Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 859: 1 more line of code

"My mental shock has never failed, and it's impossible for the opponent to prevent it. Even if it can be prevented, it can't be so easy... Wait a minute, this guy seems to be the same as the naked red-skinned man just now."

B found this out of shock.

Both this paper bag head and that naked red-skinned man seem to have a near-perverted level of defense against their mental attacks.

Do not.

It doesn't even seem like a defense at all, it's completely immune.

Thinking of this possibility, B's cold sweat broke out directly.

As a spirit body, mental attack is the only means they can use, and in the past, this means was also invincible, and it has never failed like it is today.

How to fight this?

Under the shock, B was a little overwhelmed for a while.

It felt fear.

The paper bag head family is so weird.

No matter what attack is useless, the other party even showed extreme 'disdain' and disregard for himself.

Mrs Wesson also betrayed them and chose to side with the Paper Bag Head family.

If it goes on like this, they will surely lose.

Or, run?

As soon as the thought came out, the momentum weakened.

B, who was in his wild thoughts, suddenly discovered at this time that the head of the paper bag that was so close was actually not pinching.

seems happy.

"You, why don't you pinch?" B asked subconsciously.

"Pinch it!"

The paper bag head made a strange sound.

B can be sure that it has never heard the sound before.

very unfamiliar.

It's like changing someone.

Hearing that voice in B's ear, it made a layer of cold sweat for no reason.

But the mental power of the other party is obviously not strong, it is much worse than it, but at this moment, facing the other party, B actually feels a sense of danger.

It immediately backed away, and at the same time cast a mental shock again.

Not one hit, but three hits.

Just like a serial cannon.

But the paper bag head on the opposite side did not pursue, or even reacted at all, allowing three mental shocks to hit him.

Still the same as nothing.

All of B's ​​attention was on the head of the paper bag. It found that the other party was not chasing, or even making any movement. He was overjoyed, but the next moment, it felt a creep.

Great danger is coming.

At the same time, B heard an exclamation.

"Be careful behind you!"

B heard it, it was A's voice.

He glanced back almost immediately.

The red-skinned naked man did not know when he stood behind it.

B is not worried.

The big deal was that his neck was twisted again.

What can be amazing?

But the next moment, Lao Bai opened his mouth wide and bit off half of his body in one bite.

The remaining half of B's ​​body, Lao Bai, didn't let go. He took another bite and ate it clean.

"Hey hey, eat well, eat well, Lao Bai, do you like this new ability?"

The head of the paper bag clapped his hands happily when he saw this scene.

The scene was quiet, and no one dared to make a sound at the moment, not even A and Mrs. Wesson.

They sensed it and found that B's mental power had completely disappeared.

In the sea of ​​fear, the complete loss of spiritual power means the death of the spiritual body.

B hangs up.

Incredible things, there are not many existences that can truly reach the top spiritual body in the sea of ​​fear, and B belongs to the best among them.

How could such a powerful spiritual body die like this?

That doesn't mean that A will die too, as will Mrs Wesson.

Just as public execution in the execution ground can form a powerful deterrent, at this moment, A is also afraid, and Mrs. Wesson is glad that she chose the right side at the most critical time.

Otherwise, she might die too.

Even died faster and earlier than B.

Without even noticing it herself, Mrs Wesson let out a breath at the moment.

She looked at A.

Just now her ghouls have been killed by A with Eye of Terror.

Strictly speaking, she is not A's opponent.

so what?

In a short period of time, A has nothing to do with her, and as long as it is dragged on, only A will be unlucky.

And A is also very afraid at this time.

B's death is definitely a huge blow and shock to it.

And the last straw that broke it was that it found that the naked red-skinned man was standing behind it again.

"I miss you M."

A cursed, but it didn't dare to move at this time.

It's a little flustered now.

Eyes of Fear, Spiritual Flogging, Spiritual Burning, these terrifying means the opponent does not eat at all, this is simply a joke.

Now that you hit it, it is not afraid. If it hits you, it may kill you.

The other party not only twists his neck, but also eats people.

It's not afraid of twisting its neck, it can't eat people, and B has been eaten, so it can't bear it.

Not to mention, standing still, this naked red-skinned man didn't do anything, just stared at you with drool in his mouth.

Cool back.

If only that would be fine.

Big deal.

But there was the paper bag head and Mrs Wesson next to it.

Especially Mrs Wesson.

The other party knows its details. If Mrs. Wesson insists on killing it, then it has nothing to do.

Of course, if it really gets to that point, it dies, and the other party has to peel off its skin.

"I admit defeat, you take one step back, I can take two steps back, we have no life-and-death grudges, why should we get you to live and die, and besides, I'm not the same as B, I won't die so easily."

A decides to be soft.

Of course Mrs Wesson was not in control of this.

She looked at Lin Mo, the head of the paper bag.

As long as the other person nods, that's fine.

She actually hopes to take a step back, because A is indeed different. The other party may be the most powerful spiritual body in the sea of ​​fear, and it is also a very special spiritual body.

If you really want to kill it, the other party's counterattack is not a joke.

Possibly destroying the entire sea of ​​fear.

At that time, the fluctuations generated will kill more than 90% of the spiritual body.

As a result, the head of the paper bag over there did not speak, but just giggled.

Laughter permeates.

A look at this posture.

He immediately said: "Don't you want a boat? You can take all the boats here, you can take them."

cluck cluck!

Seeing that Lin Mo's two hands did not know what he was gesturing, he didn't pay attention to A at all.

Still not satisfied?

A took a deep breath and could only continue to cut the flesh: "I know you have something to do with the Gluttonous. I once took the power of someone on this ship, I can give it back to him, how about it? You take the ship, the power I vomited."

cluck cluck cluck!

Still not satisfied.

"You can put forward other conditions. Don't be afraid that I won't agree. If you put it up, I will definitely agree to you."

A feels humiliated.

But there is no way, the threat of the naked man behind him is too terrifying.

The things it discards are nothing compared to what it eats.

This time the paper bag head didn't smile, but staggered and sat on the ground.

Head down, not moving.

"What do you mean?"

A does not understand.

Does it agree or not?

The head of the paper bag didn't respond, it didn't move, it could only look at Mrs. Wesson.

Mrs Wesson said I don't know either.

What happened next made Mrs Wesson's scalp go numb.

She saw that the naked red-skinned man standing behind A was actually divided into two, splitting into another naked man, and then stood behind her instantly.

She shivered.

"I, I am my own."

He dared to say something.

But she didn't dare to move.

She could see clearly just now that B and A were attacked by this naked red-skinned man only when they turned their heads.

Of course, it is also possible that the killing intent was triggered by other actions.

So after being followed by this naked red-skinned man, the wisest choice is not to move, not to move at all, so that the other party should not attack.

Next time, none of them dared to move.

But the problem is, the paper bag head doesn't move either.

This lasted for about a few minutes, and the head of the paper bag sitting over there shuddered, as if he had just woken up from a big dream and raised his head.

The facial features drawn on the other party's paper bag changed back to the original smiling The other party looked around and said, "Old Bai, why haven't you changed?"

Then he said: "Understood, this is the first time you have taken medicine, and you can't bear it, but then again, how did you... become two?"

Lin Mo's medicine is over.

What happened before, he actually couldn't remember clearly, or in other words, he only remembered the first point, and then suddenly he didn't know.

This is the side effect of taking Xianmo Decoction.

Lao Bai drank the medicine, and it also had side effects, that is, it turned into a steamed crab.

At this moment, it has become two, have new abilities?

Then Lin Mo realized that he had an extra pen in his hand.

It seems that it should be invisible, composed of spiritual power, a pen.

Lin Mo was stunned.

He had absolutely no memory of where the money came from?

"Where did I get it from?"

Soon, Lin Mo discovered something more interesting.

He found that this amount seemed to be connected to many spiritual threads, and the thread was connected to the chest of the old watch over there.

Look over there.

Lin Mo found that the silk thread had not penetrated into Lao Bai's chest, there must be something in it.

He began to use his mental powers.

This time, it was still the power of nine bulls and two tigers, and finally saw the white paper in Lao Bai's chest.

Two old whites, two identical white papers.

But the content on the paper seems to be different from what Lin Mo saw before.

How do you feel, one more line of code?

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