Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 545: Lucian's Nuclear Battery

Chen Xin is naturally full of interest in the refuge that Lucia wants to rebuild, and has a desire to intervene.

After all, for him, as long as he has a hand in the process of rebuilding the sanctuary by the Lucians, he will naturally be able to obtain the survival points provided by these sanctuaries. Chen Xin is still very happy to do this kind of benefit without cost. of.

It is precisely for this reason that after seeing the reconstruction plan and design of the shelter sent by Lucia, Chen Xin asked the staff to contact Lucia, expressing that they could provide certain technical support.

In fact, Chen Xin can really provide a lot of help and ideas for the Lucian shelter reconstruction plan.

Most of the sanctuaries that the Lucians want to rebuild are places that were damaged in previous conflicts, and these places were originally private sanctuaries built by oligarchs to live in.

The interior space is vast, and various supporting facilities are complete, and it also has a fairly good defense.

Otherwise, the previous oligarchs and the armed forces they controlled would not have been able to resist Lucia's official army for so long.

Just because the defense is good, the official army inevitably used relatively strong firepower when attacking before, and it was messed up here and had to be rebuilt.

However, the overall framework of the shelters built by the oligarchs is still good. With this as the core to expand outwards, connect other surrounding shelters or open up new spaces, you can build a small community that can accommodate thousands of people. The same medium-sized shelter.

In fact, this was also inspired by the last people who resisted the government. They gathered together and formed a group similar to a small community. Naturally, this model can also be applied to the design of the shelter.

Chen Xin was of course very interested in this, and even came to a shelter planned by the Lucian people for a field trip.

The officials of Lucia were greatly surprised by this. On the one hand, they were very happy that Chen Xin could help their reconstruction plan, but on the other hand, they were very worried about his safety.

Chen Xin is the leader of all the Yan Kingdom in Lucia now, and is also an important scientist of the Yan Kingdom. If something happens to him, he will not mention the possible military conflict between the two countries, that is, the Yan Kingdom will only cut off the aid. , and it is not what Lucia can afford now.

Therefore, Lucia officially dispatched a whole special force in the area that Chen Xin wanted to inspect on the spot, in order to avoid any threatening actions by dangerous elements to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin doesn't think it's an exaggeration anymore. This is Lucia. If he is in China, his treatment will not be much worse than this, or even more excessive.

Therefore, in order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Chen Xin still brought a few soldiers equipped with heavy mecha as guards, and he also put on nano armor and adjusted it to defense mode, lest something really happen. , can't respond.

Under such layers of guards, Chen Xin also came to the shelter under planning and reconstruction.

The previous fierce battle had hit the walls here with bullet holes everywhere, and some places collapsed into a pile of charred ruins as if they had been bombarded. Obviously, there was a fire before.

For such a shelter built underground, it is very dangerous to catch fire. Maybe the entire shelter will burn up and everyone will die together.

After all, it is underground, the air is not circulating, and the environment is closed. If it really catches fire, it will be suffocated if it is not burned to death.

Therefore, whether it is Yan Kingdom or Lucia, they are still very careful about the safety of fire and electricity in the underground shelter.

Walking through an unrecognizable corridor on the broken bricks, Chen Xin finally came to a place that looked clean and tidy.

It can be seen that this place should have been specially cleaned, at least the broken bricks and cement slag have been cleaned up, and the degree of damage here is relatively small, much more complete than the previous corridor. .

"This is the hall of the sanctuary built by an oligarch before. It was used as a stronghold by the armed forces he mastered before, so the resistance in the front corridor was fierce, and the army took a lot of effort to attack." Lucia The official stood beside Chen Xin and introduced him nervously.

Lucia's officials were not nervous, but beside him were four steel giants more than two meters high staring at him, and these steel giants also held weapons that could instantly beat him into a pile of meat sauce.

Even if he knew that these steel giants were just Chen Xin's guards and would not do anything to him, it still made him unavoidably nervous.

Chen Xin shook his head at this, and didn't say anything more. Maybe it was better to make people feel fearful than to feel kind, but he didn't have the heart to think about these things, but asked the official. Said: "Then how do you plan to transform this place, and what do you plan to use as energy?"

This is also a topic that Chen Xin is more concerned about. There are electrical circuits and power supply facilities on the planning drawings and shelter design drawings sent by the Lucian people, but they do not clearly indicate the function of the method.

Hearing Chen Xin ask this question, Lucia's officials quickly explained: "We intend to use the nuclear battery technology left over from the Suvian era."

"Nuclear batteries? Those used in nuclear lighthouses? That's quite appropriate." Chen Xin understood what the Lucia officials were talking about as soon as he heard it: "Those lighthouses can be used for thirty years after the disintegration of Suvia. It still runs smoothly, even if it has been in service for more than ten years, the problem is only due to aging and lack of maintenance, which is enough to prove that their technology and quality are reliable.

But you can still produce this kind of nuclear battery now? Do they have enough power for a shelter? That's just for powering the lighthouse, right? Enough power? "

In Chen Xin's impression, the power of that thing is not high, and it looks like less than one hundred watts.

However, regarding this issue, Lucia's officials showed a proud expression on their faces, and said to Chen Xin: "After the disintegration of Suvia, we have not done nothing. We have made some breakthroughs in this technology. The performance of nuclear batteries has been greatly improved, and if a shelter of this size uses multiple batteries in series, the power supply can still be guaranteed.”

Hearing what the Lucia official said, Chen Xin's expression became a little weird.

In fact, the nuclear battery that the Lucian people are talking about is the isotope thermoelectric battery he made in China, but the nuclear battery used by the Lucian people is still at the level that can be achieved by normal technology, and Chen Xin's black technology nuclear battery far cry.

The North Sea nuclear lighthouse of the former Soviet Union is really scary. It has been 30 years since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and they can still operate normally in theory.

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