Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 881: How is this going

There are more nightmares in this city than Lin Mo imagined.

Just came across one.

He is a person with distorted facial features, and his distorted face looks terrifying from the bottom of his heart. With just such a face, he can put any crippling and perverted things on the other side.

As long as you can think of it, you can put it on.

And certainly not wronged it.

Just such a terrifying pervert, holding a **** knife at the moment, standing at the door and staring straight at you.

Scary or not?

When ordinary people encounter this scene, they will definitely not dare to go out through the door again, either give up going out, or change their way.

But Lin Mo didn't have so many taboos.

He walked straight out, and finally, when he was about to collide with the perverted murderer, the other side rubbed a little and moved away.

See, it's that simple.

Even Lin Mo felt that the other party was slow. He turned his head and stared at the other party for ten seconds. The latter's eyes were still fixed on the door in front of him, and he muttered, "Why don't you come out? If you don't come out, I'll leave."

Don't look at the perverts of the parents, but you can't hold back your brains and cleverness.

In the end, Lin Mo didn't know the other party in general.

As a result, I took two steps and encountered two nightmares.

A meat ball twisted together by a dozen corpses; a female ghost floating half a meter in the air.

At first, the two came from the front, but when they saw Lin Mo and 416, they were very tacit at the next intersection, one turned left and the other turned right.


"The nightmare of this place is of high quality."

Lin Mo praised.

Many of the nightmares I encountered in the past were mindless. When I saw a living person, I saw a beautiful woman like a satyr. It was like a moth to a fire.

The most annoying is this.

It's a waste of time to take care of, and you may accidentally collapse and bleed.

But it's not okay to ignore it.

Now this is so good, harmonious and friendly.

Just after sighing, Lin Mo felt that something was grabbing his ankle, and then something was biting him.

Lin Mo's steel curse responded immediately.

Looking down, there was a ghost sticking out half of the body in the sewer next to him, chewing his feet.

This ghost was soaked in the stinky water, and there was a disgusting stench all over his body. Not only the clothes are tattered, but the flesh on the body is also tattered, just like stewed chicken. It is estimated that a stroke will remove the bones.

Under the curse of steel, Lin Mo's skin and flesh were like steel and iron. The other party took a few bites. There was nothing on Lin Mo's side, but not a single tooth was left in the other party's mouth.

It's all gone.

Lin Mo sighed and said to 416, have you seen it, this is the kind of incompetent nightmare, if you kill it, you are afraid of getting blood on your hands.

After taking a look at the neutral, Lin Mo got out, ignoring the carrion in the sewer, and continued forward.

Zhi He fluttered his wings and led the way. What Lin Mo had to do was to follow Zhi He.

This tracing paper crane is definitely Lin Mo's trump card.

The person who pretended to be Maomao to talk to the General Administration would definitely not have thought of this.

Zhihe was on a roundabout way, and so were Lin Mo and 416.

The nightmares encountered on the road are also strange and numerous.

However, Lin Mo did find an interesting thing.

The nightmares here do not easily attack living people, or to be more specific, those living people with some strange nightmare aura, they will not attack easily.

As a result, there was a scene that made Lin Mo stunned.

Nightmare and the living are walking down the same street at the same time.

Do not interfere with each other.

The living inhabitants here seem to be used to this too.

Lin Mo had actually seen a similar scene for a long time. His Green Garden community was actually similar to this one. There were also many people who bought a house for a lot of money in the Green Garden community.

They are in the community, and they don't have to be afraid of the nightmare of the same community.

Even if you meet like-minded people, you may even become friends.

In this regard, the Green Garden Community is obviously more harmonious and friendly.

The nightmares here are just because of 'dread', so they will not attack the living people who are sheltered by a certain 'god'.

In essence, they are still full of maliciousness, and as long as they have the opportunity, they will not hesitate to strike.

So the security environment here is relatively fragile.

Paper cranes passed through the crowd and flew across the streets, and Lin Mo and 416 followed.

In the end, Zhihe flew to a residential house.

The paper crane flew around the hut, and then flew in through the open window on the second floor.

Obviously, the cat is in this room.

Lin Mo looked up, the place was pitch-dark, and from the outside, nothing could be seen.

He was going to go straight to knock on the door.

If no one is driving, break in.

This is the easiest and most direct.

As a result, before knocking, the door of another house next door opened, and a person came out.

This is a rough-looking elder sister.

How rough is it?

Let's put it this way, the thickness of the opponent's arm can catch up with Lin Mo's thigh.

Just so strong.

The eldest sister was very alert when she saw Lin Mo and 416.

"What are you doing? Sneaky."

Because it is in the nightmare world, any language can communicate with each other here, and there is no problem in communicating with each other.

Lin Mo said to find someone.

The eldest sister asked back, do you know the young couple here?

young couple?

Lin Mo didn't quite understand, but the eldest sister said that this house was lived by a young couple, the men were handsome and the women were even more beautiful.

The little couple is very loving.

It sounds like the cat is not here.

Unless she is the young wife.

But when did the cat get married?

Knock on the door and ask.

Of course, Lin Mo knew that he would not make a mistake. He had absolute confidence in Zhihe. From the day he used Zhihe to find people, Zhihe had never missed it.

Since Zhihe flew into this room, the cat must be here.

The present knocked on the door.

The eldest sister next to her is still vigilant and can be called a good neighbor of the times.

At this time the door opened.

A young man opened the door and glanced at Lin Mo.

Just like what the lady said.

The male owner of this house is really handsome.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Prince Xin!"


The other party asked again.

After Lin Mo repeated it, the young man shook his head and said he didn't know him.

about to close.

Lin Mo immediately stepped forward and grabbed the door, saying that he wanted to go in and have a look.

This request is a bit abrupt, and the young man is indeed a little unhappy.

He directly rejected Lin Mo's request.

Then the door slammed shut.

This little setback was also expected by Lin Mo, so he was not in a hurry.

Substitution, this time let 416 knock.

dong dong dong!

The door opened again, and the young man was obviously a little unhappy. Just as he was about to speak, 416 had already blinked his eyes, completing the hypnosis.

"Won't you take us in to see?" 416 asked.

The young man under hypnosis nodded and took Lin Mo and 416 into the room.

"How many people are there in this house?"

After entering, Lin Mo asked.

He intends to feel the situation first.

"Two people, me and my wife." The young man said with a blank expression.

"Where is your wife?"

"She hasn't come back yet. She has a job in the nightmare But usually at this time, it's almost time to come back."

When the young man said this, Lin Mo was stunned.


His wife is not at home?

How could the paper crane fly here.

Obviously subconsciously, Lin Mo already thought that the young man's wife was the cat Wang Zixin.

But if the cat is not at home and hasn't come back, why does the paper crane fly to the second floor.

Or, this young man lied, what is hidden on the second floor?


The young man has been hypnotized, and in this case, it is almost impossible for the other party to lie.

Lin Mo asked 416 to stabilize the young man, and he went up to the second floor to have a look.

I didn't find anyone hiding, but I didn't find Zhihe either.


Lin Mo went downstairs, stared at the young man for a while, and was about to ask again. At this time, someone opened the door. Then, the door was opened, and a woman in a red dress walked in from outside.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!

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