Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 915: The old Taoist priest and his daughter

The feng shui master also told the truth.

They said before that it was Daoist Zhu Yun who destroyed the original Feng Shui Bureau here.

This is not accurate.

Daoist Zhu Yun did do this, but at the time, he did it with the five of them. It can be said that everyone has a share, and no one can get away from it.

In other words, such a strange thing happening here is not a natural formation, but a man-made disaster.

"Apart from the five of you, Daoist Zhu Yun, is there anyone else?" Lin Mo asked with a sullen face.

He was referring to the 'informed person' who knew the situation here, or the 'accomplice' who destroyed the Feng Shui Bureau here together.

"one left."


"We call him the old Taoist priest, he seems to be the senior brother of Taoist Zhu Yun."

"Is it great?"

"Amazing, but the old Taoist has no desires or desires, so he won't interfere with us in these matters."

"What the hell? What are you doing here with no desire and no desire?"

"It seems that he is looking for his daughter."

"His daughter?"

After that, Lin Mo listened to a story told by the feng shui master.

It is said that there was a Taoist priest in the past, who was very high in Taoism. When he was walking in the rivers and lakes, he passed a fortune teller on the side of the road in a small town. The old Taoist does not believe in evil, saying that he serves Sanqing, reads Taoist scriptures, and is proficient in astronomy, geography and metaphysics.

As a result, he really encountered disaster.

Peach Blossom Tribulation.

A year later, he met a woman who was gentle, generous and sensible.

The old Taoist priests were not disciplined, and it was common for some Taoist priests to marry wives and have children.

It had been a good few years, until his wife died of illness, and his daughter was abducted and her whereabouts were unknown.

The old Taoist turned pale overnight.

He knew that this was his doom.

There is no escape.

But the girl has to be found, and this has become his obsession.

As a result, after more than ten years, there was some news that the girl was sold into the palace and became a famous palace maid.

Although the old Taoist had a hard life, he was highly skilled. As if God was deliberately teasing him, the day before he came, the girl got into trouble and was beaten to death and hastily buried.

Encountering such a thing, the true Bodhisattva would be furious, not to mention that the old Taoist is still a person with seven emotions and six desires.

He killed all the evil slaves and eunuchs who had murdered his daughter, and later discovered the overall situation of Feng Shui in Qianlong Palace when he fled. Because of his high attainments in this area, the old Taoist found the entrance of the **** palace gate and entered with the skeleton of his daughter. .

I don't know what method was used to recreate the girl in this strange place.

From then on, the old Taoist turned into an old eunuch, guarding his daughter's side, enjoying the hard-won peace.

When the feng shui master told this story, he was full of emotion, and he was obviously devoted to his feelings. After he finished speaking, he asked Lin Mo if he was moved or not.

"Then, what's the matter with you?" Lin Mo understood and asked a question.

The feng shui master said that they all came in with the old Taoist priest at that time, and they were considered to be the same people.

Lin Mo slapped him and told him to tell the truth.

"The main reason is that only the old Taoist can find this place. In all likelihood, Mr. Chunfeng was the first person to set up the formation. He is too skilled. Without the old Taoist breaking the situation, we would not be able to get in at all. Of course, he was looking for his daughter, and we also helped. Busy, each takes what he needs, and each takes what he needs.”

The feng shui master covered his face and said.

Quite aggrieved.

"Apart from the old Taoist priest, is there anyone else?" Lin Mo asked again.

"No, really gone." The feng shui master swore.

This time, Lin Mo had a clue in his heart.

Obviously, in the small team formed by the other party before, it was different.

The old Taoist is the purest, looking for a daughter; Taoist Zhu Yun is a conspirator, he wants to use the feng shui formation here to gather Yin evil, let him reinvent himself, and even achieve the 'Dao fruit' that they talk about; as for the feng shui master group of five , is also greedy and cunning, unscrupulous to achieve ends.

What surprised Lin Mo was that it was Mr. Chunfeng who first helped set up the Fengshui formation here.

This is a bull.

Lin Mo has known from a long time ago.

Speaking of which, Lin Mo and this Mr. Chunfeng are very destined, and the things they have encountered several times are related to each other.

So far, the situation has been touched almost.

Lin Mo pondered for a while, and then asked the feng shui master, there is really no way to change this feng shui formation that has been manipulated by hands and feet?

If the channel for the 'flood discharge' can be opened, the Yin evil energy that has accumulated here for hundreds of years can be resolved, and the crisis can also be resolved.

The feng shui master hurriedly shook his head, saying that he really had no choice.

Don't talk about them, even the old Taoist priests are not recruited.

"After we secretly did this with Daoist Zhu Yun, the old Taoist was furious and wanted to make up for the formation, but after he tried it, he said he couldn't do it. You think, the old Taoist can't do it, and we can't do anything about it. ."

The reasoning here is not difficult to understand.

A broken mirror is hard to round.

It has always been difficult to create and easy to destroy.

More Lin Mo didn't want to ask the feng shui master anymore. Although the other party swears that what he said before is true, who can know if there is something hidden.

Therefore, Lin Mo thought, let Xiaohu eat him.

After becoming a ghost, Lin Mo will feel that the other party is credible.

So he called the tiger out.

I haven't let Xiaohu come out for a walk for a while. After this guy came out, he was obviously very dissatisfied, and he hummed at Lin Mo, the meaning was obvious.

in protest.

"I understand, I understand, it's mainly what happened recently. It's too dangerous. It's useless for you to come out. Instead, it's easy for people to kill me. I'm protecting you, understand?"

Lin Mo patted the huge tiger's head with a good-for-you expression on his face.

"Go and eat him."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the feng shui master over there.

The latter saw Xiaohu and was immediately stunned.

Apparently never seen such a big tiger before.

too exaggerated.

Hearing that he wants to eat himself, the feng shui master is begging for mercy with snot and tears, but Xiaohu will never stop this, let alone begging for mercy, it is useless to call your father.

One sip, the world is quiet.

"Spit him out later, I have something to ask him."

Lin Mo gave an order.

Tiger nodded.

After a while, he opened his mouth and spat out the feng shui master again.

At this moment, the feng shui master is completely honest.

Nothing to think about.

Become a ghost, life and death are in the mind of Xiaohu, and there is no chance of turning over again.

Lin Mo asked him if what he said before was false.

The other party is sincere, saying that everything is true, and there is no lie.

This time, Lin Mo believed.

Because of the mechanism, the feng shui master boss at this time can no longer lie.

Lin Mo asked the other party if he had any secrets to tell him.

The feng shui master said yes.

"I know very well that you are not honest, you old boy, say."

Lin Mo's face was sullen, and he said in his heart that if Xiaohu wasn't there, it would be really difficult for the other party to reveal everything he knew.

The feng shui master started to say something.

It is the daughter of the old Taoist priest. In fact, the five of them and Taoist Zhu Yun have long been found, and they are the ones who sold it to Qianlong Palace as palace maids.

They even killed the old Taoist's daughter by means.

There is only one purpose, to force the old Taoist to take action, find the formation eye of the Fengshui formation, and enter it.

But they didn't expect that there was still a 'guard' set up by Mr. Chunfeng in the eyes, and as a result, all their bodies were killed before entering this special nightmare world.

This was one of their biggest secrets, and they didn't dare to tell the old Taoist priest.

It's normal, how dare they say this?

If so, the old Taoist priests have to light their sky lanterns.

Lin Mo said that you guys are really ruthless, can you do such a cruel thing?

"We will do whatever we can to achieve our goals, and we can't limit ourselves to small details. This is our way of life."

The feng shui master didn't feel wrong at all, and even thought it was right.

Lin Mo said that I was going to take you to see the old Taoist priest and talk about it well.

After he finished speaking, he was too lazy to listen to what the feng shui master had to say, so Xiaohu quickly swallowed him back.

The place where the old Taoist lived has been inquired just now, and Lin Mo felt that he should get in touch with the other party.

Without delay, I took Xiao 6 Xiao 6 said that the big cat just now, can I let her play with it next time, or give it to her directly, and said that it is very cute and she likes it very much.

Lin Mo said no.

As a result, Little 6 was entangled all the way, and Lin Mo did not nod when he exhausted his means.

"It's stingy!" Xiao 6 finally said.

to the place.

A very remote courtyard, knocked on the door, a young palace maid opened the door, saw Lin Mo and Xiao Lu, who didn't know each other, and asked who you are?

Lin Mo didn't say a word, but looked up and down the young palace maid.

At this time, a person in the yard said: "I'm here to find me, let them come in."

------off topic-----

Chapter one in the early morning, the last day of July, come to a complete success, less than 100 votes to reach 2000, come on!

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