Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Consequences of disturbing my study

These armed men have no intention of hiding their identities at all, and they obviously have no scruples.

The crew members sank one by one.

Nightmare era, the end is coming, where is there any tacit understanding and rules between countries now.

Many countries that have little background and need to import energy and food have collapsed or even no longer exist. Many traditional big countries are also in the sunset. For ordinary people, they can see the tragic situation of various countries on the Internet. At first, they thought it was news, but later they became accustomed to it.

As a proper nouveau riche, Bai Ying Nation actually has no background, and it almost collapsed before the nightmare completely came.

The crisis directly detonated their internal contradictions.

It is said to have been torn apart.

Officially, however, they do not admit it.

But some things don't exist without acknowledging.

Facts speak louder than words.

But the Hundred-footed Insect was dead and not stiff. After all, he had been sitting on the top spot of Blue Star for a while, and he had accumulated a lot of money, and he could still be used for a few years.

Just like this military base, it is not small at first glance.

There are many large ships docked in the dock, and it feels like the other party has snatched it back.

This also echoes the nature of some people.

A robber wearing a suit is still a robber after all.

Zhang Xu and others were locked in a dark place.

He tried to fall into a dream, trying to break out of the nightmare world.

It can be found that in the nightmare world, this is also a prison cell, and there is no way to get out. In addition, in the nightmare world, this is also a heavily guarded military base.

The other party is obviously fully prepared.

In this mood with a little pessimism and despair, everyone survived most of the day.

No one paid attention to them during this time, no water, no food.

In this cell, it's not only them, but also other prisoners, from all over the world. It is estimated that these robbers robbed the boat, robbed the supplies, and were imprisoned here.

Ragged, skinny, and numb, from these people, it seems that they can see their future.

"Or let's fight them."

One of the crew members was full of energy and couldn't help discussing with his companions.

After all, looking at this posture, sooner or later, it will be a death, and death has no dignity at all. Even if he died, he would still be locked up in the nightmare world.

The proposal to resist was echoed by many.

Zhang Xu also agreed.

He is not afraid of death.

He was afraid to live in despair and pain like a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, before the plan could be implemented, Zhang Xu was taken away alone.

Several white eagle soldiers with guns escorted him to a building, which should be some kind of laboratory, and many people in white coats can be seen.

Turning around in the east and west, Zhang Xu was taken to a heavily guarded laboratory.

A few people who looked like researchers or Ph.D. professors stood there.

Next to it is a set of survival capsules.

Very familiar.

The one where Expert Lin slept.

Zhang Xu's heart tightened, and he ran over to see that Expert Lin was still inside, sleeping soundly.

"Are you from the China National Security Bureau?" An officer came to ask, his tone was blunt and strange, and it was obvious that the other party's Chinese was not very good.

Zhang Xu didn't say a word.

Soon a researcher came over and asked the officer to translate and express the meaning.


They found the life-support capsule, but they tried many methods, but they couldn't wake up the people inside.

Zhang Xu is also very strange about this, because before that, he and the two officers on duty had already started the wake-up procedure in the survival cabin.

I thought that Expert Lin would be awakened, but now, it is obvious that the awakening has failed.

And even the scientists from the White Eagle Country didn't seem to be recruiting.

That's interesting.

Is Expert Lin on purpose, or is it really impossible to wake up for some reason?

"Who is this person?" the Academy of Sciences asked, pointing to the life-support capsule.

Zhang Xu still didn't want to speak.

The other party seemed very angry, and the officer in charge of the translation immediately drew his pistol and aimed it at Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu still did not speak.

He treated each other with silence as a sign of resistance.

Make it clear that you are not afraid of death.

The officer saw that this guy was quite horizontal, thought for a while, and then aimed the muzzle at Lin Mo in the survival cabin.

This time Zhang Xu was a little anxious.

Zhang Xu can only talk about some basic situations.

"The members of the expert group of your General Administration still seem to be a high-level person." The officer was disdainful. From the beginning, this guy had an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Zhang Xuxin said that your country has been torn apart, do you still think that he is the boss of Blue Star?


"Why can't he wake up?" asked the scientist next to him.

Zhang Xu really didn't know about this, so he could only tell the truth.

"We have entered the nightmare world, and we have not found this person. I checked the records of the survival capsule. This person has been in a dream for seventeen days. Where is he?"

"I want to know too." Zhang Xu said.

"I warn you, don't play tricks, or you will be shot to death." The officer thought that Zhang Xu was still hiding something, but now the muzzle of the gun was on Zhang Xu's forehead.

"Okay Captain, put the gun away, get the stun device, and I'll wake this guy up."

Soon, the shock device was pushed over.

The other party connected various electric shock heads to Lin Mo, and then started the device.


Lin Mo's body twitched. A normal person, no matter how deadly he slept, can wake you up this time.

But after a few seconds of electric shock, Lin Mo still slept soundly.

The scientist was visibly annoyed.

"Increase the voltage, I don't believe it."

It is estimated that it was also out of anger.

Generally, those who engage in scientific research are very stubborn. This is a good thing for research, and it allows them to have a stronger concentration and a degree of specialization in the problem.

But there are also drawbacks.

Stubborn, likes to be bullshit, and has a bad temper.

Zhang Xu wanted to stop the other party, but obviously it was impossible for the other party to listen to him, and as soon as he said a few words, he was punched in the stomach.

Zhang Xu fell to the ground, his body shrunken like a prawn.

Another shock.

At the same time, Lin Mo's spiritual realm, a cozy cabin.

At this moment, the lights in the hut that were originally turned off were all turned on at this moment.

There are even some lamps that crackle and send out arcs.

"What's the matter?" a passenger asked.

418 sensed for a moment and said that the place was unstable, obviously something major happened.

Lin Mo is currently studying the code in Lao Bai's body. He has been doing this for the past few days. As long as his mental strength recovers, he will start to study it.

However, the research on the code is not very effective.

Mainly because Lin Mo can only look at it for a few seconds at a time, let alone write on it.

According to the previous inference, the extra code and the red paper were probably obtained by myself.

But how?

No memory or impression at all.

But it is not right to say that there is no gain.

At least these days, his mental power control ability is stronger and more tenacious. Although the mental power level has not improved much, for Lin Mo, this kind of mental power control is also very important.

418 also taught Lin Mo a lot of experience and methods, and even taught him some methods of using mental power to control and attack people in the real world.

So during this time, Lin Mo has been nesting in a warm cabin, devote himself to studying.

A person who focuses on research and study is suddenly interrupted, and has been interrupted more than once, making him unable to study well.

Even a good gentleman would have to scold his mother at this time.

What's more, Lin Mo is not a good gentleman.

At this moment, he stood up irritably and scolded: "Who is it? It's sick."

The next moment, the strange current in the house was even bigger.

The other party seemed to be on the fence with him.

This time, the fire couldn't hold back.

"I'll go to his uncle, wait for me."

Lin Mo didn't study anymore.

He concentrated and wanted to return to the Silent first.

But the strange current and light stopped him, and the next moment, he felt himself being drawn into the sky.

When he opened his eyes, he woke up.

At the same time as he opened his eyes, his body sensed back, and at this moment he only felt a pain like a needle bayonet knife.

Lin Mo found himself lying in the survival pod, but his body was connected to many wires, and a stream of current made him tense and his heart beat faster, which was not the most important thing.

The most important thing is the headache, the kind of uncontrollable headache.

And suffocation.

A strong electric shock can't make people breathe normally.

"Wake up? I thought you couldn't wake up."

Someone next to him snorted.

The shock stops immediately.

Lin Mo's whole body thought that his bones had been ripped off, and he instantly collapsed.

Big mouthfuls of breath.

Cold sweat broke out.

Every time I take a breath, my whole body hurts.

That was really uncomfortable.

General collapse, the head is like floating in outer space, erratic, still very painful.

Brain, temples, pain all over the body.

In addition to pain, is gas.

The anger immediately came out.

"I didn't recruit anyone, I didn't mess with anyone, I studied hard, and I was doing my duty, but I was treated like this, disturbing my study, right? Yes, I have to die!"

Lin Mo stared, gritted his teeth and looked up.

He probably saw the situation outside clearly, but he didn't quite know what was going on.

But it doesn't matter.

Anger needs to be vented.

No matter who you are, who you love!

His body was temporarily unable to move, but he found that his mental power was exceptionally strong at this time, and he could be mobilized at will.

The first thing Lin Mo did next was to open the cozy cabin and pull 418 out.

Not only that, the angry Lin Mo released all his spiritual power.

And what happened next made everyone in the laboratory regret. At that time, the man in the survival capsule was not shot to death.

The alarm sounded immediately in the laboratory.

"Monitoring the fluctuations of different kinds of mental power!"

In the sound of the alarm, a mechanical female voice kept broadcasting.

Lin Mo's first reaction was, is it possible to monitor mental power here?

What is this place?

The next moment, he saw an officer over there with a pistol facing him.

Almost instantly, Lin Mo stretched out his hand.

His mental power noose instantly wrapped around the opponent's neck, and then hung it up.

This is Lin Mo's first use of mental power in the real world.

Apparently, the practice in the cozy cabin these few days had an effect. The officer's face immediately showed a look of panic. He subconsciously fired, but because he was hung up and the muzzle swayed, several shots did not hit the target.

In less than two seconds, the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

The mental force lasso directly strangled the officer's neck.

The sudden terror made the people in the laboratory fry in an instant, some people ran away in a panic, some people drew guns, and the scientist did one thing.

He pressed the shock button again.

Lin Mo's back straightened, his muscles spasmed, and the pain of the huge electric shock made him roll his eyes.

But at the same time, his mental power underwent some kind of mutation at this moment, and the surrounding glass was shattered by some invisible force at this moment.

Someone heard eerie whispers.

There are screams, weird noises.

At this moment, the Academy's body trembled, and his expression changed immediately. He looked at Lin Mo who was being electrocuted, hesitated for a moment, and then reached out and turned off the electric shock switch.

Then he ran over and pulled out the conductive heads on Lin Mo's body one by one.

"Doctor, get out of the way."

Armed men came from behind.

It seemed that he planned to shoot Lin Mo in the survival capsule, but because the scientist was blocking him, he did not shoot immediately.

As a result, the scientist turned his head and smiled strangely.

The expression of an armed man over there changed. He immediately turned the gun and shot several armed men around him expressionlessly.

"Mark, are you crazy? Ah..."

Someone shouted and was also shot.

Then Mark, who was thought to be crazy, changed a clip, and then stood next to the scientist and helped pull Lin Mo out of the survival capsule.

Lin Mo glanced at the scientist and the armed man named Mark.

They've been mind-controlled by 418.

Strictly speaking, they are now 418.

At this moment, Lin Mo is still in a circle. What is this place? Those are mysterious people just now, he has no idea.

But he saw Zhang Xu.

418 was about to attack it, but was stopped by Lin Mo.

"My own!"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Zhang Xu came over.

Zhang Xu was already frightened.

What's going on here?

He felt the same as in a dream, what was that invisible force just now, why was the surrounding glass shattered?

Also, what happened to this scientist? And the soldiers named Mark, why did they suddenly shoot at their own people?

It felt as if the two were suddenly replaced.

From Zhang Xu's mouth, Lin Mo knew what happened.

The scientific expedition ship was hijacked and brought to this place.

Then the scientists and researchers here found themselves and found themselves unable to wake up, so they went straight to the shock.

This is not treating people like people.

"Bastard thing!"

Lin Mo cursed angrily.

Now this situation is still relatively dangerous. Who knows what the situation is in this place, how many soldiers, how many people, and what defense capabilities it has.

Now it's just the few of them, what if the other party starts to encircle and suppress them?

Of course, there is no way to make sense at this time.

Even if the other party wanted to talk to Lin Mo, he would not agree.

Even if you disturb your studies, and you dare to get an electric shock, this is definitely not over.

At this time, Lin Mo still didn't slow down, and a few people helped him to the chair.

There were broken glass and corpses on the ground.

A few people escaped just now, and the piercing alarm was still ringing.

It is estimated that armed men will rush in soon.

However, with 418 around, Lin Mo was not worried that the situation would get out of control.

Compared to this, Lin Mo has a bigger discovery. Just now, in a hurry, he strangled a person with a mental noose.

But in the past, this kind of spiritual power was only effective in the spiritual realm.

And here is the real world.

Does mental power also work in the real world?

This is indeed the case at present, 418 is not a living example.

Moreover, this laboratory obviously already has the detection equipment for spiritual power. If you think about it carefully, isn't 418 the spiritual body researched by the White Eagle Kingdom?

This shows that the research on spiritual power in the White Eagle Country is not a matter of a day or two.

"418, how many people can you control at most?" Lin Mo asked at this time.

At this moment, the two people controlled by 418 said in unison: "No more than ten at the same time, but you can change the target at any time."

"Okay, while ensuring safety for a while, help me catch a few alive, I'm going to interrogate them."

"Just watch it, watch my performance!"

418 has long been convinced of Lin Mo. It is very aware of Lin Mo's horror. Although there was a moment of hesitation just now, it remembered the experience of the sea of ​​fear, the b who was killed by Lin Mo, and the a who completely compromised. Just know how stupid it is to be an enemy of Lin Mo.

Just be honest.

What's more, it could see clearly just now that Lin Mo could actually apply his mental power to the real world, and directly kill a person.

Although he killed more people, the two are not comparable.

Killing oneself relies on mental power to control other people and use the weapons in their hands to kill.

As for Lin Mo, he used his mental power to kill people directly.

From a professional point of view, Lin Mo's method is much more powerful than it is.

At this time, 418 made up his mind that he must show his worth in front of Lin Mo. Since he has decided to be a younger brother, he must be the most important and core younger brother.

Personal ability is key.

This time is an opportunity to perform, so it must not be pulled across.

To brace up.

418 immediately spread out his spiritual power, just like what he did on the Explorer.

Lin Mo rested and asked Zhang Xu to inject him with nutrient solution to recover his body function faster.

Hearing that there are still crew members captured, Lin Mo naturally intends to save people, but now is not the time.

Although there is a powerful spiritual body like 418, and Lin Mo himself can use his spiritual power to kill people, their power is still too little.

If it is a regular army, rushing in with a hundred and ten people, it will be difficult for them to resist.

So can't wait.

You have to take the initiative to completely disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

418 told Lin Mo that he had controlled the people outside and was destroying the enemy.

The sound of gunfire outside also confirmed this.

If you follow this rhythm, one 418 can kill the entire military base, constantly control the target, shoot the enemy, and if the controlled body dies, immediately replace the next one.

It's like a horrible virus spreading.

After a while Lin Mo got up and moved.

He feels better.

He noticed just now that this laboratory is not small in size and not low in level, mainly because the various equipment inside look top-notch.

There are computers and documents on the front desk.

Lin Mo scanned the past and found that the research content here can be said to be varied, but they are all related to the nightmare world and spiritual power.

And it has been quite successful.

Lin Mo even suspected that the Explorer might have been driven from this place.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed a keyword.

His eyes lit up, and he took out a copy from a pile of documents.

It reads: Clinical experiment report on the application of nzt-47 in actual combat!


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