Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 187 The two women who settled down

"No matter how they got in, why did they come to this city to make trouble? This is the hinterland of the Yan Kingdom, not a place like Southeast Asia, so aren't you afraid of being suppressed by an iron fist?" Help Qin Lan carry her things to the shelter Walking, Chen Xin asked the doubts in his heart.

This is the biggest question in Chen Xin's mind. Yan Guo is no better than other countries. Not only are guns strictly controlled, but social security is also strictly controlled. Before the disaster, there were cameras all over the streets and alleys. The strict household registration management system can even Trace everyone's whereabouts.

This means that after the disaster, the country's original social order collapsed, and the environment was harsh, and the Yan Guo government's control over the country declined. .

So Chen Xin wondered why a group of mercenaries from Southeast Asia had to travel all the way to Hunan Province in the hinterland of the Yan Kingdom.

"Because the core members of this group of mercenaries are from this city." Ding Ning explained to Chen Xin.

Before Qin Lan was in the hospital because of his injury, he didn't know much about this matter, but Ding Ning had a more detailed understanding of the situation because of his participation in this mission.

"According to the information currently available, the leader of the group of mercenaries is from this city, and the core characters with him are also his companions who went to Nanyang with him at the beginning." Ding Ning continued to explain to Chen Xin, saying According to what the police know so far: "Before the disaster, they had been roaming around Southeast Asia, and they were not all evil, but they also murdered and set fire without any taboo. They were mainly hired by local warlords to fight and train troops for them.

When the disaster came, the order in the entire Southeast Asia region collapsed. A large number of refugees flocked to the border at that time, intending to enter our country for asylum. A considerable number of them crossed the border. These people should have entered our country at that time.

As for why they came back to this city, it should be related to the fact that they are from this city, and they may have relatives and friends in this city. But we haven't figured out the specific situation. After all, now it's not as good as before. Even if we want to conduct a large-scale investigation, we can only investigate official shelters and private shelters that have already grasped the location. It is difficult for someone to hide from us. find out. "

Speaking of which, whether it was Ding Ning's mood was a little depressed, if the police really wanted to find these mercenaries before the disaster, it would be far simpler than it is now.

Not to mention the Skynet system, which consisted of surveillance cameras all over the streets and alleys before the disaster, even the most grassroots community cadres and village cadres in the Yan Kingdom were able to get a clear picture of the situation in their respective jurisdictions, down to the details of each household. Every household, as long as it is activated, is enough to find these mercenaries.

Chen Xin also understood the truth, but he didn't say anything, he just took Qin Lan and Ding Ning to the bedroom prepared for them, and after putting down their luggage, he introduced them to the two of them: "This is for the two of you. The room that came out has limited conditions, if there is any inconvenience, remember to say it in time."

"Axin, you are so polite. Your conditions here are already very good. Even before the disaster, it would be difficult to find such a comfortable room." Qin Lan hurriedly responded to Chen Xin's polite words, and said apologetically: "We Come here, I've caused you trouble, Ah Xin."

She has been here with Chen Xin, and has lived here for a while, so she has some knowledge of the situation here.

The clean and tidy room in front of her was not there when she came last time. Obviously, it was specially prepared for the two of them by Chen Xin this time.

This inevitably made Qin Lan feel that he and Ding Ning came to live, adding trouble to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, you came here to protect me, and you should clean up a room for you. You should put your things away and have a rest. I, Alan, you have been here before. In the greenhouse, something called me."

After speaking, Chen Xin turned around and left the room.

Chen Xin left, while Qin Lan and Ding Ning packed their luggage. Although the bags they brought contained their equipment, they also brought some laundry and other belongings.

"Sister Lan, your injury isn't healed yet, just sleep on the bottom, I'll just sleep on the top bunk." Ding Ning glanced at the bunk beds in the room, and threw his things on the top bunk.

Seeing this, Qin Lan had no choice but to nod and didn't say anything more.

Although the wound on her shoulder has healed, it is still not completely healed. Climbing up and down will still affect her.

Although in Qin Lan's opinion, this is no longer a serious problem and will not hinder her actions, Ding Ning still does not worry about letting her climb up and down.

After the two put their luggage away, Ding Ning sat down with Qin Lan and discussed the mission.

"Sister Lan, how do you think we should carry out this mission to protect Ah Xin?" Although Ding Ning knew this mission very well, she was only an ordinary grass-roots policeman before and had never done this kind of work of protecting people. , which made her a little bit at a loss as to where to start this mission.

Ding Ning didn't know what to do, but Qin Lan had no experience in this area either.

She is a special police officer, but she has never performed the task of protecting others. At this time, she can only say from experience: "First find out the surrounding environment... There is nothing to investigate in the surrounding environment, as long as Ah Xin doesn't go out. , I don't think those terrorists can get in."

When she came in before, she paid attention to Chen Xin's door. The thick door like a metal wall was extraordinarily strong, not to mention mercenaries. Qin Lan felt that even if everyone in the SWAT team was dispatched, it would not be necessary to bring all the equipment. Can break that door.

That's not something that light weapons can handle.

"The main thing is to understand the basic situation of Ah Xin here, and then see if there are any defensive loopholes." Qin Lan can only say that at this time, after all, she didn't realize that there were any loopholes in Chen Xin: "As for him If we have to go out, the two of us can follow him, but try to avoid going out as much as possible."

Listening to Qin Lan's words, Ding Ning could only nod his head. After all, for Chen Xin's refuge, there was no way to get in except to break through his thick and sturdy gate.

However, Ding Ning thought out of the way. While talking about this, she also thought of some other questions: "In this case, if those terrorists come to the door, how can we defend? Hiding in the shelter at the door and calling for reinforcements? That would be too useless."

"Isn't it easy to complete the task?" Qin Lan smiled at Ding Ning, but still thought about it and said to her: "Axin built an observation room above his gate, where you can go up through a secret door, above which is A small room similar to a bunker, where a firepower can be placed, and if someone attacks, it is also a means of counterattack."

Hearing Qin Lan's words, Ding Ning became happy: "No wonder Sister Lan, you have to bring a sniper rifle. If you have a bunker, cooperate with Sister Lan as a top sniper. No matter how many people come, it will be for nothing!"

Ding Ning's words didn't make Qin Lan happy, she just shook her head, reached out and touched her injured shoulder, a slight tingling came, reminding her that she had not fully recovered.

The injured shoulder is the left shoulder, and Qin Lan is usually used to shooting with his left hand. When using a sniper rifle, the butt of the gun naturally rests on his left shoulder.

The shoulder injury will undoubtedly prevent her from firing, although it is not intolerable if it is really necessary.

Seeing Qin Lan's actions, Ding Ning hurriedly asked with concern, "Sister Lan, is your wound hurting again?"

"No, I just touched it just now." Qin Lan shook his head and said to Ding Ning, "A-Ning, go and see if A Xin can help you. We have to live here for a month, so we have to help A Xin. Can you do something within your power? It's impossible to say that the two of us live here and do nothing, right?"

"Well, I see, then I'll go to Ah Xin, Sister Lan, you should have a good rest first." Ding Ning nodded, then got up and left the room.

Seeing Ding Ning leave, Qin Lan also stood up and put the long box that was on the side on the table in the room.

Sitting down on the chair in front of the table, he reached out and opened the box. Looking at his beloved sniper rifle in the box, Qin Lan couldn't help but reach out and stroke it gently.

The cold touch from her fingertips made her feel very at ease, and at the same time there was a touch of unwillingness.

This is her weapon, last time she failed to use this gun to stop that group of terrorists from making a suicide attack, this time she will never let the same thing happen again!

Thinking like this, Qin Lan resisted the stinging pain in his shoulders and assembled the sniper rifle with both hands.

Although it was a bit slower than before she was not injured, when she put her right shoulder against the butt of the gun and practiced aiming, Qin Lan felt that it was still within an acceptable range.

The left-hand shot does have an impact, so try to switch to the side that has no impact. Since you are here to protect Chen Xin, you must restore your combat effectiveness as soon as possible to ensure that you can effectively protect him.

When Qin Lan was loading the gun, Ding Ning also came to the planting greenhouse, and Chen Xin was watering the upland rice seedlings in the field at this time.

Looking at Chen Xin's actions, Ding Ning greeted him before asking, "Sister Lan asked me to help, is there anything I can do?"

"Help? I don't have anything special to do for the time being. It's just watering. I can do it all by myself." Chen Xin shook his head, but he still said to Ding Ning, "But An Ning, you can help me with other things. ."

"What's the matter, you say, wrap it on me." Ding Ning looked at the green planting greenhouse in front of him, patted his chest and assured, as if he was eager to try.

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