Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 973: 1 curse

Latest URL: High and rolling mountains, connected ridges, snow-covered, and gusty winds.

The environment is extremely harsh.

At this moment, Lin Mo and his rebel ghost army hid in a gap in the mountain wall to avoid the wind and snow.

Everyone is very obedient, and if Lin Mo doesn't let them go out, they won't go out.

Along the way, ghosts who didn't understand discipline were eliminated, and those who remained were all obedient 'elites'.

And the number has not decreased but increased.

Mainly within the crack of a previous mountain, more than a hundred ghosts were found who had been hiding here for an unknown length of time.

The bodies of these ghosts have frozen, and even the flesh and blood have been fused with the ice crystals.

Lin Mo called them ice ghosts.

These ice ghosts are very strong, after all, being able to walk all the way from the ghost path to here already shows their strength.

But unfortunately, it doesn't stop there.

They are frozen here.

Can't die, can't live well.

Enduring the never-ending cold, but their luck begins today.

Because I met Lin Mo's gang.

Help them get out of the ice crystals, at least they can move on their own.

Anyway, Lin Mo and the others dug up more than 100 ice ghosts, and there may be deeper places below, but they really can't dig, and it's easy to get into trouble.

Once the ice above breaks and falls, everyone will be buried below.

The rescued soldier ghosts are now being found by the old ghost's clones one by one, and they still ask whether they will rebel or not.

If the answer is Zao, it is brother.

If the answer is not correct, then start the persuasion mode. The old ghost's brainwashing method is much stronger than Lin Mo, and he will be able to convince the other party in a while.

How did the team grow this way?

Just rely on this.

The ghost general was holding a knife and guarding Lin Mo.

This way, Lin Mo saves a lot of trouble. There are old ghosts in the text and ghosts in the military.

Most of the troubles can be solved.

There are many ghosts, and the powerful people in them have also been excavated. It can be said that there are many ghosts and talents in the team now, and any one of them can come out on their own.

Several powerful ice ghosts were brought over.

The old ghost let them demonstrate that they can grab any object with both hands and freeze it in an instant.

That effect is the same as acupuncture.

If you touch it, it won't move.

"With this team of elites joining us, our great cause can be expected." The old ghost was very excited at the moment, Lin Mo whispered to the other party, don't make a big cake with me, I can hear it all the way. Cocoon.

The old ghost is right, you are the lord, and it is appropriate to say this to the people below.

It was very snowy outside.

Lin Mo ordered to rest here for the time being.

Although it is cold here, if you are outside, you will be blown by the wind to the bottom of the cliff if you are not careful.

At that time, it will be called every day and should not be called earth and earth not working.

Or temporarily avoid the 'wind' mans.

Lin Mo chatted with the old ghost.

What he likes most along the way is chatting with the old ghost, this old ghost really knows a lot.

Chatting with each other can increase knowledge.

This time, Lin Mo asked the old ghost, and they all said that there is a king of **** in the underworld, but who has seen it?

The old ghost said it had never seen it anyway.

Lin Mo said, since everyone said yes, there are nine out of ten.

"If this is the case, the future of this rebellion is not clear."

"You can't say that."

When the old ghost heard that the lord actually shook the heart of the army, he hurriedly retorted.

"The King of Hell is nothing special. It's just like the so-called princes and generals have a seed, and the King of Hell is also a king. Since he is the throne, he can do it, but others can't?"

After speaking, I encouraged everyone to say that the lord can do it.

When the time comes to break through the underworld, the lord will become the king of hell, and everyone will be happy.

Not to mention, the old ghost's painting is really fragrant, even Lin Mo is a little overwhelmed when he hears it.

At this time, Lin Mo smelled a special breath.

Seems to be some kind of curse.

He came to this underworld, and it was the first time he noticed the source of the curse.

Considering that there are still a few vacant places for the curse on the yellow paper, it is better to fill it here.

At that time, the strength can also be raised to a higher level.

Anyway, I can't go out now, and I'm waiting.

"Ghost general, come down with me and have a look."

Lin Mo got up.

Now General Ghost is like his personal bodyguard, and his strength is really strong. Right now, Sister Yue is not around, only Xiaoyu and Xiwenjun Lin Mo feel that it is not enough.

Now adding a ghost general can be regarded as a temporary substitute for Sister Yue.

And along the way, Xiaoyu and Xiwenjun rarely have the opportunity to appear, and in most cases, Ghost General can solve it.

Climbing down the narrow gap, you can see the ice everywhere, and there are some ghosts sealed in the depths of the ice.

However, it is expensive to dig them out, so Lin Mo didn't spend that much effort.

It is more cost-effective to find the source of the curse that exists here.

Probably climbed down another tens of meters.

Dark and cold.

Lin Mo didn't pay attention, his foot slipped, and he fell directly.

There was ice under him, and he slid down quickly all the way, which made Lin Mo's heart skip a beat. He knows that the cracks in this kind of mountain range often have some areas with huge height differences. If you accidentally fall, it is difficult to climb up again.

He began to reach for something next to him, trying to grab something bulging to keep him in shape.

but no.

Occasionally grabs a bulge of ice, but cannot bear the weight of his slide and tends to break.

Fortunately, the rain shot in time.

A few cursed chains flew out and wrapped around some points of focus, which allowed Lin Mo to stabilize his body and did not continue to slide down.

It was pitch black all around, and there was no light at all.

Lin Mo looked up, but there was no movement on the top of his head.

Fortunately, the ghost general didn't slide down with him, otherwise, he would have to hide from it later, and don't bring himself down when the time comes.

At this time, Lin Mo felt that the source of the curse was closer.

It's just so close.

He immediately took out a brick hammer and shook it.

With a whimper, green flames emerged, illuminating the surroundings.

Lin Mo found himself on the edge of a cliff.

It can be said that if he slides one meter further, he will fall.

How deep is it, I can't see clearly, it's pitch black anyway, bottomless.

If it fell, it would be better to die than life.

And on the edge of this cliff, there is a flower.

blue flowers.

Lin Mo has no research on plants, but he has also been to some botanical gardens and has seen various plant pictures on the Internet.

How to say, he had never seen such a plant.

It's more like a work of art.

It's the kind of artificially carved plant.

But this thing is indeed a flower when viewed under the green ghost fire, the roots, stems, branches and leaves, flowers can all be seen as a real flower.

But like it was carved out of ice.

That's why it's called a work of art.

In addition, this flower exudes an extremely strong cold air, and the cold Lin Mo shivered.

Even the green flame on the brick hammer was compressed by the cold air, as if the lighter was out of breath, and the flame was visibly weakening.

This is the source of the curse.

There is a lot of ice around the thing.

If you look closely, you can even say that the surrounding ice may be made by this strange plant.

No one knows what this is, and Lin Mo doesn't want to know.

From the current observation, this curse source should be related to the ice.

To get cursed, balance must be considered.

Lin Mo did the math.

He has the Curse of Steel, so he can resist the negative effects of Skinning, Bone Broken, and Heart Devouring Curse.

This is equivalent to maintaining a balance.

With this level of balance, the curse can be used 'without injury'.

Otherwise, to use the curse, you must first torture yourself.

The one in front of you is 'extreme cold', so do you have a curse that can balance 'extreme cold'?

It seems to have.

There is a 4-1 Burning Curse.

This has to do with fire.

Then, the Curse of Burning should be able to balance the Curse of Extreme Cold.

Besides, he still has the curse of undead and vampires, and his physique is definitely the kind that can withstand the toss.

So Lin Mo didn't hesitate, he took out his yellow paper from his heart, and then touched the ice flower with the yellow paper.

The moment the two touched, the blue ice flower immediately shattered, turning into a piece of cold air that was sucked into the yellow paper.

look carefully.

In the empty position of the curse on the yellow paper, new curse sequences and names gradually appeared.

5-9 Extremely cold!

Yes, it really is the curse of extreme cold.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt a strong chill, not from the outside, but from the inside to the outside, as if the blood was frozen in an instant.

But at the same time, the Burning Curse was triggered immediately.

A burning sensation was created, and the chills began to dissipate.

One is cold and one is hot, this one has the upper hand for a while, and the other takes the high ground for a while.

Lin Mo was in pain.

Fortunately, slowly, the balance began to be reached.

It took a while, and during the process Ghost General also climbed down from the top. Seeing that Lin Mo was all right, Ghost General seemed relieved.

Next, he climbed back, Lin Mo asked Xiaoyu to help, and a dozen chains walked together. It looked like Lin Mo was a giant caterpillar, and it was a fast crawler.

Even some dangerous places are like walking on the ground.

But after a while, they returned to the place where they had gathered before.

As soon as Lin Mo arrived at the place, the ice ghosts seemed to sense something, and they all looked over.

From their dirty eyes, there was actually a kind of recognition.

homogeneous recognition.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the early morning, asking for a monthly pass, it is still several hundred years away from 2000.


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