

one word.


Girls need coaxing, and so do female ghosts.

Xiaoyu came over, grabbed Lin Mo's hand, and wrote a line on the paper.

"The woman said, if you kiss her one by one, she will follow you."

Looking at the text, Lin Mo was stunned.

"Xiaoyu, are you joking or are you serious?"

Lin Mo looked at Xiaoyu.

The latter also looked over, without saying a word, with a very serious expression.

"It looks serious, oh, I see."

Lin Mo suddenly realized that Xi Wenjun must have left a message with some kind of information that only Xiaoyu can perceive, and this message can only be seen by Xiaoyu.

Because Xiwenjun knew that she would take Xiaoyu with her wherever she went, so she left a message to Xiaoyu, which was equivalent to leaving a message for herself.

All of these are little clever ghosts.

But kiss this thing, are you sure you are not doing something?

Anyway, looking at Xiaoyu's appearance, that's what Xiwenjun said, like a fake replacement.

"Look, this is what happened, hey, I don't know what Sister Wenjun was thinking. Forget it, I can't ask anything now. Just follow the plan first, and then ask clearly after you escape."

Lin Mo's words seemed to be talking to himself.

Pretending to be reluctant.

Xiaoyu's white eyes have turned to the sky.

"Let's do it like this, as for me, feel wronged, after all, this is saving people."

Lin Mo was still putting gold on his face.

He walked up to a bride.

Because these brides are exactly the same as Xiwenjun, they are also very tall, a little bit taller than Lin Mo.

But the problem is, they are all wearing hijab, how to kiss?

Xiaoyu came over and patted Lin Mo, then pointed to his forehead.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

"Oh, it wasn't a kiss!"

Still a little disappointed.

Lin Mo remembered that when he first met Xiwenjun, he helped her get rid of the shackles of the handkerchief, and Xiwenjun kissed his forehead in gratitude.

This time, let yourself do the same thing.

There must be a special role, but Lin Mo is not clear.

Don't care so much, let's kiss.

Lin Mo looked at the bride in front of him, then found a small bench and stepped on it. Across the red hijab, he took a sip on the other's forehead.


It was sent by Lin Mo himself.

In his words, if there is no sound, there is no sense of ritual.

But to tell the truth, in this gloomy haunted house, it is quite exciting to step on the small bench to kiss the ghost's forehead with a hijab. Anyway, the old foreign lady who brought Lin Mo over was so frightened that her feet were softened. It felt too exciting. This man is so cowardly.

Lin Mo also felt stimulated.

But his stimulation and the old lady's stimulation are not the same thing.

Kiss the first one.

no response.

It doesn't matter, get the next one.

The second kiss became much more proficient. With a bite, Lin Mo immediately carried the small bench and walked to the third bride.

After kissing this, when Lin Mo was about to go to the fourth bride, something strange happened.

The third bride took one step at this time and followed behind Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was also taken aback.

Look back.

"What do you mean? Found it so quickly?"

He still felt a little too fast.

It's obvious that this kid is a little unfinished.

But the real bride has been found, and the latter can no longer kiss, otherwise, it is difficult to explain.

Xiaoyu said that after finding the real Xiwenjun, he will leave.

Don't stop.

This is Xi Wenjun's message, which means that she doesn't even want this big mansion in order to run away.

At this time, Lin Mo turned around and wanted to communicate with Jun Zhenxiwen.

But the other party lowered his head, wearing a hijab and said nothing.

Lin Mo was about to pull the hijab off, but Xiao Yu stopped him.

Obviously, the hood cannot be lifted here.

All right, Lin Mo will follow.

At this time, the foreign old lady came over and asked if there was nothing to do.

Lin Mo nodded.

"Then can I go?" the old lady asked.

"Let's go."

Lin Mo waved his hand and thanked the old lady.

Without saying a word, the old lady ran out immediately, apparently not wanting to stay here for a second.

As a result, the old lady just ran out and came back immediately.

"Why are you back?"

Lin Mo was puzzled.

The old lady shivered and pointed to the outside, so scared that she couldn't even speak.

Lin Mo looked over there and saw a man walking in.

This is a corpse with a twisted neck, the neck is almost folded in half with the body, and the head should be pulled behind the back, so the other party did not see the situation in the yard.

But the powerful mental force still sensed the problem, the man slowly turned around, turned his back to this side, shrugged his head upside down, and looked over with a pair of dead eyes.

"Yeah, it's coming so fast?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but say something.

It's that spirit monster.

The body previously controlled by the other party was swallowed up, and he did not expect it to come again so soon.

But this body is not as good as the previous one, it's too sloppy.

"Who are you?" The monster was stunned for a while, guessing that no one would actually come here.

Lin Mo smiled and said, "I will take one of my fellows, and the rest will be yours. Come and let me go."

A brief silence.

"I let your sister!"

The monster scolded, and immediately backed up and rushed up. When Lin Mo saw this, he took a kick.

This kick is a real kick in the opponent's back.

That feeling was like kicking on a heavy iron plate, without actually kicking the opponent down.

However, Lin Mo didn't suffer, and the two of them each took a few steps back.

The next moment, on the other party's head, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

This is a mental attack.

Lin Mo was able to defend against it, but after thinking about it, he immediately released a powerful mental force.

When the two spiritual forces collided with each other, at the same moment, both spiritual bodies entered the spiritual realm.

Lin Mo looked around and found himself back in the cozy cabin.

He glanced at the door, put on the paper bag head, and walked over to open the door.

A figure stood outside the door.

This is the body of that spirit monster.

The other party was covered in black mist all over his body, and only two flashlights were as bright as his eyes. From the other party's eyes, one could see surprise.

After closing the door, Lin Mo walked down the steps.

The two sides looked at each other.

After a while, the spirit monster was the first to break the silence.

"Paper bag head?"

Lin Mo nodded.

It seems that the other party has also heard of the paper bag head, which is easy to deal with.

Lin Mo thought of some tactics almost immediately. Now he belongs to the outside and the middle, and he is not as good as the other in the spiritual realm, so he can not do it, try not to do it.

"Why do you want to ruin my good thing?" the other party asked again.

This time Lin Mo didn't keep silent, he let out a low laugh.

"What is bad for you? I saw a mansion when I passed by, and I went in. I happened to see the bride, so I brought one. Is there any problem?"

It's called rhetoric.

But at this time, rhetoric is obviously more effective.

"You bastard, don't you know what it means to arrive first? Everything in that house belongs to the owner and belongs to me."

Lin Mo Jie smiled: "Anyway, you weren't there when I went. Who can prove that you discovered it first? I also said that the house is my home."


"What's the matter, do you want to do it?"

Lin Mo immediately shouted behind him, "Mom, Dad, someone is bullying me."

The spirit monster on the opposite side did not rush up after all.

Obviously it still has a bit of dread.

Maybe it's not worth fighting with the paper bagtou family that has been in the limelight recently because of this matter.

"The haunted house and those brides were indeed discovered by me first, and it was your paper bag head who did this inappropriately." The monster's voice was gloomy, obviously suppressing his anger.

It seems that there is still a little bit of fire away from the fury.

Of course Lin Mo knew that he couldn't fight, so he could show the art of speaking.

"Okay, even if what you said is true, you found it first, but the witness has a share, I just took a bride, there are more than a dozen over there, and there is a big mansion, why? You are so domineering. , want to take it all alone, but don't give us any benefit to our paper bagtou family?"

This seems to be harsh, but in fact it is reasonable.

Indeed, there are more than a dozen brides and a big mansion, and the other party only takes away one bride, but in fact it is itself the one who takes advantage.

"We don't want much, just one. If you don't even agree to this, and you still want one person to take all the benefits, then let's fight and see who dies."

Lin Mo caught a hint of hesitation emanating from the opponent's mental power, and immediately added more.

Put on a sloppy look first.

And in fact, his request was not excessive, and a dozen brides took one away. Compared with the conflict, this condition can be said to be quite reasonable.

The other party may also think that Lin Mo's request is not high. If he wants half of the bride, it is absolutely impossible for him to agree, and he will turn his face immediately.

If there is only one, the probability of picking a fake bride is too high.

It's really stupid to fight to the death for a fake bride and a paper bag head family whose strength surpasses the Wesson family.

But it couldn't understand why the other party had to take a bride away.

It asked directly.

"What do you want this bride to do? Why don't I give you something else, it's definitely better than this." This top-level spirit body proposed another plan.


Lin Mo decisively refused.

"My mother said, let me find a wife myself, and I like this one. This bride is mine. Even if you take gold and silver, I won't change it. I want this."

"Why are you so stubborn, let's think about it."

"Don't think about it, don't listen, don't listen, **** chanting!"

"Okay!" The other party also had a headache.

If it doesn't make sense, let him go.

Anyway, it's just a fake bride. If you lift the hijab, the other party will be killed, but it will definitely not say this.

Let you rob a woman, you deserve it.

The two completed the negotiation and at the same time withdrew from the spiritual realm.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand this time, and several iron chains flew out, carrying Xiwen Jun on his back.

This is to prevent the other party from seeing clues.

Otherwise, other brides can't move, but this bride can move, it won't be revealed immediately.

Or at a critical time, Lin Mo's heart is still very delicate.

When passing by the spirit monster, Lin Mo deliberately looked back.

"I want to bring another one."

Feeling the anger of the other party, Lin Mo gave up angrily, scolding in his mouth, and went out like this.

When he got outside, Lin Mo quickened his pace and fled quickly with Xi Wenjun on his back.

This matter, the other party may still be confused for the time being, but as long as you think about it carefully, you will find the flaws.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.

The opponent may react at any time, and then come to a big fight, so it is time to prepare for the battle, but also to prepare for the battle.

But the biggest problem is that the battles in the sea of ​​fear are all in the spiritual realm.

It was a spiritual competition.

Lin Mo's spiritual power has been improved compared to the past. It can be said that this improvement is very huge, but compared with the top spiritual body in the sea of ​​fear, it is still a lot worse.

Just to say that last time, if it wasn't for taking nzt-47, the mental strength increased several times, and he brought back his mother, father and sister. Lin Mo couldn't bear it just for a Wesson family.

And this time the opponent may be even more terrifying than the Wesson family.

Xiwenjun has already brought it back, and it is impossible to send it back, and conflicts may come at any time, which depends on the reaction speed of the other party.

The other party may not be able to recover for several days, and it may be chased out in the next second.

So Lin Mo was running and thinking.

In the competition of spiritual power, conventional methods are simply not effective. Even though Lin Mo has a Silent, and there are so many helpers, in the spiritual realm, he is fighting alone.

Except for Lao Bai, even top nightmares like Xiao Yu and Sister Yue couldn't help.

After all, even if Xiwenjun encountered that spiritual body, he could only delay the time with the inevitable defeat, and he couldn't even resist.

Fortunately, the sea of ​​fear is only here, otherwise if it really blooms everywhere, no one can stop these monsters.

Escaping from the mirror world, Lin Mo felt the Xiwen Jun on his back move.

The other patted him.

Looking back, I found that Xi Wenjun had lifted her hijab by herself. She was still the same as before, with two blood and tears on her face, and her skin was outrageously white.

The first thing she did after she was able to move was to tell Lin Mo that the monster was coming soon.

It turned out that the game of the real and fake brides that Xiwenjun did at the end required her to be near the haunted house. Once she left beyond a certain distance, the game would shatter on its own.

At that time, the spirit monster will immediately know that it has been tricked.

Lin Mo, who was standing on the deck, knew that the situation was imminent now.

Either let the Silence sail away from here immediately, or have a head-on conflict with that spirit monster.

"It would be nice if there was another bottle of nzt-47!"

Lin Mo just sighed, and then he found that there was a figure on the deck at this moment.

It was the corpse whose neck was broken and its head slumped behind its back.

That spirit body actually came after him.

And so fast.

There is no chance of running now.

Lin Mo's mind was also changing at this moment. He thought of a more risky way, but taking risks means that there is still a chance of winning, otherwise, there is no chance of winning.

Turning his head to the dancer, he said, "Drive towards the Gluttony."

The dancer was taken aback.

The sea area where the Gluttony is located is a restricted area. I have been there once before, and I was warned as soon as I approached.

If we go again, isn't it provoking another terrifying spiritual body?

But this was Lin Mo's order. Although the dancer didn't understand it, he didn't say a word and immediately executed it.

The Silent began to move.

Lin Mo looked at the corpse controlled by the spirit and smiled: "What? Regret?"

The other party cursed directly.

"You dare to play with me? The one you took away is the real bride."

"It's my luck, who do you blame for your own bad luck?" Lin Mo sneered. He glanced at the Gluttony in the distance, which was rapidly approaching at the moment.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of your paper bag head family?" There was already a strong killing intent in the voice of this spirit body.

Lin Mo smiled: "Then do you really think that I just want to take away the real bride, but wrong, I just want to lead you to the boat."

The Silence is very fast, and at this time, it has already rushed into the restricted area where the Glutton is located.

"Go ahead and kill him!"

Lin Mo suddenly shouted.


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