Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 509 Equipment Problems

"...Okay, I know the situation. Let's borrow the two Titans first, and then I'll let the maintenance pilots and spare parts go with them." In the communication room of the scientific research center, Chen Xin was talking to someone. on the phone.

Hearing Chen Xin's reply, the other side seemed to say something, but Chen Xin put the receiver to his ear, so that no one else could hear what he said.

"Vaccine research and development? I might be able to help with production, but the research and development work..." Hearing the person on the phone mentioned the vaccine, Chen Xin still knew something about it, but he didn't quite understand it. What does the other person mean by saying: "Is there anything I can help here?"

The research and development and production of vaccines are two completely different fields. The research and development work, to put it bluntly, is to find a harmless virus that can stimulate the human immune system, but will not cause damage or have a small impact on the human body.

The production is to manufacture this harmless virus isolated from the laboratory on a large scale, and then use it for actual medical treatment.

In principle, there is nothing particularly high-tech in the research and development work itself. It is nothing more than the isolation of virus strains, followed by inactivation and attenuation.

Although new technologies are now used in the medical field to apply these procedures to isolation, inactivation, and attenuation, this is mainly to improve the efficiency of vaccine development and the efficacy of the resulting vaccine.

If you ignore these two points, even if you use the laboratory of a general medical school and let medical students operate it, you can actually achieve the same results.

It's just that this time will be very long, and the efficacy of the vaccine is not guaranteed at the same time.

It’s like drawing a card pool. Ordinary medical students are like those zero-krypton parties, who rely on daily moving bricks to save a little stone, and then just draw a betting face to draw a pool with no guarantee.

Although the blushing basically sank, it cannot be denied that some blushing can only draw miracles.

And professional medical laboratories are like kryptonite parties. They can kryptonite to get more stones. At the same time, they also get discounts and guarantees, and they also come with a special pool for UP.

Even if the face is not good, it may be crooked or sinking, the krypton gold party still has a last way, and it can be obtained directly after a certain number of draws.

So in a sense, to deal with a virus, a vaccine can be developed in most cases, it is nothing more than a problem of the research and development cycle.

As for the cases of smallpox, rabies, tetanus, and HIV, they belong to the pool that has not yet been installed, or that the pool is too deep and has not been drawn out, so it is not suitable for discussion.

The role Chen Xin can play in this is nothing more than to increase the UP and shipping probability of the pool, reduce the minimum number of guarantees, and give a discount, so that you can use fewer stones and times to achieve shipments. purpose only.

Although it is not that there is no place to help at all, in fact, there are still limited places to help.

And in terms of modern medical technology, this can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, and it has little effect on actual production.

Because factory production and laboratory research and development are two completely different paths, the laboratory needs short, flat and fast, while the factory production is cheap, accurate and stable.

So, to achieve the same goal, labs like to use simple and efficient methods, and at production scale these methods will be discarded.

For example, for the simplest solid-liquid separation, the laboratory will definitely want to use membrane filtration for the first time. The specific point is the filtration at the beginning of the disposable membrane, and the high-end point is the membrane chromatography. For small things, money is not a problem!

But these technologies don't talk about production, and they can't go on in the pilot test, and it's not easy to zoom in! How to do?

It can only be replaced by centrifugation honestly, it is cheap, stable and easy to use, and CIP/SIP is not a problem.

In this case, Chen Xin's ability can play a greater role. He can upgrade the factory's equipment to make these equipment more advanced and efficient.

However, the person who was talking to Chen Xin obviously considered these issues, and after talking to him again, Chen Xin agreed and hung up the phone.

Seeing that Chen Xin hung up the phone, Tang Tang, who had been standing beside him and watched him call, asked, "What does the above mean? Do you want to help develop a vaccine?"

"No, it's the rescue team." Chen Xin shook his head, and then explained to Tang Tang: "Because they have been in the epidemic area before, they can't come back now, but they want to continue to develop vaccines, but they lack equipment.

The above hopes to provide them with a set of simple equipment that can be used, and ask us if there is any good way, otherwise, we can only transport the instruments and equipment from China, which is too troublesome and expensive. "

After listening to Chen Xin's explanation, Tang Tang could understand, but she still asked a little strangely: "Then why don't they use Lucia's equipment? They are here to help Lucia, and the Lucia people don't talk about conjoined sets. Don't you want to borrow equipment?"

"The situation in Lucia's capital is very chaotic now. Although they dispatched troops to suppress it, the situation has not improved. The rioters blocked the underground passage and confronted the Lucia officials." Chen Xin recounted to Tang Tang that he had just received a call from the phone. Update obtained: "There is no good way for the Lucia military to solve the problem in a short period of time without using heavy weapons, so the situation is very bad.

For the sake of safety, the people of the rescue team have withdrawn from the dungeon of Lucia's capital and stayed on the two arks, temporarily unable to use Lucia's equipment and laboratories. "

"The situation is really bad enough..." Tang Tang also felt a little speechless about this, one of the top five of the dignified Blue Star, and as a result, he couldn't even suppress the riots in his own capital. It really made people not know what to say.

But these things have nothing to do with them strictly speaking, so Chen Xin quickly patted Tang Tang and smiled at her: "Okay, we don't need to think about these things, Senior Sister, please help me get a batch of equipment. , the task explained above still has to be completed.”

"Okay, I see." Tang Tang nodded. After being in the scientific research center for so long, she also understood Chen Xin's "ability" and knew how to cooperate with him: "Are you planning to improve a set of equipment and send it over?"

"It is integrated into an experimental cabin, so that they can use it more conveniently. It is also troublesome for them to find a test site when a set of equipment is sent." Chen Xin thought about it and felt that it is not convenient enough to simply upgrade a set of equipment and send it there , decided to make an integrated experimental cabin.

Tang Tang just raised her eyebrows after hearing Chen Xin's words. Although she was a little surprised, she was accustomed to it: "Okay, then I'll arrange it."

I am not a professional about vaccines, but I still asked a few friends who know it. The basic answer is that it is easy to make in the laboratory, but it is very troublesome to put it in the factory. The thing that is shaken is a spherical tank with the height of one person in the factory. The scale is enlarged by dozens or hundreds of times. The process and technology are two completely different things. Many laboratories are not a problem at all, and they cannot be taken in the factory. Technical difficulties.

Therefore, the ability of the protagonist in the laboratory does not really play a big role, but for factory production, it is a real boon.

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