Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 289: "The Furnace" opens (3)

"I'm very sorry, my client is a little out of control right now."


While talking, Zhan Changqing used sign language to quiet Qin.


He "said": You have to be calm, you are a child, and adults will not believe him when they see a child making trouble.


Qin moved her throat with extreme difficulty, panting, looking at Zhan Changqing.


In the close-up, his eyes roll helplessly, obviously thinking about Zhan Changqing's words.


And the experience has told Qin that this is right.


I am not a more trustworthy adult. Even if I get angry again, I have to endure it, otherwise the judge will not take his words seriously, and will not let the bad guy Zhang Mu be punished.


Qin looked up at Zhan Changqing, who was a little taller than him.


I see.


He opened his eyes and gestured, his nose was red, two lines of tears rolled down his pale cheeks, and the figure standing alone in the courtroom was extremely thin.


He says":


I know, sorry.


The tears of grievance and fear completely broke the audience's defenses.


Why, why the fuck? !


Why should Qin bow his head to admit his mistake, why should he take the initiative to apologize and be a good child? !


Being a minor, disabled, with a low level of education, all the disadvantages were shoved onto Qin's body, and the word "vulnerable group" was no longer enough to describe his situation.


When the children in the audience saw Qin's tears, they all shouted "Ah, ah" in hoarse white voices and gestured with their hands.


Qin's throat wriggled with difficulty, turning around, barely showing a smile to the younger siblings in the audience.


Good, don't be afraid, it's alright.


He "said" with a very gentle expression, and his tears-filled, bloodshot eyes were also very gentle.


This tenderness was facing the audience. Except for the judges' seats, there were at least five or six rows of audience in front facing Qin's smiling face with tears in it.


A girl sitting very forward, dressed as a student and holding a small candy-colored banner in her hand, suddenly cried.


She forgot that this was an actor named Qin Jue, and she also forgot that this was the studio of a variety show. She only felt that the people in front of her were suffering and difficult.


That's the power of acting.


This is the power of art.


It can be crude, but it can also touch people's hearts.


The court entered the interrogation session.


The judge asked about the details several times, but Qin Du replied obediently. His tearful eyes were not so sharp, with a little soft sparkle glowing, looking very good and tame.


Some people were stabbed in their weaknesses and felt more distressed, while others became more angry and scolded.


"I'm so **** angry." A male audience member said, "I'm bullied, I can't be angry, I have to pretend to be weak to be pitied by others, so I can take a look!"


The victim is also forced to cry weak and sell miserable. Once he gets tough, he will be hated and hated. What a shabby world!


The unfair trial continues.


Every time Qin mentioned Zhang Mu, Zhan Changqing would ignore it and tell right and wrong with the appearance of a gentleman.


The direction of the whole case gradually shifted to the nurses and "volunteers". Qin said that the dean asked everyone to go to the office for tutoring. Zhan Changqing relayed that Qin saw someone being taken into the room by the nurse while studying; Qin said that Zhang Mu kept him in the room. In the small dark room, Zhan Changqing recounted that when Qin saw someone being violent, it was very dark, and he could only see people but couldn't see who it was.


As a kind of body language, sign language is mostly paraphrased and free translation. Putting your hand on your mouth means "speaking", and putting your hand over your mouth means "good".


Zhan Changqing just opened his eyes and talked nonsense, the content was ambiguous, and some of Heqin's actions were also matched. If it weren't for the correct content on the screens on both sides of the stage, I'm afraid the audience would believe that what he told was true.


Thinking about it carefully, if there is no notification from the screen, would the audience be blinded by Zhan Changqing? Could it be that the audience wouldn't know why Qin was angry or wronged, and would only be confused and think he was too "noisy"?


Because Qin can't speak.


Because they don't understand sign language.


The communication barrier is a huge gulf at this point.


It is precisely because of this that the disabled group in society can live so hard.


There are fewer people who can understand them, and fewer people are willing to understand them.


When no one listens, the cry is silent.


The blind man casually sighed that it was inconvenient to walk outside, and others only said, "You blind man are still wandering around outside, it will only cause trouble to others";


A deaf person asked someone to write and communicate with him, and others only said, "Can't you learn lip language if you can't hear? You can't do it before you don't work hard."


There is nowhere to complain, nowhere for help.


I don't know how many viewers have made up their minds at this moment. When they go back, they will learn a few signs of sign language, or at least take a few minutes of attention from the unnutritious entertainment gossip, and pay more attention to the living conditions of vulnerable groups.


Even if it's just an irrelevant retweet, for them, being seen is a small victory.


On the stage, after the interrogation session, it was finally time to show the evidence.


Zhan Changqing did provide some photos of nurses bullying children.


Qin stared at them, but didn't notice Zhang Mu's figure, and after realizing it, she gestured to Zhan Changqing in sign language.


Zhan Changqing: You have no evidence to prove that he committed a crime.


Qin was stunned for a moment, as if she never expected Zhan Changqing to say this.


He sign language anxiously, a little panic in his eyes, but more of it is absurd.


Qin: I gave it to you, I gave you the phone, and I photographed him.


Qin: You put it here.


He "said" and reached out and patted his chest, which was where Zhan Changqing's inner pocket was at that time.


Zhan Changqing looked surprised.


Zhan Changqing: I don't know, you didn't give it to me.


The field control director could no longer control the scolding from the audience.


Qin's stunned expression was fixed in the close-up, and she stretched out her hand and gestured for a long list of contents.


Qin: The day you arrived at the orphanage, I took you to your sleeping room, under the bed, took it out, and gave it to you.


He even looked down at his wrist, there was a shallow scar on it, the blood cut from the wooden thorns on the bed board at that time.


This trace made Qin quite sure that he gave Zhan Changqing the phone, and he remembered correctly.


Zhan Changqing was still surprised, as if he didn't understand what he was talking about.


"Plaintiff, please communicate openly."


Judge Liang Chenglei's words sounded very ironic.


Open communication? How to communicate, open mouth to make a sound?


"I'm sorry, Mr. Judge." Zhan Changqing bowed apologetically, "That's right, my client... er... said that he handed me a video recording the defendant's criminal evidence."


He looked weird and looked embarrassed: "However, a lawyer must be honest at all times and places. In fact, I didn't receive any video files. He... may have misremembered."


Go to **** you! ! !


The scolding from the audience has formed a rather imposing wave.


Judge Liang Chenglei was also vaguely speechless.


Judging from this situation, it is very likely that this deaf-mute boy named "Qin" is not quite right mentally.


Zhang Mu raised his with a very kind smile on his face: "Mr. Judge, can I have a few words with this child? Lawyer Zhan can translate at any time."


Liang Chenglei thought for a few seconds and nodded lightly.




Zhang Mu sign language to Qin.


Lines of characters appear on both sides of the screen.


Zhan Changqing's eloquent voice echoed in the courtroom.


Zhang Mu: Don't struggle anymore, they just think there is something wrong with your brain.


Zhan Changqing: "Son, are you stimulated and feel unwell?"


Zhang Mu: Give it up and go back with me honestly.


Zhan Changqing: "You misunderstood me, we have always been family."


Zhang Mu: A lawyer is an adult, and I am an adult. Adults and adults are friends, do you understand?


Zhan Changqing: "Lawyer Zhan and I will accompany you to the hospital, don't get excited, calm down first."


The brilliant golden background wall, the national emblem in the center, the bright lights, the sacred court.


Every gesture and every word was like a mouthful of blood, chewing the deaf-mute boy standing alone into crumbs.


There is a bright world, people are eating people.

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