Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 900: friends in hell

Inside the ruins, the pungent sulphur-smelling smoke and dust swept through the gusts of wind.

Listening to the wind outside, Lin Mo looked at the devil named Moore.

"I'm sorry, brother, look, you didn't know Sister Wenjun before, so there was a little misunderstanding and you lost your body. But it's okay, you still look handsome now, I don’t know how many succubuses from **** can be fascinated.”

Lin Mo was full of nonsense.

The other party's eyelids twitched twice, and he said thank you against his will.

"I see blood all over your face, and you look all red. I'll wipe it for you." Lin Mo reached out and wiped the other's face.

It was found to be a little blood, but not much.

But this guy's entire face, including his head, is red, and because he doesn't have long hair, it looks like a red-skinned sweet potato.

"Hey, why can't I wipe it off?"

Lin Mo began to exert force.

Momo couldn't hold back, and said thank you, my skin is this color and can't be wiped off.

Lin Mo remembered that in some descriptions of hell, the skin of some devils is indeed red.

"Red is good, red is beautiful, festive, look at you, how festive you are." Lin Mo was not embarrassed at all, and the person who directly praised them became shy.

The politeness was almost over, and Lin Mo began to ask serious questions.

Regarding the situation in hell, how many devils and demons are there, is everyone full of hatred for Yedi, and another important point, do you know where the gun of Longinus is in hell?

Whether Moore is willing or not, he has to answer honestly at this moment.

It doesn't know how many devils and demons there are, but it is certain that the existence in **** is full of hatred for Yedi. As for the gun of Longinus, it does not know.

Lin Mo was not satisfied with this answer.

"I want to unite with the devils and demons in **** to fight against Yedi, what do you think?" Lin Mo intends to listen to the other party's opinions.

After all, people are the locals.

"This is a bit difficult. All the devils and demons are full of suspicions about each other. They have never cooperated or thought about it."

"Didn't I figure it out for you? Look at you, now it's just a mess of sand, how can we become bigger and stronger? Listen to me, let's form an alliance, we are all friends, let's kill Yedi together, he is dead, you guys Can't you eat deliciously and drink spicy food, and feel at ease?"

Lin Mo imagined a better future for the other party.

Not to mention, Moore is really tempted.

It used to be used to deceive and deceive others, but this time it was fooled by Lin Mo.

"I plan to visit all the devils and demons around first, so that we can work together. When needed, you have to help me persuade them, and say that I am sincere to make friends, and I have no ill intentions. It is purely for help. Everyone."

After negotiating with Moore here, Lin Mo immediately began to act.

With Moore's guidance, he soon led people to find a powerful devil around him.

This is a devil who also has scarlet skin and a flame of **** burning on his head. He has a tail and sheep's hooves, and is resting in a pool of blood.

Lin Mo went to say hello, the other party might be a little shy, jumped out of the blood pool and rushed over.

"Sister Wenjun, talk to it first."

After speaking, Lin Mo took a step back.

He felt more and more like his mother.

Next, Xi Wenjun had a preliminary contact with this devil called 'Azbu', and he was very friendly, at least he didn't peel off the other side's skin.

This process was actually quite tortuous. At the beginning, Xiwenjun was dragged into the blood pool by the other party. Before Lin Mo had time to worry, the red wedding dress on Xiwenjun had already drained the blood pool.

The 'Azbu' without the blood pool was pressed to the ground by Xiwen Jun in just two strokes.

When Lin Mo saw that the time was up, he immediately went up to establish a friendship with the other party.

At first, the attitude of 'Azibu' was very cold, but when he heard that he was going to join forces to kill Yedi, his interest immediately came up. It seemed that he hated Yedi very much.

Lin Mo was curious and wanted to know why your hatred was so deep, and 'Azibu' showed Lin Mo his back.

You can see the other side's back, about the shoulder blade, there are two symmetrical, vertical wounds.

"I used to be an angel, but because of one mistake, he forcibly tore off his wings and went to hell. He also cursed me so that the wound on my back would never heal, and I would endure this pain forever."

'Azbu' gritted his teeth.

It turned out that the previous blood pool was formed by the blood flowing from its body.

"Is it so cruel?" Lin Mo was surprised when he heard it.

"You feel ruthless too?" Azib asked.

Lin Mo said, if this is not called viciousness, is there still viciousness in this world?

"The angels are said to be created by Yedi. To a certain extent, he is your father. How can there be such a father to his children? It's too cruel, too cruel, how can he bear it?"

"I believe that your heart ached at the time, but there was still a glimmer of hope. I hope your father will change his mind and take you back. At that time, you won't even blame him."

"But this irresponsible father has let you down again, he gave up on you, let you suffer endless pain, hope again and again, turned into despair... Hey, brother, you are so miserable, I will do it for you Not worth it."

Listening to Lin Mo's heartfelt words, Azibna nodded again and again, because Lin Mo spoke to his heart.

This is meeting a confidant.

No need to ask, Azib is naturally willing to go with Lin Mo and fight against Yedi together.

In Lin Mo's words, this is a journey of justice for revenge!

The corners of his mouth were twitching when Moore watched.

When they were leaving together, Moore secretly gave Azib a wink, and finally found an opportunity to tell the other party to be careful of this new friend.

He also said some nasty things.

"Shut up, I don't allow you to say that about my friend," Azib scolded angrily.

Momo rolled his eyes and almost fainted, thinking that you can ignore me if you don't want to listen, what are you doing so loudly?

It was over, the one named Lin Mo came over.

Moore felt that he couldn't even keep this head.

Lin Mo came over to ask what was going on, and then looked at Moore, who did not dare to look at him.

"I really want to make friends with you. I won't pursue this matter, but don't have another time."

After speaking, Lin Mo walked into a dark hole in front of him.

This is the next devil's lair.

Moore felt that it had walked through the gate of hell, and was stared at by Lin Mo just now, which was more frightening than suffering in hell.

It is very doubtful whether it is the devil itself, or the other party is the devil.

The third devil lived in a dark cave, a mass of various poisonous insects, flying, ruthless and suspicious, and it took some effort to convince this devil.

At first, the other party wanted to leave Lin Mo to have a light meal at his 'home'. Lin Mo knew that this 'simple meal' was no accident, and it was referring to himself.

Pretty naughty!

Lin Mo wasn't angry at all. He saw a lot of arrogant and arrogant enemies. Usually, he would be honest with a single beating. So first, persuade them with good words, and then move them with reason. Seeing that the other party still doesn't want to be soft, in the end, they can only be hard.

This is the process that takes time.

In the end, under the burning of the green fire of the brick and hammer, the other party expressed his willingness to make friends and to fight against Yedi together.

Lin Mo could see that the other party was not sincere.

And nine times out of ten you will betray.

In fact, according to Lin Mo's original temper, he must not tolerate such unstable factors.

But now that the team has just opened, it is actually not good to kill them directly. It is better to wait for the team to grow and kill the opponent as an example.

At least there is still some value in it.

The team has grown a lot, and the advantage is that it is huge. Even if it encounters some powerful demons and devils, it does not agree to join, and it does not dare to mess around.

As for some demons with average strength, they were basically pulled into the team by Lin Mo.

Wait for the team to grow a little more, and then turn around to find those powerful demons and devils.

They have to be weighed.

Although Lin Mo never said it explicitly, but he hinted wildly, if you don't agree, then kill you.

Who can bear this?

It can be said that apart from consent, there is no second way to go.

So whether it was against his will or voluntarily, Lin Mo's circle of friends in **** grew stronger and stronger. Everywhere he passed, there were a large number of devils of different shapes, with more than 100 numbers, and their imposing manners were threatening.

In order to catch (pretend) the road (force), Lin Mo called out the dark horse Zhang Jia gave him for the first time, and rode on it. At this moment, he was like the king of demons who led a group of demons to attack heaven.

That style, who didn't know it, thought it was the regular army of hell.

In other words, the most difficult thing about **** is at the beginning. As long as the snowball is big enough, then you don’t need to exert any force afterward, or even do nothing, you can benefit from it and achieve your goal.

For example, now, when encountering a normal devil's lair, there is no need for Lin Mo to come out, and Azib will lead a group of fanatical devils to rush in to negotiate with the other party.

Azib had already learned Lin Mo's words.

Go up and call your friends, do you want revenge? Do you want to vent your anger? Do you want to be the devil? Do you want to die?

The first three sounded normal, and even made people feel a little excited and longing, but the last one turned sharply.

The devil will ask, we understand the first three, what does the last one mean by wanting to die?

"If you don't agree, you have to die!" Azib said seriously.

The devil on the opposite side is usually not a good person, and it is also a bad thing, but I saw Azib who came with a vote of devils, and I saw more devils behind him. Even the devil with a bad temper, this one. Don't dare to mess around.

The result of the chaos is to be beaten by the group.

Smart, join in the first time.

After all, Azib's slogan is good, besiege Yedi, take revenge, and turn over to call the shots.

very attractive.

Even those who are not smart, they are only a symbolic objection, and they also dare not do it.

There are also very few who are purely stupid and dare to do it.

As a result, it was torn to shreds by many demons.

The devils in **** are immortal, because Yedi wants them to suffer eternal pain, even if they are torn apart and only the head remains, they will still exist.

Even if the body is destroyed, the soul still has to suffer in hell.

Therefore, the slogan that Lin Mo shouted, kill Emperor Ye, turn over and call the shots, literally touched the hearts of most demons and demons.

In the past, they were like a mess of sand, without a leader, no one obeyed or trusted anyone.

But at this moment, someone united everyone.

The power that erupted at this time was something that no one could have imagined.

Lin Mo rode on a tall black horse, with Wenjun sitting behind him.

Although it looks a little weird, it is not conspicuous.

Because of the hundreds of devils present, all of them looked weird, and none of them were normal.

Lin Mo knew very well that he could no longer manage the current team by himself.

There are too many.

He needs capable and 'faithful' helpers.

Azib is clearly one.

This is Lin Mo's most capable assistant at present.

In addition, he also found several good seedlings.

A winged terror with five heads sealed on his stomach.

According to the Horror Demon, the five heads were its two wives and three children. After being killed for blaspheming Yedi, they were sewn to their belly.

torment it.

Blood and sweat vengeance.

The other is as crazy and loyal as Azib.

Lin Mo naturally had to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

There were several other demons who had the same experience as Azib and the Horror, and obviously had no other intentions, and they all followed their own hearts.

These were all arranged by Lin Mo.

With such a large number of devils, Lin Mo can't wait to find Yedi immediately and kill him.

Although he feels that he has enough strength to do this now.

But having another layer of insurance is definitely not a bad thing.

What if Yedi is not in hell?

In case, these devil armies can't be brought out.

So we have to find the gun of Longinus.

With this thing, it is considered to have double insurance.

Not to mention, among so many devils, someone has indeed heard of this god-killing weapon.

Calling those demons who knew about it, Lin Mo learned such a piece of information.

The Spear of Longinus is within the volcano in the distance.

These devils are just hearsay, they have never really seen this kind of artifact.

And some of them are sober, saying that even if some of them get the spear of Longinus, it is impossible to kill Yedi.

The other party can't stand and let you kill.

Any method can suppress you.

Lin Mo immediately poured chicken soup for these devils, saying that was in the past, and now we have such a large team, not to mention one Yedi, even three or five more, all of them can be killed in the just war of our broad masses.

At the moment, Lin Mo announced that he was heading towards Hell Volcano.

By the way, continue to find like-minded friends on the road.

At the foot of the volcano, Lin Mo discovered a problem.

The team that he had temporarily pulled up seemed to be expanding too fast.

Now this huge team can be called a legion. Others don't know how many, but Lin Mo is good at counting, so he knows it clearly.

There are 1895 devils.

Not some kind of low-level **** monster, but a well-known, powerful, leader-level devil.

Lin Mo felt that not to mention the guy who only had the rudiment of Yedi, even if the real Yedi came, he would have to kneel in front of such a large number of devils.

This power is terrifying.

Also too powerful.

So powerful that Lin Mo is worried, once he loses control, it will inevitably cause extremely serious consequences.

For example, if there are demons with ulterior motives to convince other demons to unite against them, it will be troublesome.

It can hurt the enemy, and it can hurt itself.

Lin Mo began to think about the future.

If you can't find Ye Di in hell, how can you explain it to these devil army?

After all, in the beginning, it was under the slogan of killing Emperor Ye and turning himself into the master.

If their goals are not achieved, they must find their own troubles.

Even if you don't find trouble with yourself and get out of the way, then these devils may spontaneously join forces to do things.

This is also trouble.

Of course, I can ignore these and let them fend for themselves, but I always feel unrighteous.

Think again, do you think too much?

It's not yet that time, let's get the gun of Longinus first.

Relying on the large number of people, Lin Mo easily found an entrance to the depths of the volcano.

But as soon as he got close, he heard a loud noise from inside.

It didn't feel good, mainly because at this moment, Lin Mo actually felt the breath of light rain.

very close.

right inside.

He immediately rode in and rushed in, followed by the devil army behind him.

Because he was riding a horse, Lin Mo led Xi Wenjun at the fastest speed and rushed in immediately.

As soon as I entered, I saw Yedi bullying Xiaoyu and Sister Yue.

The opponent's constant attacks and arrogant smiles seemed to be a sure win.

Xiaoyu and Yuejie each had a glowing cross on their bodies at the moment.

Just like Grandma Meng before, she can't move.

Seeing this, Lin Mo cursed angrily.

Yedi was wearing a white robe at the moment, and his whole body radiated turned his head and saw that Lin Mo narrowed his eyes.

"It's good to come. I was just about to find you. You're here, so I can save my time and search again."

"You're crazy, believe it or not I'll kill you!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth.

Xi Wenjun has already floated down.

But in terms of momentum, it is obviously weaker than Yedi.

"Just the two of you?" Ye Di smiled: "Before you drank some weird things, you really became stronger, but if you really kill me, it's still a little bit worse, what's more, I don't think you can do it now. Again... hey, hey, hey, what's going on, where did you guys come from?"

Speaking of half of Ye Di, the originally confident expression suddenly changed to panic at this moment.

Because he saw the devil army that rushed in with Lin Mo.


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