After being comforted by Qin Lan, Chen Xin didn't say anything, but he still planned for the worst.

Optimism is needed, but so is preparing for the worst.

In other words, if you plan for the worst, no matter what kind of situation arises, you can face it with optimism and positivity, because the situation cannot be worse.

And for Chen Xin now, the worst case scenario...

That is another geological movement, causing the deep groundwater to lose pressure, and affecting the shallow groundwater, causing the shallow groundwater to flow into the deep groundwater, and finally he has no groundwater available here.

Although this is a very extreme situation, geologically speaking, it is not impossible for the groundwater to be cut off due to geological activities.

Judging from Chen Xin's current situation, if the groundwater source is cut off, he will face the dilemma of water shortage again.

Although he can use greenhouse vegetables in exchange for drinking water, a big problem here is that crop cultivation requires a lot of water.

In addition, the grown vegetables contain a lot of water, and this water will not enter the circulation system inside the shelter for recycling.

Therefore, if this happens, Chen Xin must find a way to obtain a new source of water. As for moving, it is the final choice in desperation.

Fortunately, there is quite a thick snow outside now, and snowfall still occurs from time to time. It is a good way to collect the melted snow and use it as water.

However, the snow outside is very dirty, and the collected snow needs to be purified and filtered.

In addition, upgrading the water circulation system, so that the water wells brought about by the system upgrade can be drilled deeper, the pump has a larger lift, and who can be pumped from the deeper strata, which is also a way to solve the problem once and for all.

After going through the countermeasures that he could make in his mind, Chen Xin also became reassured about the worst situation that could happen, at least he had enough means to deal with it.

This naturally made his mood a lot more optimistic, and he smiled at Qin Lan: "Okay, the generator is installed, then let's continue to make ground source heat pumps. The equipment that your SWAT team needs can only be made. , there are still five units to rush to work, and I don’t know if they can finish it in two days.”

"Axin, your technique is so good, you can definitely finish it on time, and I will also help." Having seen Chen Xin's "process" of manufacturing these mechanical equipment, Qin Lan has full confidence in Chen Xin.

"Okay, Alan, help me get the parts that I cleaned yesterday..." Chen Xinzheng was planning to let Qin Lan dry the parts that were cleaned yesterday, but the radio in the living room suddenly rang, and a call came out the sound of.

Qin Lan and Chen Xin turned to look at the living room together, and said in surprise, "Is someone calling you?"

"Well, I'll go and see what's going on. Alan, take out the parts you cleaned yesterday and dry them with water." Chen Xin gave Qin Lan an order and walked towards the living room.

Picking up the shortwave radio's talker, Chen Xin responded to the call. After some conversation, Chen Xin responded that another group friend came to him to exchange ground source heat pump equipment.

After talking to Qin Lan, Chen Xin took the gun and walked to the entrance of the shelter, and Qin Lan hurriedly put down his work and followed behind Chen Xin.

Putting on protective equipment in the preparation room, Chen Xin still first went through the passage to the small bunker, and looked out through the observation port to see who was coming.

However, the car parked in front of his shelter surprised him.

It was an eight-wheeled truck like a heavy-duty truck, and the eight huge tires that were one meter high allowed the car to ride on the ground even in the thick snow.

However, unlike the truck, it has a sturdy and thick compartment like an armored car, and the windows on the compartment are also bright from the inside of the compartment, illuminating a cloud pattern with a black background and a red pattern on the body in the darkness. .

No need to identify carefully, just these conspicuous features are enough for Chen Xin to recognize that this is a modified RV and understand who its owner is.

"Alan, don't go out yet." After getting down from the small bunker, Chen Xin nodded to Qin Lan, and then opened the door of the refuge.

Qin Lan watched Chen Xin push open the door of the sanctuary and go out. She suddenly became nervous. She also grabbed the gun on her waist and was ready to rush out at any time.

Chen Xin walked out of the gate of the shelter, and seeing that the other party had not turned off the headlights, the lights made him a little dazzling.

So he raised the strong-light flashlight in his hand, pointed it directly at the cab of the car in front of him, and dazzled the driver's eyes with the flashlight.

Obviously, the other party was also blinded by Chen Xinhuang, and soon turned the headlights into low beams and jumped out of the car.

However, the cab of this car is obviously a bit high, and after the other party jumped off, his legs were directly inserted into the snow.

"Brother Chen, why is the snow so deep at your door!" The person who got out of the car pulled his legs out of the snow, and then walked to Chen Xin with one foot deep and one shallow.

Looking at the figure walking in front of him, Chen Xin smiled and said: "How deep is the snow, don't you feel a little bit when you drive from the city? And how many times have I told you, don't always go down from the cab Jump, not afraid of breaking your leg?"

"I'm used to it, let's talk about it, who has the patience to climb down when driving such a high-chassis car!" Although this figure wore a protective mask on his face, the voice of a hippie smile suddenly made people hear his youth. .

Chen Xin and this person are naturally acquainted, otherwise, the other party should call him a writer instead of the title that an acquaintance like Xiao Chen would call him.

"Xiaolong, why are you looking for me? Don't you want to change the ground source heat pump?" Chen Xin wanted to laugh every time he called Xiaolong, because his surname was Li: "Do you still need a shelter in your house? Are these?"

"Why don't you need it?" The man immediately refuted Chen Xin's words, and rushed to him: "My shelter is equipped with air conditioners. It used to be fine when there was electricity, but now there is no power supply, and I rely on myself to generate electricity. , this air conditioner can't work!"

Hearing this, Chen Xin could understand what the other party was doing, so he nodded and said, "That's fine, but you also understand the rules. Did you bring both the materials and the exchanged goods?"

"Brother Chen, don't you know me yet? When have I, Li Yulong, been unreliable?" Li Yulong patted his chest and looked confident: "As you said, two air conditioners are outside the unit. It is the material, and I also brought you a cured ham and two boxes of individual rations.

I originally wanted to get Iberian ham, but my dad wouldn't let me, so I took a piece of Jinhua ham. Brother Chen, don't dislike it. "

Doomsday survival, in addition to an easy-to-use knife, a sapper shovel is also a very good choice.

The current engineer shovel has been completely transformed into a multi-functional tool, not only a shovel, but also a series of tools such as axes, saws, hoes, etc. You can even use it to fry an egg when necessary.

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