Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 920: Skill matching is the most important

Not to mention that the old Taoist was dumbfounded, even Lin Mo thought it was incredible.

But when you think about it, it's normal.

Because in theory, it all works.

Xiao 6's hypnosis is a deep-level hypnosis, directly driven by spiritual power. It can be said that no one can resist it. Even a special emperor's guard can still be hypnotized for a few seconds.

And Lin Mo's bewitching curse, with the blessing of his own spiritual power, the effect doubled.

This is equivalent to re-brainwashing the person who has changed into a ghost, so that the other party thinks that the previous ghost change was just a dream, and after waking up, they are still them.

Facts have proved that Lin Mo succeeded.

This set of theories has stood the test.

And the combination of different abilities has an unexpected effect.

After the test is successful, it is natural to start large-scale promotion.

Here, Sister Yue said she could help.

After all, after the sacrifice ceremony, her strength skyrocketed. In the system of the Redemption Society, Sister Yue is now a powerful god, and the current G value may have exceeded 20,000.

Her dark realm has also been greatly strengthened,

Even if it is only used as a prop to isolate other ghosts from becoming ghosts, it is enough.

Lin Mo asked how many ghosts Xiao 6 could hypnotize at most at one time.

Small 6 said, probably five or six.

Any more and there is a danger of losing control.

This is actually very strong, but Lin Mo feels that it is not enough.

"I can help with this matter." The old Taoist came over at this moment, he took out a spell, first chanted the spell, then stomped his feet and shook his head, like a lunatic.

But Lin Mo didn't dare to underestimate others at all.

Because the old Taoist has real skills.

The other party's talisman is too strong, and if nothing else, the old Taoist still used the 'please spell' this time.

The only difference is that the other party ate the talisman by himself last time, but this time, it was stuffed into Xiao Liu's mouth.


The old priest said something.

Xiao Lu glanced at Lin Mo, and Lin Mo nodded.

Only then did she swallow the talisman.

Almost instantly, a golden light swayed from Xiao Lu's body, just like when the old Taoist invited God.

"How do you feel?" Lin Mo immediately went over and asked.

Xiao 6 nodded and said that it was very good, especially her mental power, which felt more than ten times improved, and could even cover the entire Qianlong Palace.

This time, Xiao 6 said that she could hypnotize fifty or sixty ghosts at one time.

Lin Mo said it was almost done.

For him, the curse of bewitching is spread by his voice, and the range of fifty or sixty Specter is just enough, no matter how much, the power of bewitching will weaken.

Next, perform a reverse ghost transformation on the Specter around the attic.

First shrouded in the dark realm, then Xiao 6 immediately used mental power to hypnotize the ghosts in this area, and finally Lin Mo began to bewitch these ghosts.


As Lin Mo completed the countdown, all the ghosts in this dark realm were trembling all over, and the facial features distorted by the ghost transformation began to return to normal.

It worked.

Lin Mo also gained experience this time, and knew how to confuse these ghosts.

Next, the three cooperated with each other, transforming fifty or sixty ghosts at a time, and after a while, all the ghosts around were transformed back.

Everyone didn't know why, and they stood there, feeling as if they had just woken up from a big dream.

The old Taoist also came forward at this time. Wearing a dragon robe, he immediately stabilized the situation and took the palace maids and eunuchs who had been transformed back to another safe place, guarded by guards outside.

In this way, Li Gui can be prevented from transforming again.

"Unexpectedly, this mortal situation actually made him live."

The old Taoist looked at the dark realm in the distance, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Although he himself is highly skilled, especially in this place for hundreds of years, his strength has reached a very high level. According to his own statement, the master who taught them back then is not as powerful as his current two successes.

But even if it is so strong, before encountering all the ghost changes, there is no trick at all.

You can only watch the situation get out of control.

But who would have thought that under such circumstances, someone could turn the tables against the wind.

"This kid has some skills!"

The old Taoist had his hands behind his back, and his mood suddenly changed.

As long as the situation can be reversed, then there will be no annihilation due to the great change in Feng Shui, and everything can be restored to its original state.

At that time, he can still guard his daughter and live this kind of carefree life.

"Then, do you want to kill people again?" The old Taoist muttered in his heart, caught in some kind of entanglement.

After thinking for a long time, he smiled and greeted Lin Mo when he walked over.

"It's basically been transformed. This kind of thing is about once and twice. It's like **** on an assembly line. As long as you are familiar with it, the speed will be faster."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he glanced at the old Taoist priest and asked him if he was thinking about whether to continue to do something, or whether to continue killing people and silence them?

The old Taoist laughed and said that you are really smart.


"Yes, I was thinking about this just now, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. There was a little misunderstanding between you and me before, and there is really no need to fight and kill. It's my fault, so why don't we turn our battles into jade and silk, let's talk Turn enemies into friends?"

"Are you afraid that I will give you another large-scale ghost change?"

"You and I are both spectators, so why be so straightforward."

"That's right, then turn the war into jade and silk?"

"I am the second child at home, and I will call you the third younger brother in the future."

"Then I have to call you second brother."

"Third brother!"

"Second brother!"

The two of them clasped their hands tightly, exerted a faint force, looked at each other, and their emotions were surging, quite like a Taoyuan relationship.

Lin Mo said he still had a doubt.

"Those concubines on the second floor are..."

"The third brother doesn't know anything. I have been very lonely here for hundreds of years. Now that I am the emperor, those concubines and concubines are wasted. Why not make the most of them?"

"Second brother said it makes sense."

Lin Mo said in his heart that a hooligan is a hooligan, what's the embarrassment to admit.

If you don't say anything, it's really a good life for people today, wearing a dragon robe, the emperor is in front of him, there are daughters by his side, and concubines are waiting on him.

No wonder the old Taoist became anxious after he lifted the table.

Ruined people's good life.

It's time to put it on anyone.

Now that the crisis of ghost transformation has been lifted, even Lin Mo himself did not expect that they could cooperate with each other and use various skills to produce such a powerful effect.

In the future, it is too simple to brainwash people. Once the dark realm is blinded, first hypnotize and then bewitched, then this person has to become whatever he wants him to become.

The old Taoist asked Lin Mo how the five feng shui masters were doing.

Lin Mo said that four died, and one was turned into a ghost.

"Ghost? You also keep tigers?"

Lin Mo nodded and called out Xiaohu to let the second brother take a look. The old Taoist was greatly shocked.

"Yes, very good, becoming a ghost is a hundred times more painful than death, either."

The old Taoist said that he had been thinking about taking revenge recently. Although some unexpected things happened this time, his daughter's revenge was considered revenge.

And it's the kind of murder.

"Is it quite empty now?" Lin Mo asked.

"A little." The old Taoist sighed.

They came down from the attic, and the palace maids and eunuchs who were converted from the ghost change state also performed their respective duties and began to work.

By hypnotizing and bewitching, they don't realize how terrifying and dangerous what happened before.

The old Taoist priest told Lin Mo that the overall situation of Feng Shui arranged by Mr. Chunfeng back then was very mysterious, and it was necessary to spread the evil spirits evenly on the eunuchs and palace ladies here.

If all these people change, it will trigger a 'reset' of the overall Feng Shui situation.

At that time, there will be nothing wrong with Feng Shui, but everything in it will be refined, so what he said before is not a lie.

More real than real money.

"After your reverse ghost change, there won't be any other troubles, right?" The old Taoist asked a little worriedly. After all, the ghost has already changed once, so it's not surprising to do it again.

Maybe something went wrong, causing disaster.

Lin Mo said no, and said that this time it was more stable than last time.

"Do not believe?"

Seeing that the old Taoist didn't quite believe it, Lin Mo immediately dragged a **** over and told him that you were dead.

The **** looked like you were sick, but he still smiled and bowed, not daring to speak.

No ghost changes.

After sending the other party away, Lin Mo told the old Taoist priest that it was no longer possible to directly tell the other party that he had died.

"Unless they use hypnosis and bewitching methods, it is very difficult for them to change into ghosts."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, the old Taoist was completely relieved.

The two of them didn't even know each other. In essence, the old Taoist was not a good person, but he wasn't a bad person either. In terms of personality, the old man was not bad either, so Lin Mo and the other party could talk to each other.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Lin Mo was eating snacks made with Yin Sha Qi. Looking at the luxurious house, he asked the old Taoist how many times you had been to this place.

"This is the second time. The last time was to sneak in and kill the previous emperor."

The old Taoist is also very unfamiliar here.

The two of them felt like they were guests at someone else's house.

At this moment, Lin Mo already knew that the super high G value detected by the Academy of Sciences earlier was the evil spirit overflowing from this Qianlong Palace, or it was the old Taoist who did it on purpose.

It's actually pretty stable here.

Like a paradise in a nightmare world.

Basically, you can leave it alone.

The main reason is that the old Taoist priest is too powerful. Even if he wants to do it, Lin Mo has no chance of winning.

Since there is no big problem here, what Lin Mo has to do next is to get out.

He used a communicator to contact the General Administration and Zhong Kui about this matter.

Let me talk about the other three special experts. They have walked around the Qianlong Palace in the nightmare world for several times, and they have really traveled everywhere.

Originally, there were some sporadic nightmares hidden in the Qianlong Palace, and they didn't have any malicious intentions. They just focused on living their small days in this ancient building complex.

Who knows, when ghosts sit at home, disasters come from heaven.

This is how deeply hidden it is, it cannot escape the search of three special experts.

Therefore, these few nightmares have been eliminated, and now the Qianlong Palace in the normal nightmare world is cleaner than the face that has been washed several times.

It can be said that there is no abnormality or situation on the side of the three special experts.

However, in the real world, there was a problem with the action team sent by the General Administration.

The latest news that Lin Mo got was that several of the action team members who had been sent into the channel before had lost contact.

The General Administration has mobilized some construction and geological experts, intending to dig the channel from the outside.

Lin Mo first asked the General Administration not to mess around.

If you lose contact, it's not like your own situation.

Obviously, there is a powerful spiritual body in the Nether Dao, and the other party can directly pull people into nightmares.

The fact that he is still alive and not dead means that this spiritual body does not intend to kill people, or that the other party can't kill people now.

Because Xiao 8 is still outside.

It's a pity that Lin Mo can't get in touch with Xiao 8 now, so he can't figure out what happened in that Nether Dao.

While thinking about it, he turned his head and saw the old Taoist priest eating peanuts.


Why don't you ask the second brother.

"Second brother, let me ask you something."

"They're all my own brothers. You're welcome. If you have any questions, ask them directly. Don't mention a few small questions. It's just that you want to learn my talisman technique, and it's no problem to ask God's technique."


Lin Mo was taken aback.

"Those, can you really teach me?"

"Of course, if you call me second brother, I will treat you as my own younger brother. It's not a secret technique that cannot be passed on to others. Even if it is a vicissitudes of life, who cares about those things? ."

Lin Mo was very happy.

Unexpectedly, there is a surprise this time.

The ability of the old Taoist priest is really powerful, and he can control Doudou and Xiwenjun with one move. These two are top-level nightmares, but in the hands of the old Taoist priest, there is no chance to even make a shot.

What is a master.

This is.

If you can learn the master's housekeeping skills, of course you have to learn it, you are a fool if you don't.

However, after returning to school, things have to be asked.

"You are asking about the Nether Dao?" The old Taoist looked solemn.

Then he said that when they entered the Netherworld, they also walked for a while, but they were suddenly attacked.

"The five feng shui masters and Zhu Yun fell to the ground immediately. After all, I was a little deeper, and after carrying it for a while, I saw something."


"A face."


"Yes, it's the kind of mask that sings."

Lin Mo was stunned after hearing this.

By the way, he almost forgot, they heard someone singing before, and this was the trick.

Lin Mo asked the old Taoist priest if there were any opera troupes in this Qianlong Palace.

The old Taoist smiled and shook his head.

"I also looked for it at the beginning, but no, the entire Qianlong Palace has no troupe, and no one sings."

Lin Mo nodded.

The old Taoist is not an ordinary person. Since he also discovered these clues in the past, it is impossible not to investigate clearly. If even he does not find clues in this place, there may be no clues at all.

Lin Mo held it back for a while, and then said, is there still a troupe hidden in the Netherworld?

This was a joke.

"It's not that there is no such possibility." The old Taoist did not take it as a joke, but said very seriously.

He told Lin Mo that since this is the overall situation laid out by Mr. Chunfeng, it must be no trivial matter.

Anything can happen.

"You are a descendant of the future. You don't understand how powerful Mr. Chunfeng is. When I was young, I asked Mr. Chunfeng's true face once on the road. That's true..."

When the old Taoist described Mr. Chunfeng, he was at a loss for words.

It's not that he has no knowledge. On the contrary, the old Taoist may have more knowledge and profound knowledge than most scholars. It's not that he has no words, but he feels that it is inappropriate to use those common sayings to describe Mr. Chunfeng.

So I am short of words.

Lin Mo understands.

A person who can make today's old Taoist feel extraordinary, must be really extraordinary, really different.

It's definitely different from ordinary people anyway.

"At that time, even when my master met Mr. Chunfeng, he was extremely respectful. Later, my master said that Mr. Chunfeng had the masters of Xuan, Tao, Buddhism, and Confucianism, and no one in the world could match him."

"At that time, there were a lot of great people in the world. I was a little disapproving of it when I was young. I compared it with another famous expert at that time, and said who was stronger and who was weaker, who was higher and who was lower."

"As a result, my master said that when the master saw Mr. Chunfeng, he had to bow and salute, and he dared to stand up when he saw his back."

When Lin Mo heard this, he looked at the old Taoist with a serious face, so he coughed a few times and said, second brother, you are blowing too much.

"No matter how powerful Mr. Chunfeng is, he is still a person. No matter how tall a person is, there are limits."

"Hey, third brother, you are too young to understand. In short, what I want to tell you is that when the Qianlong Palace was built, the emperor invited Mr. Chunfeng to set up the formation. Since Mr. Chunfeng took action, there must be a There are all kinds of mysteries. For example, there is a troupe in the Nether Dao, I don't think it is unusual."

Lin Mo didn't know what to say.

He contacted the General Administration again, and the other party said that the robot that had been placed before had also lost contact.

Lin Mo then called the director directly and asked the other party not to send anyone into the Netherworld.

Before the situation inside is clear, it is useless how many people go in.

As for the situation here, Lin Mo only talked to the director roughly.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mo asked the old Taoist priest to send someone to the Cold Palace to see if he could meet the missing team members. No accident, they should have arrived here.

The old Taoist immediately arranged for a guard to find someone.

After a while, the guards came to report that they had found it.

A total of four, three males and one female, were held down.

Lin Mo immediately rushed over to see it, it was true.

Seeing Lin Mo, the four action team members were also very excited, but they were **** by the guards and couldn't move.

"Relax, it's all your own."

Lin Mo said something.

The guard ignored him.

Lin Mo turned his head and glanced at the old Taoist priest, the old Taoist coughed dryly, and said loudly, "I immediately make Lin Mo the commander of the palace guards."

On-the-spot closure?

Is this okay?

Didn't expect it to be true.

Next, Lin Mo ordered and the guards listened.

Very respectful.

Untying the four operatives, Lin Mo took them to a hut for questioning.

Basically, it was similar to what he had guessed. Even the action team members who were well-prepared still heard a strange sound after entering the Nether Realm.

"Expert Lin, we were wearing diaphragm earmuffs, but we still got hit. The sound seemed to come from inside our head." An action team member said with fear.

Compared with Lin Mo, they have experienced too little.

Lin Mo just told the other party to be calm, not to mention a sound in your head, even if someone dances in your head, you have to be calm.

The four operatives settled down, and Lin Mo found that he had no other move now.

Just wait.

Just in time, let the second brother talk about the way of the powerful talisman and the magic spell.

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