Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 902: 4th Special Expert

Ye Di's death was like a shackle removed from hell.

It's like loosening one of the most important constraints.

Hell did not collapse and disappear, but continued to exist. It is estimated that from now on, if someone outside curses others to go to **** again, the other party may actually reach this place.

Under the Hell Volcano, Lin Mo counted the number of Devil Legions.

The layoff is nearly half.

It can be seen how fierce the fight against Yedi this time is. From the side, Yedi is indeed outrageously strong, so powerful that only his family and many devils can be besieged at the same time to win.

All of these elements are indispensable.

But in the end, Lin Mo's side won after all.

Lin Mo had thought about this before.

If you kill Yedi, what should you do if **** still exists.

Naturally, there are psychological expectations for this result.

Seeing him riding on the black horse and shouting, the many cheering and shouting devils immediately quieted down.

That is Lin Mo.

If it were someone else, these devils would never listen.

"We made it!"

Lin Mo roared.

Then he glanced at the many devils: "Who did the last blow to Yedi?"

In fact, Lin Mo saw who did it at the time.

But still have to ask in public.

Soon, the devil who stabbed Yedi with a sharp knife was elected.

The other party was still holding the uniquely shaped sharp blade in his hand, which was covered with Ye Di's blood, including the devil's head and face, which was also splattered with blood.

Lin Mo dismounted and walked over, patting the other person's shoulder heavily.

"Well done bro!"

The other party was naturally very excited.

Lin Mo noticed the weapon in the opponent's hand.

It doesn't look like normal daggers and sharp knives, but more like the tip of a spear.

There is some kind of special smell on it.

"Let me see!"

Lin Mo stretched out his hand.

The other party obviously didn't want to give it, but after thinking about it, he finally handed it over.

Can this scene not work?

Lin Mo took a closer look and found that it was really the tip of the spear, about twenty centimeters long, and Yedi's blood had already been dyed on it before, and it couldn't be wiped off.

And the background is simple and simple, with mysterious patterns, obviously not ordinary.

"Brother, where did you get this thing?" Lin Mo felt that the weapon didn't match the devil in front of him, so he asked casually.

The devil didn't dare to lie in front of Lin Mo, he could only answer honestly, saying that he picked it up from the pit that your father smashed in the previous melee.

Lin Mo was taken aback.

He really didn't notice this.

That is to say, it was Dad who punched the ground before, opening a pothole, and the other party just fell into it. As a result, he found such a weapon underneath.

Then as soon as he climbed up, he saw Ye Di was close at hand, and his holy light shield was broken.

So this devil stabbed him easily and achieved a historic moment.

Really good luck.

"Not surprisingly, this is the legendary gun of Longinus."

Lin Mo said something.

Many demons have heard it, and now they are looking at this god-killing weapon with burning eyes.

The devil also looked nervous.

It discovered this good thing first, and it also completed the final blow to Yedi, so it felt that this artifact should belong to it.

Lin Mo glanced at the devil, and he could probably guess what the other party was thinking.

Good stuff, who doesn't want it?

Lin Mo also wanted it.

But not hard to grab.

At this time, my mother came over, patted Lin Mo on the shoulder, then took the gun of Longinus from his hand, and raised it.

First, this god-killing weapon was solemnly introduced to all the devils.

Then he said that this artifact would be rewarded to the warrior who killed the **** himself.

The devil thought he couldn't get it back, but when he met love around the corner, the surprise came quite suddenly.

Mother handed the gun of Longinus to the other party, and the devil was naturally very happy.

Then my mother whispered to Lin Mo that after a while, the other party would have to give you this weapon honestly.

Lin Mo also reacted at once, and then secretly gave his mother a thumbs up.

It is the so-called guilt.

This devil's own strength can only be said to be in the middle, not a particularly outstanding kind. An existence like it, holding a god-killing weapon in his hand, isn't this a Kaizi who wanders around with a pile of cash in a community with poor security? Waiting for someone else to rob.

Even if no one dares to do it for the time being, it will inevitably be taken away in the long run.

And, maybe not even his life.

So as long as this devil still has a brain, he can't figure it out for a while, but reality will soon make it understand that this level of artifact is not qualified to possess.

If you want to live, you can only hand it over.

At this stage, who can I give it to?

Who dares to take it?

Only Lin Mo.

At this time, my mother pulled Lin Mo aside and whispered for a while.

My sister was curious and ran over to eavesdrop, but she was taught a few words by her mother, so she could only throw it away and squatted in the corner to draw circles.

Dad was sitting on a stone in the distance, clenching his fists, as if recalling the details of the battle just now, perhaps summarizing lessons, or simply taking a rest.

No devil dared to approach him.

Obviously Dad's ferocity has impressed all the devils.

"My little Romi, as I said just now, the death of that Yedi is equivalent to removing a layer of restraint from these devils. This is not a good thing, they need new restraints."

Mom told Lin Mo that if these devils were not restrained, they might do something exaggerated and outrageous.

"How exactly?"

"You've done it." Mom said, "My little Romi, you are their new restraint now. As long as you are here, they won't dare to mess around. You are smart and know what to do."

Lin Mo did know.

Just two things.

Set the rules and support the team.

Some rules have to be set for these devils, and in addition, there needs to be some loyal devil subordinates, so as not to be afraid of them doing things.

And mother also told Lin Mo that the gun of Longinus must be taken back.

Otherwise, there may be a devil thinking of using this weapon to kill you in the future.

Lin Mo asked his mother, listen to what you mean, do you want me to rule hell?

Mom nodded: "That's what it means. Why don't you do it if you can rule hell? If you don't do it, others will do it, and it will be good for you to have influence here in the future."

Lin Mo nodded.

Don't ask more, in short, the things arranged by my mother will definitely not be wrong. Besides, the family in the cozy cottage likes this place, so they can control it and become the king of hell, then they can come here often, and even my mother said that the cozy cottage can be fixed here.

It's quite touching to hear.

Just when Lin Mo and his mother were discussing how to intrigue with these devils, in the real world, the capitals of neighboring countries were already in some kind of chaos.

The higher-ups of the Redemption Society fell into huge fear because of the death of "Yedi" (actually, he just disappeared at the beginning), and they were afraid because they knew how strong Yedi was.

As soon as the high-level people left, the middle-level level went into chaos.

Some knew some news and ran away, and some didn't know the situation at all, but they couldn't control the situation.

In the past, Redemption would be the actual controller here.

The official institutions of the neighbouring countries are a bummer.

But the decorations are decorations, and the officials here are not soft persimmons. They have been looking for opportunities to get rid of the influence and control of the Redemption Society.

There has been no opportunity in the past, but this time, the opportunity has come.

After finding out that the top management of the Redemption Society had all run away overnight, the official organization also responded immediately.

Take over the army first.

All the senior generals who colluded with the Redemption Society were arrested.

This is the first step, and the second step is to use the army to control the situation, and at the same time investigate the cause of the civil unrest in the Redemption Society.

In addition, those Chinese experts and scientists who have been secretly protected by official agencies have finally woken up from their strange slumber.

They talked to the General Administration of China for the first time, and after confirming their identities, they informed each other about their respective situations.

"It turned out that it was expert Lin Mo from the General Administration. No wonder we were able to wake up."

Captain Zhou, who was in charge of leading the team, sighed with emotion at this time.

Although Wang Zixin didn't say anything, she was quite excited.

Lin Mo is here?

Where is he now?

The General Administration is also asking this question.

no one knows.

The General Administration was in a hurry, and ordered the people here to immediately implement Lin Mo's current situation, and also informed them of something.

The General Administration has discussed it and reported it to the superior, and approved the application for Lin Mo to be the fourth special expert of the General Administration. That is to say, from now on, the General Administration has a fourth special expert.

After hearing this, the pressure on the person in charge here increased.

They must have been rescued by Lin Mo experts, but again, they knew the peculiarities of this place.

There are all kinds of weird and terrifying gods, and maybe Expert Lin is also in trouble.

The most troublesome thing is that if it is a trouble that experts cannot solve, what can they do?

I know it's hard to do it, but I have to do it. Can this pressure be small?

It can only immediately coordinate the official agencies of the neighboring countries and let them assist in the search, but obviously, they can't find it either.

At this time, Wang Zixin found the captain and said that she and Expert Lin were very familiar and knew each other very well.

"Don't look for it. It's a waste of time. It's better to help the officials here to stabilize the situation. I guess Expert Lin has other things to do. After he finishes, he will come back."

"Is this okay?" Captain Zhou had a headache.

"Don't worry, Lin Mo and I are iron buddies. Captain, you listen to me right. Take a step back and say, even if he gets into trouble, what do you think we can do for the special expert-level master? You'll be lucky if you don't cause trouble."

"It makes sense."

Captain Zhou finally made a decision and stopped looking for it.

Can't find it anyway.

It's really better to help the official institutions here to stabilize the situation.

After all, the situation here in the neighboring country is indeed extremely chaotic.

At that time, more people may die because of the chaos than the previous nightmares combined.

Many things, sometimes deliberately looking for, may not achieve what you want, but if you let it go, you can have some unexpected gains.

Wang Zixin and the others have their own divisions of She was in an office arranging materials, and she was busy here for a long time, and suddenly the surroundings became quiet.

This made her realize immediately that something was wrong.

Looking up, the three people in the original room were motionless at the moment, looking at her expressionlessly.

This made Wang Zixin break out in a cold sweat.

People who are very familiar suddenly become unfamiliar, which is strange and scary.

It is impossible for these three people to have such an abnormal behavior for no reason.

Wang Zixin reached out and touched the gun behind him.

But the next moment, someone in the room said, "Don't be nervous!"

After speaking, another person walked to the door and opened it.

Immediately, a tall, blond beauty walked in from the door, followed by a person pushing a wheelchair.

A person sitting in a wheelchair, tilted his head, wearing a baseball cap, can't see clearly, is sleeping.

"Are you a cat?"

The blonde beauty asked.

Wang Zixin looked vigilant and nodded.

"Hello, I'm 416!"

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