Chen Xin's words were so straightforward that Vasili and Valentin couldn't help but turn pale. They wanted to say something but couldn't say anything.

In fact, as Chen Xin said, Yan Guo helped the official Lucia, and from the official, he could obtain various technologies and heritages from the Suvian era that could interest Yan Guo, and what could the revolutionary army have in exchange for Yan Guo’s? help?

If the previous oligarchs had not been officially suppressed and were willing to help the Revolutionary Army from behind the scenes, they might be able to come up with something that could interest Yan Guo to persuade Yan Guo to agree to help the Revolutionary Army.

But now the oligarchs in the revolutionary army have been officially suppressed and their forces have been uprooted. Even if there are hidden oligarchs, their power has not been able to overcome any major storms.

So even if they have something in their hands that would interest Yan Guo, they won't come out at such a time, and they will attract official attention and suppression.

Vasily and Valenjing knew this clearly. They thought hard for a long time, but found that although the huge revolutionary army occupied more than half of the city of Lucia's capital, they were very poor and had nothing to use at all. A bargaining chip for the help of the Yan Kingdom.

Chen Xin looked at the changing faces of Vasily and Valentin, shook his head with a smile, and said to them: "If you are really doing it for the good of the people, I suggest you don't think about making troubles, but have a good relationship with the government. Work together to rebuild your capital.

In this cold weather, you are short of food and clothing. If you smash the only shelter that can shelter from the wind and snow, do you want everyone to freeze to death?

For you now, what is revolutionary or not is secondary. It is what you should do now so that your people can be freed from this epidemic and live a well-fed life again. "

"But..." Valentin wanted to justify a little, but before he could speak, he was stopped by Vasily on the side.

"Stop talking, Valentin." Vasily shook his head at Valentin and stopped him from continuing: "He's right, if we can't make the people better, why should the people follow us? "

Of course Valentin understood what Vasily said, but he didn't want to just give up, and argued to himself: "But if we can't get help, what can we do to improve the lives of the people and make them live better?"

After finishing speaking, Valentin looked at Chen Xin again, and said stubbornly to him: "Mr. Yan Guo, since you are willing to see us, I believe that you did not intend to directly refuse to help us. You said that you need to pay a price in exchange for Yan Guo. If you want the help of the country, then it proves that you already have a price in your heart, so can you tell me what you want? As long as it can be exchanged for the help of the country and the people can live a better life, we are willing to pay the price."

Valentin felt that he had guessed Chen Xin's real purpose, and he also felt that his remarks were enough to impress Chen Xin and let him make an offer.

In Valentin's view, as long as Chen Xin is willing to make an offer, everything can be discussed.

No matter how exaggerated Chen Xin's price was, the revolutionary army must agree to anything they can afford, because only in this way can the revolutionary army have the opportunity to develop and carry forward their revolutionary cause.

However, Chen Xin shook his head directly and said to Valentin: "Yan Guo is not interested in your so-called revolutionary army. In fact, we are more willing to cooperate with the official Lucia than you. This is not only an official payment. The price of cooperation is affordable, but the government still controls most of the country.

Although you control more than half of the capital now, you have nothing else. As long as the epidemic problem can be solved, the official can quickly stabilize the situation. What will happen next, I don't need to explain it to you? "

Chen Xin's words made Valentin and Vasily not know what to say, so they could only be silent.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Chen Xin shook his head and said to them: "Actually, I don't think you need to insist on your so-called revolutionary ideal, because it is not a revolution at all.

A real revolution means that the old society has been corrupted, and the old order needs to be overthrown to complete social transformation, but although your old order does have some problems, it is not so corrupt that it needs to be overthrown.

For you, instead of thinking about how to make a revolution and how to develop your revolutionary army, it is better to think about how to cooperate with the government to rebuild your capital, so that your people can have enough to eat and not starve and freeze.

So go back, go back and tell your comrades, let them stop thinking about confrontation, cooperate with the authorities, and work together to rebuild your capital, so that everyone can live a life of no longer starving and freezing, that is why you should go Things to do.

We have reached a cooperation agreement with the government and will support you in rebuilding the capital. There will be many places where labor is needed. The manpower in the hands of your revolutionary army is still very important for the reconstruction work, so instead of telling me something here If it makes sense, it is better to go back and think about how to cooperate with the official. "

Although Chen Xin's words sounded harsh, for the revolutionary army at this time, it was a very pertinent suggestion.

At this time, no matter what conditions the revolutionary army can offer, it is not enough to persuade the senior officials of the Yan Kingdom to agree to build a new regime to overthrow Lucia's existing regime.

In fact, the first batch of aid has already been prepared in China, mainly experts in geothermal and greenhouse cultivation, will assist the Lucian people to build a geothermal energy tower in their capital, and use this energy tower as energy to build a large greenhouse.

In addition, an engineering team will follow along. In addition to being responsible for construction, it will also assist the Lucians to clean up the shelters that were damaged before and repair them.

Although there is not much assistance, for Lucia, it is all urgently needed right now.

The energy tower can provide them with warmth and solve the problem of insufficient fuel in the depressed cold environment, and although the greenhouse will take a certain amount of time to produce crops, it can also solve the food shortage problem currently facing the capital of Lucia.

As long as there is enough time to solve the current epidemic problem, Lucia's reconstruction work is actually not troublesome.

So Chen Xin didn't pay too much attention to this matter. After sending Vasily and Valentin away, Chen Xin turned the focus of his work back to the weather controller that had been cleaned up.

He didn't forget why he stayed here.

Many people reported that what was written about this "revolution" was to sully the revolution. In fact, this was my purpose in itself, so I used quotation marks when I mentioned the revolutionary army and the revolution. They are just a group of poor people who are in crisis and hope that something can save them. They are not real revolutionaries. This is what I have been emphasizing. If you think they have sullied the revolution, then I want to express passed to

As for the deeper level, the choices these people make under the pressure of the environment are actually just a necessity of human nature. Everyone will choose a way that can make their lives better and live.

At the beginning of the revolution, it was actually the same, and it was only when they could not survive that they would rise up.

It's just that we are very lucky. There are a group of people with lofty ideals who have fought and sacrificed to make more people better. The Russians were once lucky, and they also had a group of people who sacrificed for lofty ideals, but unfortunately there are no people now. .

And why I wrote this paragraph, mainly because I was watching "The Age of Awakening" recently. I really felt deeply. The more I understood the stories written in it, the more I felt the greatness of those real revolutionaries.

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