Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 930: creepy back

Lin Mo's first reaction was that all this Mr. Chunfeng did was definitely not accidental, nor did it seem to be random.

So far all of this is on purpose.

Originally, Lin Mo couldn't see the clues here, but Zuo Bai was a master of Taoism hundreds of years ago. He saw the great formation of the three realms, and said that as long as he climbed to the top of the Immortal Palace and sealed the immortal stage, he could soar. Immortal.

If he listened to this in another place, Lin Mo would definitely have a good discussion with the other party about how each other got mentally ill, but at the moment he is standing under this magnificent Nantianmen, and based on everything he knows, it can basically be inferred that he came up with this The ultimate goal of Mr. Chunfeng, who is everything, is to ascend to immortality.

It sounds funny at first, but after thinking about it, it will make your scalp tingle.

Not bad, really doable.

At this moment, Zuo Bai said, do you have any more questions?

Lin Mo asked, can this thing really make people become immortals and become saints?

It still feels a little unreliable.

"What do you know, you can really create the Yama Palace, the Human Palace and this Immortal Palace. It has already been demonstrated that it is feasible. You have only lived for a few years, and your knowledge is still too shallow. Learn more."

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked again, whether the person who created this place has succeeded, or has he become an immortal?

"How do I know this, but you can go up and take a look." Zuo Bai's words made Lin Mo's heart move.


You can go up and have a look.

Anyway, Nantianmen is here, and the road behind is not obstructed. Whether there is an Immortal Palace or Fengxiantai above it, you can tell at a glance.

At the moment, Lin Mo was eager to try.

But he didn't show it, but deliberately said that it might be dangerous, so don't go up.

Zuo Bai was in a hurry.

"We've agreed that every time you run out of me, you have to give me time to move freely. If you dare to go back on it, I will strike you with a thunderbolt."

"Uncle Zuo, what are you in a hurry for? I didn't say that I would break my promise to get fat. I'll settle my companions first, and then I'll leave the body to you."

With that said, Zuo Bai died.

Say you hurry, I can't wait.

Lin Mo said that you have been cultivating Dao for so many years, why are you still in such a hurry?

In the past, I explained to Xiao 6 and four other action team members. To be on the safe side, Lin Mo also took Doudou out of the cardboard box and asked Xiao 6 to pull it.

In this way, even if there is a problem, it can be dealt with here.

Obviously Lin Mo knew that Zuo Bai was going to go up and have a look.

As a Taoist priest, isn't the ultimate goal of immortality and immortality?

So Zuo Bai couldn't resist the temptation here.

Lin Mo suspected that this product would rush all the way to Fengxiantai.

As for what to do, it depends on what step the other party can do.

But no matter how you do it, this thing shouldn't do you any harm, but it has a lot of benefits.

After all, Zuo Bai has no body. What he wants to do, he has to use his own body. Even if he really goes to Fengxiantai, he will use his own body in the end.

At that time, who will benefit from it, do you need to ask?

Even if there are some troubles and dangers, Zuo Bai is not a vegetarian, the other party is more fierce than the second brother, so the problem should not be big.

After everything was explained, Zuo Bai took over Lin Mo's body.

However, Lin Mo did not retreat to the cozy cabin in the spiritual realm, but watched from outside.

It's like a car. Lin Mo gave the driver's seat to Zuo Bai, but he didn't get out of the car, but sat in the co-pilot's seat.

In this way, except for not being able to drive, the rest is no different from usual.

Lin Mo also wanted to see what was behind the Nantian Gate.

He even thought that although Mr. Chunfeng is a master, he is also a master. If he can do it, then so can I.

Although there is a suspicion of getting something for nothing, isn't it a sentence that the predecessors planted the tree and the later generations enjoyed the shade, Mr. Chunfeng is going to become an immortal, and it is estimated that he has already achieved it, so it is nothing to use the rest of it yourself.

As for why Zuo Bai had to control his body, Lin Mo thought so.

In terms of comprehensive strength, Zuo Bai is very powerful, and he is an old senior of Taoism. Just knowing this one is a lot beyond him.

Just like the analogy just now, the body is a car, so here is a dangerous winding mountain road.

Driving by yourself is easy to overturn, but Zuo Bai is a professional old driver and a professional racing driver, and the probability of others overturning is very small.

Lin Mo guessed that Zuo Bai could also see his own thoughts.

But people don't care.

In other words, Zuo Bai couldn't refuse Lin Mo's conspiracy, because the hidden things here were too tempting for him, a cultivator.

Zuo Bai began to control his body. He was not used to it at first, which made Lin Mo seem to be walking a little staggered.

But soon, he entered the state.

Walked two circles under Nantianmen, and then stepped in one step and went up the stone steps.

After a while, the little 6 and the others below could no longer see Lin Mo's figure.

"It's very dangerous up there. Dad, he should be fine." Doudou was quite worried, and Xiao 6 said Dou-ge, your father is very smart and dangerous, and he will run down soon.

"I know this, but why do you call me Brother Dou?" Doudou began to struggle with this question.

Xiao 6 said that you are older than me, and it is normal to call you Dou Ge.

"Who are you fooling?" Doudou stretched out his hand and gestured for his height. He stood up straight, and only reached the position of Xiao 6's stomach.

"I'm two years old, what about you." Xiao 6 used his trump card.

Younger than anyone, she has never lost.

Although Doudou looks small, it feels impossible to compare her age.

That's why she has this confidence.

"I'm over a year old, how come?" Doudou looked smug.

"You are bullshitting." Little 6 didn't believe it.

"Really, I'll tell you the specifics and you'll know. My dad said that my mother gave birth to me just over a year ago."

"Then why do you look so big?"

"You look older than me."


This is the first time Xiao 6 is deflated in terms of age.

The voices of the two of them chatting are not small, and the four action team members next to them can hear it clearly. At this moment, I think in my heart that there is no normal person around this expert Lin.

Don't talk about people, even ghosts are so immoral.

Next is to wait.

I don't know how long it took, and I saw a person running down from Nantianmen. It was Lin Mo, but he looked very embarrassed.

A long way away, Lin Mo was shouting over there.

"Run, run."

At the same time, behind Lin Mo, a white mist that covered the sky and the sun swept over, rolling and surging. There seemed to be something in it, exuding a tingling breath.

Although I can't see it, I feel that Doudou and Xiao 6 are trembling.

They were very obedient, Lin Mo told them to run, and they ran.

Don't ask, something must have happened.

Something really happened.

Lin Mo sat in the 'co-pilot' and watched Zuo Bai drive the whole time. There was no problem at first, they went all the way up, Zuo Bai knew that Lin Mo was also there, so he explained some weird things he encountered along the way.

It also let Lin Mo know a lot about the three realms division.

Danger came suddenly.

Zuo Bai was the first to notice.

He stopped first, said a bad word, and then was swept up in the ambush by a cloud of mist under his feet.

At that moment, the sky was spinning, as if the car they were driving fell off a bottomless cliff and was spinning and rolling frantically.

At this time, Lin Mo realized that something was dragging them into a white fog.

That thing can fly.

Wearing neon clothes and feathers, Luo belt dances like a nine-day fairy, but when you look closely, you find that it is a skeleton wearing neon clothes, which is eerie and powerful.

more than one.

There is such a thing everywhere in the white fog around.

There were all kinds of screams in the ears, big and small, sharp and harsh, so that it was completely impossible to hear what was said, and the ears were already buzzing.

Lin Mo wanted to fight back.

But he is now the 'co-pilot' and can't control his body at all.

Fortunately, Zuo Bai's counterattack was also fast.

He raised his hand and ripped off each other's clothes.

That action thief is skilled.

That is to say, in the blink of an eye, the neon clothes and feathers on this skeleton were stripped.

The skeleton fell directly, like falling into an abyss.

Lin Mo gave Zuo Bai a thumbs up from the co-pilot.

The old driver is the old driver, and he hits the key point of the other party at once. If it is replaced by Lin Mo, he can't think of the first trick to strip people's clothes first.

Zuo Bai guessed that he was afraid of Lin Mo's misunderstanding, so he said it was some kind of obsession, the obsession of a cultivator.

"What did you hear these monsters shouting?"

Zuo Bai asked.

Lin Mo couldn't hear clearly, there were buzzing sounds in his ears, and the various screams were completely incomprehensible, like a large group of mental patients shouting unconsciously.

"What they shouted was, can't find it, why can't it be found."

Zuo Bai translated it.

After he said this, Lin Mo listened again, and it was really like this. The whistling from the surrounding was really shouting 'can't find', 'where' and so on.

"The obsession of these cultivators has turned into a skeleton with colorful clothes. In fact, their real weakness is in this clothes. I took off its clothes and destroyed this obsession."

At this moment, Zuo Bai was holding on to the clothes that he had pulled out. These clothes could fly in the air, so he held them so that they would not fall off.

But Zuo Bai did not continue to go up, but turned his head down.

Lin Mo asked him what happened?

"If you don't go up, it is recorded in the Immortal Records that the Immortal Palace is a pure land of bliss, but you have seen it just now, the clouds and mists are full of the obsessions of cultivators. If you go up again, you will find death."

Zuo Bai has extensive knowledge and is obviously aware of a greater danger.

At this time, a pavilion and pavilion could be vaguely seen in the distance.

In a pavilion, a figure sat with his back against the fence and let out a sigh.

With a sigh, Zuo Bai trembled as if he had been electrocuted.

The next moment, he was extremely decisive, turned his head and left.

Lin Mo didn't see it too clearly, but he also noticed the horror of the back.

Going back and forth along the road, the skeletons in neon clothes obviously didn't want to let them go like this. They were chasing after them with strange clouds and mist, and this was the scene before.

As soon as they passed the boundary of Nantianmen, the clouds stopped, and the skeletons inside did not continue chasing out.

It's luck.

Otherwise, according to what Zuo Bai said, all of them would have to die here.

The road to Nantianmen was temporarily unavailable, and Lin Mo asked Zuo Bai how to get out of trouble.

Or say they are masters of Taoism.

Looking around, pointing in one direction, everyone walked there for a while, and they saw a circular platform. Below, there was a sea of ​​clouds, as if standing on the edge of a cliff.

"Jump down."

Left White pointed to the bottom.

Lin Mo confirmed again and again that after Zuo Bai really let them jump off, he first stuffed Doudou back into the cardboard box, and discussed it with Xiao 6 and the four action team members.

They all said that if you dance, we will dance.

That means we all die together.

All very polite.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go."

Zuo Bai wants to withdraw.

After coming down from Asgard, Zuo Bai seemed to be frightened. He didn't talk much, and people were silent for a lot.

Lin Mo said you should wait a while.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Bai asked.

"Uncle Tai, what are you looking for with those obsessions?" Lin Mo was very curious about this.

The Asgard Palace, which was originally the Pure Land of Bliss, has become a dangerous place with many dangers. This matter cannot be clarified for the time being. Not to mention that Zuo Bai reminded Lin Mo, even Lin Mo himself noticed the horror in Asgard. It's not something I can handle now.

The smugness and smugness built up by killing Emperor Ye before were directly shattered by the weirdness in Asgard.

Lin Mo wasn't sure, but Zuo Bai felt something.

Zuo Bai said he didn't know either.

But definitely a very important thing.

"The back in the pavilion seems to be very powerful." Lin Mo had nothing to say. He felt that Zuo Bai's whole person was not well since he saw that back.

"That's more than powerful." Zuo Bai said a word, thought about it, and then said: "You are not from the Taoist sect, you don't understand, we pay attention to refining qi and observing qi, there is a purple qi around the figure, and the top of his head There are lotus shadows, so they are definitely not ordinary people. Let’s just say, just like me, people may be able to crush me with one finger. You think, even such a big guy is sighing in Asgard, let’s go inside , what is not courting death?"

Lin Mo understood.

Why did Zuo Bai turn around and leave the moment he saw the figure just now.

It was because Zuo Bai saw great danger and crisis.

So go when you can.

If you really step into that piece of fairy palace, it is estimated that you will not be able to leave.

"Don't invite me recently, I want to be quiet."

Before leaving, Zuo Bai said something, and then disappeared without a trace.

Lin Mo didn't tell others about these and couldn't tell.

The way Zuo Bai pointed out to them should be the way out. Now, no matter how much, let’s get out of this predicament first.

As for what's going on here, we'll talk about it later.

Putting away the distracting thoughts, Lin Mo asked Xiao 6 and the four action team members if they were ready.

Everyone said they were waiting for you.


After Lin Mo finished speaking, he jumped down first.

With that comes a feeling of falling and weightlessness.

After falling into the clouds, his eyes went blank.

Lin Mo couldn't help but close his eyes, but the sense of weightlessness quickly disappeared, instead, he felt a sense of dizziness.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

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