Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 177 Making a Water Purifier

Chen Xin didn't plan to dismantle the equipment of his shelter, so he had to collect additional resources or make parts himself to transform the vehicle.

Fortunately, he has a workbench, and he can process some of the materials needed to transform the vehicle by himself. What he really needs to exchange and collect are some raw materials and materials that are more cumbersome to process and more convenient to collect by exchanging.

Among them, such as auto parts, cold-proof materials, and various steel materials required for vehicle modification, Chen Xin must be obtained through exchange with Li Yulong and the SWAT team.

But like some other materials such as shock absorber springs, track parts, water circulation devices, etc., he can completely make them himself, and the consumption is nothing more than a small amount of survival points and raw materials.

However, most of the raw materials stored by Chen Xin were prepared for the originally planned overall upgrade of the shelter. Most of them were building materials such as cement and steel bars, and the rest were mostly things like heat insulation boards.

There are not many high-performance steels such as shock springs and track parts, and only a few steel plates intended to strengthen the structure of the shelter.

"So I have to collect a batch of steel!" Looking at the list of materials, Chen Xin sighed helplessly.

Although there is a system, even the simplest metal materials can be used as raw materials, even not metal materials, but considering the cost and investment issues, as well as the subsequent use, Chen Xin thinks it is more appropriate to get a batch of steel.

Fortunately, in addition to these parts that require metal materials to process, things like water circulation devices do not need to consume a lot of metal materials, although metal materials are better, but other materials can be used instead.

So Chen Xin decided to use the existing materials to make everything that can be done, and see if he can make some lower-level substitutes if he can't do it, and then use the survival point upgrade to make up.

Although the system upgrade function is powerful, the consumption of survival points is not a small amount. Although he currently has nearly five-digit survival points, according to the consumption listed in the list, if Chen Xin has no scruples To use the system function to make these things, at least one-fifth of the survival points in his hand will be used.

So you can save or save.

It is not too difficult to make a water circulation device, and it does not need to consume too many materials. The most important thing is the recovery of wastewater and sewage, and the recycling after purification treatment.

There is no need to worry about the recovery of wastewater and sewage. When the water circulation device is installed on the vehicle, the pipeline in the water area can complete the sewage recovery. The real focus is on purification.

Simple sewage purification treatment is not complicated, only need to use activated carbon, sand and other materials to sediment and filter the sewage.

However, such a simple filtration effect is not good, and the chemical pollutants and heavy metal ions that may remain in the sewage will not be separated because of such a simple filtration.

Chen Xin purchased the portable filters necessary for survival in the wild, and disassembled the structures in the research.

In addition to the basic sand and activated carbon filtration, the most important thing is the filter membrane, which can effectively filter bacteria and other harmful substances in the water, and restore the original sewage to a drinkable level.

In the past, Chen Xin used this portable water purification filter when he was playing in the wild. When it was difficult to find a clean water source or when the conditions for boiling water were not enough to boil the water for drinking, this filter is indeed very useful. Convenient equipment for easy access to clean drinking water.

This filter is used as a water purification component of a water circulation device. It is not overkill, but it is more than enough.

However, Chen Xin did not directly use his portable filter as a component to make a water circulation device, nor did he disassemble it to obtain parts, but planned to make one himself.

Saw a piece of PVC pipe as the main body, then cut some more pipes as auxiliary materials, use the system processing function to transform the structure, turn the pipes used as auxiliary materials into end caps, and the rest is to fill the main pipe with filter materials .

The material of the filter membrane is special, and Chen Xin does not have it. Although it is not impossible to do it with the help of the system function, Chen Xin does not need to be so troublesome.

Since you want to borrow system functions, why not upgrade directly?

After filling the main body of the filter with sand and charcoal, Chen Xin compared the consumption needed to make the filter membrane by himself and directly upgrade the filter, and decided to upgrade directly.

After all, this is just a small thing. It takes 10 survival points to make a filter yourself, but to upgrade it directly only needs to add a little material and only consume 15 survival points. In comparison, this survival point is still a waste. affordable.

After upgrading the self-made filter to the same level as the purchased portable filter, Chen Xin used this filter as a water purification component and assembled it into the same self-made water circulation device.

In this way, the water circulation device, which is one of the important components of vehicle renovation, is completed.

Checking the checklist, Chen Xin looked at the materials and parts listed on the list, thinking about what he was going to do next.

However, just as he was thinking, his radio suddenly rang.


At this time, outside Chen Xin's shelter, a police armored vehicle was parked in front of his house.

"Chen Xin said he'll open the door right away." In the car, a SWAT team member put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, and reported to Li Touhe, who was sitting beside him without wearing a police uniform and looked like an official.

Both nodded and said nothing more about it.

In the previous operation, Li Tou's team was not only injured and hospitalized because of the previous operation, but several other team members were also injured and treated in the hospital, but even if there is a lack of manpower, in the current situation of the city's mobilization for a large-scale platoon. , they were still sent out to work with the staff of the joint investigation team to conduct unofficial shelter mapping work.

"Here is a member of the public who cooperates with our SWAT team. He mainly provides our SWAT team with fresh vegetables in exchange for some survival supplies. We have come to investigate before, and there is nothing suspicious." The person who looked like an official next to him explained the situation, but he was obviously helping Chen Xin to say good things, so that Chen Xin would not be suspected.

"The work of the comrades of the Municipal Bureau is certainly trustworthy, but the joint investigation team decided to conduct a second inspection, and it is safer to check it again." The official-looking person nodded slightly, but did not make any obvious reaction to Li Touhua. .

But looking at his expression, Li Tou also understood that he had listened to his words.

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