Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 887: Wretched growth in the enemy's territory

The gods in the small room withdrew one by one.

Lin Mo was stunned on the spot.

This situation was a bit unexpected.

Originally, he just wanted to inquire about the information, but he was elected directly.

There are two choices in front of Lin Mo now.

One is to denounce and let the new gods know the plans and plans of the old gods, so that conflicts will inevitably break out between them.

Then make a profit on your own.

The other is to take account of the plan and undertake the resources sent by other old gods.

Lin Mo chose the second option.

Returning to the church hall again, Lin Mo looked at the few ashes left. He walked back and forth, and finally stood for a long time and pondered for a long time before patting his thigh.

"Just do it."

The Korean name is the bishop of the Church of the Martyrs.

This allowed him to obtain convenience and wealth beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In fact, the Church of the Victims already existed before the nightmare event happened.

Moreover, it has been established for thirty-two years.

The founder of the church is the father of the Korean name. At that time, he borrowed an allusion from the Holy Gate scriptures and used the servants who served the heavenly Father as gods.

In the classics, in order to protect the Father, this attendant was tortured by the enemy's thorns and thorns, and was called the "sufferer" in the Holy Gate.

This stuff is all verified.

The Korean name used the victim as the **** of the church, and then made up teachings and accepted the believers, which was all the rage for a while. Later, something happened and it was suppressed by the top. Although the Church of the Victims went through a low point, it still continued. At the peak of the church, there must be more than 800,000 members.

Later, the church was passed on to him from his father, who was named in Korean. It is still one of the three major churches in the local area, and the father and son have accumulated countless wealth.

That is the mansion yacht beauties beside him, what should be enjoyed, none of them are pulled down.

Later, the nightmare came, and Han Wenming's life was not greatly affected.

He has a way out.

He has a lot of connections at home and abroad. Unless the entire Little Blue Star is destroyed, as long as there is a safe area, he can go there and continue to enjoy life.

But this matter, he thought simple.

One day, the officials of the White Eagle Kingdom came to look for him, and they spy for a long time.

After that, miracles came from the church of the victims, and it was announced to the public that the victims of the gods came to redeem the members of the church. Suddenly, the reputation of the church doubled.

Han Wenming knew that the victim in the nightmare world in the church was not a 'real' god, but a terrifying monster created using fear.

so what?

No matter what it is, as long as it is on his side, there is no problem.

He is still the bishop of the church and still enjoys a luxurious life unimaginable to ordinary people.

For example, yesterday, he and a dozen young wives in the church had fun in a secret place, and it was obviously not the first time he had done something similar.

Early in the morning, the steward of the church found him and said that the gods had summoned him urgently.

The Korean name frowned.

The victim in the church usually seldom came to him. They all went their separate ways and only met when they needed to show miracles to the congregation.

Of course, in name, the victims are the 'core' of the church.

In other words, he is the first in command, he can only be regarded as the second in command.

But his second-in-command is also directly responsible to the great priest of the Redemption Society, so strictly speaking, in the Redemption Society, they are of the same level.

Nobody can control who.

But the face still has to be given.

It's okay to have a Korean name, so I plan to go and see it.

The women on the eight-meter bed were sent away, Han Wenming put on a solemn bishop's uniform, and sorted out his appearance in front of the mirror. He didn't need to do it himself, and four servants would help him sort it out.

After getting it done, Han Wenming nodded with satisfaction and drove to the church.

Coincidentally, we met the convoy of the President of the country on the road.

But the Korean name is to let the driver continue to drive. When they meet, the other party has no choice but to stop and avoid.

This is also a miracle.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Han Wenming felt complacent for a while and laughed.

"We are the real masters of this country."

Outside the church, many congregations have gathered, and they are all praying devoutly. The morning light slants through the obelisk at the top of the church, as if covered with a layer of golden sand, with a smell of holiness.

Han Wenming saw this situation and thought it was a good occasion.

So he got out of the car and gave a speech on the high platform under the frenzied crowd of many believers.

Looking at the congregation below who wanted to give him their hearts and souls, Han Wenming smiled, turned around, and walked into the magnificent church.

"My performance just now was perfect!"

The Korean name praised himself.

The door of the church was closed, blocking out the noise outside.

Han Wenming feels that today's church seems to be much brighter than usual, and even the air is much better.

It's like being purified.

Victims are in a nightmare world. To see this god, they have to fall into a dream.

The Korean name is already familiar with this.

He even learned how to fall into a dream instantly from the Redemption Society. Of course, it is very easy to wake up from the nightmare world. The Redemption Society also has a way.

The ability to quickly fall into a dream and wake up at will is enough to make most ordinary people envious.

After falling into a dream, Han Wenming opened his eyes.

The next moment, he was stunned.

If the church in the real world is bright, bright and clean, then the church in the nightmare world cannot be described in a single word.

More than half of the wooden chairs were destroyed and burned. There was a burnt hole in the center of the church, and the glass was shattered, as if it had experienced some kind of war.

The most important victim is missing.

The wooden shelf where the other party was located was also burned down, and the scene was in a mess. The little starlight at the top of the church was also pitch black at the moment.

The Korean name doesn't feel right.

He is very alert. When he finds something wrong, his first reaction is to wake up immediately and get out of the nightmare world.

No matter what is in the nightmare world, as long as he wakes up, there will be no problem.

This is common sense.

What surprised Han Wenming was that he woke up smoothly.

It's just that after his attributes, he found out that there was a man sitting across from him at some point, looking at him.

Han Wenming was accompanied by bodyguards, besides the bodyguards, there were also assistants.

There is nothing wrong with being faithful.

But at this moment, he glanced at him and found that his bodyguard and assistant were staring at him and smiling with strange expressions.

That smile was like a white sweat that made Han Wenming all over.

Live to hell.

Han Wenming is also a knowledgeable person, and he is also a smart person. He immediately knew that all this was done by the man in front of him, and the other party was threatening him.

His throat moved, he swallowed, and unnaturally tidied up his clothes to ease the tension in his heart.

"Brother, if there is anything to discuss, we must not go on the road of crime."

The man on the other side smiled and said that you should stop pretending to be a jerk. He also said that he wanted to ask him a favor, and answered within three seconds whether to help or not.

Is this called please?

It's called coercion.

But Han Wenming is not qualified to refuse. He has an intuition that if he refuses the other party, he will die miserably.

So for a second at most, he agreed.

A few hours later, Bishop Han Wenming of the Church of the Victims announced an exciting and exciting news to many congregants.

"Brothers and sisters, our great **** victim has been blessed by the heavenly father. The heavenly father is grateful for everything he has done for him, so he has given him a new body with supreme power. Now, the gods are willing to receive Everyone, and send precious blessings to everyone, let us cry together, sufferers, sufferers!"

The Korean name is a master at mobilizing other people's emotions and bewitching others.

Lin Mo felt that his choice this time was a good one.

With the bishop of this church there, everyone should quickly accept the new form of "victim".

That's right.

Lin Mo asked Sister Yue to play the role of the new victim.

I wanted to make it rain.

After all, Xiaoyu is closer to herself.

The problem is, Xiaoyu can't speak.

But about pretending to be a victim, you have to say something, otherwise, you can say it before, but you can't say it now, so how can you bless everyone?

Easy to wear.

Besides, Xiaoyu didn't catch a cold on this matter, but Sister Yue was very interested.

Lin Mo now knows the secret of the sacrificial, plus the Church of the Sufferers and the full resources of other old gods, this opportunity to make the nightmare stronger must be seized.

If Sister Yue can really take advantage of this incident to make a leap in strength, then Lin Mo's side will have more cards.

At that time, even if he turned his face directly, I believe there would be no problem.

This is called, wretched development on the enemy's territory.

Next, it depends on whether everyone is satisfied with the new look of the victim god.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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