Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 170 The Crying Qin Lan

"Alan, how are you? Are you okay?" Seeing Qin Lan lying on the bed with a lost soul and red eyes, Chen Xin hurriedly asked her with concern.

But seeing Qin Lan just lying there with his eyes still open, Chen Xin was relieved, and the worry that had been hanging before was finally put down.

After all, Qin Lan didn't seem to be missing any arms or legs at this time. There were no other obvious scars on his body except the bandages on his shoulders, and he was not in a coma.

It just seems that the mental state is very poor, and this is not a particularly serious situation, and it can be recovered with good training.

"Axin..." Seeing Chen Xin appear, Qin Lan called out his name, but his voice was extraordinarily hoarse and dry.

Looking at Qin Lan's lips that were almost chapped, and listening to her hoarse voice, Chen Xin didn't need to think to know that she must have not drank water for a long time, so he hurriedly picked up the cup on the bedside table beside him and gave it from the kettle. Qin Lan poured a glass of water.

Carefully holding Qin Lan's neck, he fed water into her mouth. Seeing Qin Lan's thirsty appearance, Chen Xin couldn't help comforting her: "Drink slowly, don't worry, there's more."

However, after drinking the water in the cup, Qin Lan shook his head to stop Chen Xin from giving her water again.

Seeing this, Chen Xin also put down the cup, sat down on Qin Lan's bedside, looked at her haggard appearance, reached out and stroked her forehead, and asked with concern, "What's going on? Did you make it like this? It's not like you at all!"

"Axin..." Feeling Chen Xin's gentle soothing to herself, Qin Lan's emotions that she had been accumulating since yesterday suddenly burst out. She called out to Chen Xin and cried.

Reaching out his hand to wipe the tears from Qin Lan's face, watching her cry so sadly, Chen Xin didn't stop her, just gently stroked her forehead and comforted her: "It's alright, it's alright, just cry out. All right."

Qin Lan cried for a long time, as if the tears could not stop.

It wasn't until Chen Xin felt that she would hurt her body if she continued to cry, which stopped her from continuing to cry. While coaxing her, she tried to figure out what was going on.

After crying bitterly, Qin Lan's emotions seemed to be released. At this time, he could finally restrain his emotions. While sobbing, he intermittently told Chen Xin what happened.

"It's all my fault. If I shot earlier and I was more decisive, those brothers would not have sacrificed!" After explaining what happened to Chen Xin, Qin Lan had a tendency to cry again. She was always there. Self-blame, remorse for one's own mistakes, and think that oneself caused it all.

Listening to Qin Lan's words, Chen Xin didn't know how to comfort her for a while, so she could only wipe the tears from her face silently and gently, and said to Qin Lan, "Don't be like this, Lan, you don't want to, who knows how things will change. How about this? And even if you shoot in time, because of the madness of those people, they must have other means, and you can't blame you for this."

"Why don't you blame me? If I shoot earlier, I can stop the criminal from pulling the detonator, and the few comrades standing by his side will not die!" Qin Lan yelled at Chen Xin, venting at her own dissatisfaction.

"How can you blame you? You couldn't have known in advance that the criminal had gunpowder and detonators! You have responded in time, and you can only say that the criminals are too vicious and vicious. Blame you." Facing Qin Lan's emotional breakdown, Chen Xin could only try his best to appease her: "And even those who have sacrificed, they definitely don't want to see you look like you blame yourself. If you feel that I'm sorry to them, shouldn't it be better to cheer up and bring those criminals to justice?"

Listening to Chen Xin's comforting words, Qin Lan's emotions finally eased and gradually calmed down.

Although he still felt remorse for himself, he did not continue to shout and cry.

But after the mood eased, the strong tiredness surged up, and Qin Lan quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing Qin Lan with her eyes closed, her brows frowned, Chen Xin couldn't help feeling distressed, but he didn't do anything, just covered her with a quilt, and sat on the chair beside the hospital bed, intending to guard her.

However, when Chen Xin was guarding Qin Lan, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

Chen Xin hurriedly looked back, but saw Hong Rui standing behind him, making a "shush" gesture at him with a raised finger.

Seeing that it was Dr. Hong Rui, Chen Xin didn't scream, but asked quietly, "Doctor Hong, when did you come?"

"I've been here for a while, when you told her not to cry." Dr. Hong Rui explained, and smiled at Chen Xin: "I was supposed to help her with psychological counseling, but it depends on what you did. Yes, I didn't intervene. Thank you, it saved me a lot of trouble."

"Whatever Dr. Hong said, Alan belongs to me anyway..." Chen Xin said here, suddenly stuck, smiled and shook his head before continuing: "When she encounters such a thing, I can do my best. Within the range, I can't stand idly by."

While talking, Chen Xin looked at Qin Lan on the hospital bed again, and couldn't help sighing.

Who would have thought that she, who has always been strong, would be so vulnerable? She was still comforting herself not long ago, so that she would not break down.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin couldn't help but sigh again.

Listening to his continuous sighs, Hong Rui couldn't help shaking her head, patted Chen Xin's shoulder again, and whispered to him, "Let's go out and talk, let her rest here."

Hearing what Hong Rui said, Chen Xin also nodded and followed Hong Rui out of the ward.

Coming to the corridor outside and closing the door of the ward, Hong Rui and Chen Xin spoke in normal voices.

"I didn't expect to see you again, Dr. Hong, and I haven't said thank you to you for the last time!" Chen Xin was polite to Hong Rui, but also concerned about Qin Lan's situation: "How is Alan? is it serious?"

"It's not serious, but the psychological trauma may be severe, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to heal for a while. It will take time for her to come out slowly." Hong Rui shook her head, and did not say any complicated professional terms: " She must not feel bad when she encounters such a thing, she should be more concerned about accompanying her during this time, what she needs most now is the company of her family and friends."

"I see, I will take good care of her." Chen Xin nodded solemnly.

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