Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 161 Live Fish (Plus 3/16)

Chapter 161 Live Fish (Plus 316)

"Is the air pump connected, Xiaohai?" In the garage, Li Wensheng was checking his car, and his son Xiaohai had just put the goods in the trunk, and Li Wensheng, who was a little worried, couldn't help but ask one more question.

Xiaohai nodded: "Connected, the oxygen generator is also put into the water according to what Dad said."

Hearing what his son said, Li Wensheng also nodded and said to him: "Okay, then you can go back, take good care of your mother at home, and take good care of your sister, I'll go out and deliver some goods."

After speaking, Li Wensheng was about to get in the car and was about to drive out.

However, Xiaohai did not obediently return to his home's shelter, but said to Li Wensheng, "Dad, I want to go together!"

"Let's go together? No, it's too dangerous outside!" Li Wensheng frowned and refused without hesitation.

"Dad! Just let me go with you! I want to help you!" Xiaohai begged to Li Wensheng, feeling that he had grown up and Xiaohai eagerly wanted to share some of the pressure for his father.

But Li Wensheng still refused his son's request, got in the car and closed the door, rolled down the window and said to his son who was still standing there, "Go back, be obedient and help me take care of your mother, and I'll help you if you look good on your sister. The biggest one is busy."

After speaking, Li Wensheng started the car and drove it out of the garage.

"Close the garage door and go back!" Li Wensheng stuck his head out of the car window, turned around and shouted to his son who was still standing there, and then drove away.

Xiaohai watched his father drive into the darkness in disappointment, and then reluctantly closed the garage door and returned to his own shelter.

Li Wensheng drove the car and drove carefully. The road was not clearly visible outside. He relied on the buildings on both sides that had not been completely buried to judge the traces of the road.

At this time, you must be extra careful when driving, and a negligence is likely to cause various accidents.

Tires slipping or wheels getting stuck in the snow are all trivial matters. Li Wensheng believes that he can handle it, but if he encounters icy roads and the whole car skids, it can be very dangerous.

If you hit something, it's likely to be damage to the car or simply crash.

In today's world, when a car breaks down, you can only find a way to repair it yourself. It is no longer possible to drag it to a repair shop as in the past, and there is no replacement for parts where it is damaged.

Li Wensheng drove his car to the bridge leading to the suburbs. This is also the bridge that Chen Xin had to pass before driving into the city.

At this time, Li Wensheng was full of nervousness, the speed of the car had dropped to the lowest level, and he drove the car onto the bridge very slowly.

Li Wensheng couldn't help but be careful. Although the bridge was built very solidly and had six lanes in both directions, the railings on the bridge deck were not even one meter high. At this moment, the bridge deck had already been covered with an area of ​​nearly one meter thick. Snow, drive the car up, and if you are driving on snow without guardrails, you will rush down if you are not careful.

Fortunately, before going out, Li Wensheng put snow chains on the wheels, and he drove slowly enough, and finally passed the bridge without any risk.

Li Wensheng, who let out a long sigh of relief, then increased his speed a little and drove towards Chen Xin's house.

After successfully driving the car to the place, Li Wensheng took out the shortwave radio, contacted Chen Xin, and told him that he had brought fish.

The vision in the dark snow was very poor. Even if he turned the headlights to the high beam, it was difficult to see things a hundred meters away. It was pitch black everywhere, like some kind of monster, and there seemed to be some kind of danger lurking. It would jump out or devour him at any time.

Although it is hard to tell, Li Wensheng is indeed afraid of the dark, which is related to his childhood experience.

But there is no way to tell this to others, because it is impossible for him to tell his wife and children that he is afraid of the dark.

And as a man, if he doesn't stand up at this time, should he let his wife and children go out under such circumstances?

Li Wensheng believed that he could not do such a thing.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long, and Chen Xin quickly opened the door of the sanctuary, adding a ray of light to the darkness.

"Writer, I've sent you the ten fish you asked for. They're all alive. I'm afraid I'll die on the road. , some urgently and ostentatiously talking about the fish that he sent.

This seems to be a show of merit, but Li Wensheng himself can't tell whether it is showing off or talking to Chen Xin to dispel the fear of darkness that he had just generated in his heart.

Chen Xin didn't seem to suspect him, so he asked Li Wensheng to open the trunk, checked the fish he sent, and confirmed that they were all fresh. Then he nodded with satisfaction and let him drive the car into the shelter.

Let Li Wensheng drive the car into the shelter, and then Chen Xin closed the door, keeping the darkness and cold out.

"Thank you for your hard work, old peasant, if it's convenient for me to send the fish down." Chen Xinchong Li Wensheng was polite, and pulled the trailer that had been prepared and the plastic box with water on the trailer from the side.

Li Wensheng naturally would not refuse to help. The two of them moved the fish in Li Wensheng's trunk to Chen Xin's plastic box. As expected, these fish were still alive as Li Wensheng said, and one fish jumped. At one point, the two of them were splashed with water.

Finally, all ten fish were transferred to the plastic box. In order to prevent water from being scattered everywhere, Chen Xin directly covered the lid.

Li Wensheng helped Chen Xin to deliver the cart and box to Chen Xin's shelter. Although he had been to Chen Xin's house several times, it was the first time for Li Wensheng to enter Chen Xin's shelter.

Looking around at Chen Xin's shelter, Li Wensheng couldn't help but envied: "You are still a writer, and your shelter is really good."

Hearing this, Chen Xin raised his eyebrows and couldn't help laughing: "Everyone uses the same basic design, I just added a few more containers, they are all the same."

While saying this, Chen Xin opened the door of his greenhouse and pushed the cart in.

The aquaponics equipment that was brought from Li Wensheng had already been installed. Chen Xin opened the equipment and transferred the fish from the plastic box to the tank of the hydroponic planting plate.

Fortunately, the water body has been adjusted before. At this moment, when the fish enter the water, there is no obstruction or discomfort at all.

Li Wensheng also walked into Chen Xin's planting greenhouse curiously at this time, and when he saw his planting greenhouse, he was immediately full of envy, especially the roots of upland rice that had not been cleaned in Chen Xin's fields, Li Wensheng said enviously: "Writer, you This rice is well-planted! It looks like a bumper harvest!"

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It is said that the Tiansuizhidaoji is really hard-core. When planting a waterway, it is necessary to control the water temperature, humidity, and light. It is exactly the same as real farming. It is said that Japanese players are planting against the planting guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries...

The art style is very cute, but the content is extremely hardcore. The game is great, but the price is stupid. The country is 350. I bought it in Argentina for only 40. It is recommended to search for a treasure. No

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