Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 55 Plantation upgrade (4k chapters, please recommend and collect)

With the assistance of Mo Qingyan and Qin Lan, Chen Xin's harvest of 600 catties of vegetables this month was quickly collected from the field, and packed in a box brought by Qin Lan and placed in the car they were driving.

"Then let's go first, Ah Xin, take care of yourself." At the door of Chen Xin's shelter, Qin Lan looked at Chen Xin and wanted to say something to him, but felt a little difficult to speak.

"Well, Alan, you are the same. Now this environment is not worse than before, your work itself is dangerous enough, and now you have to pay more attention to safety." Seeing that Qin Lan was concerned about himself, Chen Xin also warned her very carefully.

Qin Lan nodded, and was about to leave without saying anything more, but when she walked out of the gate of the refuge, she looked back and frowned and said, "Axin, you should strengthen the gate of this refuge, and you should be outside. Do some disguise. Like you said, the environment is not as good as it used to be, you... pay more attention to safety."

"I see, I'll deal with it later." Chen Xin nodded. He was actually considering the issues Qin Lan said, but he didn't put them in the top priority.

Seeing that Chen Xin had listened to his words, Qin Lan also nodded, then got into the car and started the car to leave.

"Ingredients, remember to save some for me when the carrots are harvested next month, and I'll exchange Lafite with you!" When leaving, Mo Qingyan still stuck her head out of the car window and placed an order with Chen Xin.

"Got it!" Chen Xin responded, watching them walk away, then turned back to the shelter and closed the door again.

Chen Xin, who had returned to the interior of the sanctuary, could no longer contain his excitement, and ran directly into the planting greenhouse, preparing to upgrade the greenhouse.

"Easy Planting Greenhouse"

"Upgrade plan 1: increase the drip irrigation system, increase the hydroponic planting tray, the crop yield +10%, the irrigation water consumption -10%, and the survival point required for the upgrade is 2000"

"Upgrade plan 2: increase the planting area, improve the lighting efficiency of the supplementary light, the crop yield +10%, the lighting time -10%, and the required survival points for the upgrade are 3500"

"Do you provide steel, cement, fill lights, micro vacuum pumps, PVC pipes, PVC hydroponic planting trays and other materials for upgrades?"

"The materials for the first plan have been provided, the survival points required for the upgrade are reduced by 90%, and the required survival points are 200 points"

"The materials for the second plan have been provided, the survival points required for the upgrade are reduced by 90%, and the required survival points are 350 points"

"Scenario 1 and Option 2 upgrade materials are met at the same time, the survival points required for the upgrade are reduced by 150 points, and the required survival points are 400 points. Do you choose to upgrade?"

In the face of the text written by the system, Chen Xin undoubtedly chose to upgrade, which also used up all the 400 survival points he currently had.

With Chen Xin's choice to upgrade, the entire planting greenhouse is also shrouded in the upgrade light that Chen Xin has seen twice.

And this time, not only the greenhouse, but the various materials Chen Xin placed in the storage room and garage were also covered with light, and turned into light spots that converged in the greenhouse.

When the upgraded light in the greenhouse dissipated, what appeared in front of Chen Xin was that the area was doubled, and there was an additional layer of hydroponic planting trays hanging from the ceiling, which seemed to be a lot more advanced than before. .

The increase in planting area and the emergence of hydroponic planting trays are intuitive changes, while greenhouses become more advanced is a more subjective feeling.

After all, in the absence of an improvement in the level of technology, it is largely dependent on human subjective judgment to distinguish whether something is advanced or backward.

But looking at the clean and tidy after the upgrade, the fill light that has been upgraded from headlights to lamps is soft and bright, the fields are standardized and tidy, and even the crooked carrots that Chen Xin planted before have been re-planned into a straight line of planting greenhouses , Chen Xin did feel a kind of advanced "fan".

The greenhouse in front of him didn't look like the ordinary shelter cultivation greenhouse that Chen Xin had made before, but more like a plant cultivation laboratory.

But even so, the role of this greenhouse is still used to grow crops and obtain food.

So no matter how good-looking it looks, for Chen Xin, the most important thing is that the upgraded greenhouse is easy to use.

Originally, the ground of Chen Xin's greenhouse was directly made of soil. Before, what was used to divide the land was the ridge left by Chen Xin himself, and there was no plan.

But now the planting area of ​​200 square meters, the land is evenly divided into eight rectangular pieces of land, which seems to be much more regular.

Standing between the ridges, Chen Xin reached out and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, rubbed it with his hands, and wanted to check the soil quality.

It seems that even the soil was affected by the upgrade, and these soils also seem to have been upgraded.

Originally, the soil in Chen Xin's greenhouse was obtained from a nearby farmer's vegetable garden. It is mellow soil, and it has been carefully taken care of, making it suitable for crop planting.

However, compared with the soil in the current greenhouse, the previous soil is obviously grayer and whiter, and the contrast is quite obvious.

Now the soil in the greenhouse is dark and shiny, and the soil is fine and fluffy. When you pinch it with your hand, you even feel like you are about to squeeze oil, which makes people feel fertile at first glance.

Although Chen Xin didn't know much about soil, he could probably guess that this should be the most fertile black soil in the northern part of the Yan Kingdom.

This is much better than the soil he used before. This kind of natural treasure bestowed by nature to human beings is very suitable for planting crops. The entire Blue Star even has only three black lands.

The changes in the soil gave Chen Xin a deeper understanding of the power of system upgrades. He also did not expect to upgrade the greenhouse to upgrade the soil together, or to upgrade to this black soil that is most suitable for the growth of crops.

In addition to the changes in soil quality, the most conspicuous change in the greenhouse is of course the hydroponic planting tray hanging from the ceiling.

Among the materials that Chen Xin exchanged before, there is a set of hydroponic planting equipment, including hydroponic planting trays, nutrient solution circulation pipes and micro vacuum pumps, but these exchanged equipment are obviously not comparable to the same type provided after the system upgrade. equipment.

Although the hydroponic planting plate is called a plate, it is not actually a plate, but consists of two parts: a nutrient solution tank and a planting plate.

The hydroponic planting tray exchanged by Chen Xin is a very common plastic tray, and the planting board is a grid-like board.

But after the system upgrade, the tray has become an integrated sink, and the planting board has also become a more professional planting board with one slot, especially the color has been changed to white by the system, and it feels smooth to the touch. Rounded, so it looks extra clean and tidy.

A pipeline for circulating nutrient solution and a fill light for providing light to the lower plants are also installed on the bracket, so that the lighting of the lower crops will not be affected by the shading of the hydroponic planting tray.

Chen Xin reached out to hold the bracket hanging from the ceiling and tried to shake it, but found that the bracket was quite stable and did not shake at all. It seems that the quality of things after the system upgrade is also quite good.

After checking the upgraded planting greenhouse, Chen Xin also began to prepare for the use of the hydroponic planting system. Although hydroponic planting is said to be hydroponics, it is not really only water.

Although it is said that only water crops can grow, but it will not grow well, and the harvest is naturally even more sorry.

Therefore, in normal hydroponic cultivation, it is necessary to add the formulated nutrient solution to the water to provide various trace elements required for crop growth.

Chen Xin naturally knew this, so when he asked Mo Qingyan to help him exchange supplies, in addition to a set of equipment needed for hydroponics, he also exchanged a large bottle of concentrated nutrient solution.

This nutrient solution is a general-purpose nutrient solution for plant cultivation, and it is a highly concentrated model. According to the instructions on the package, only 30 ml of nutrient solution can be mixed into four liters of nutrient solution.

The capacity of this bottle of highly concentrated nutrient solution is 1.8 liters. According to the area of ​​Chen Xin's current greenhouse, this bottle is enough for him to use for a few years.

After checking everything, he was very satisfied with the planting greenhouse after the system upgrade. Chen Xin prepared the nutrient solution and began to prepare for breeding.

Hydroponics planting is different from soil planting. Soil planting can directly sow the seeds into the soil, and the crops will sprout and take root themselves.

However, for hydroponic cultivation, even if there is a planting board, it needs to be bred in advance, and when the roots and leaves have grown, it can be moved to the nutrient solution tank for colonization.

Fortunately, Chen Xin planted cabbage and lettuce. The breeding of these two crops is not complicated. You only need to remove the planting board, put seeds on the sponge used to fix the plants in each slot, and then water and adjust. A good nutrient solution keeps the sponge moist, and you can wait for the seeds to germinate.

When taking the planting plate off the support, Chen Xin also noticed that there are still some problems with the installation height of the hydroponic planting plate.

Chen Xin's planting greenhouse has a ceiling of 2.5 meters high, although it feels a little short, but when Chen Xin used it before, there was no problem.

However, after the upgrade, a hydroponic planting tray was added. The height of the hydroponic planting tray was about one meter five from the ground, which caused Chen Xin to be unable to straighten his waist when he was taking care of the lower crops on the ground.

Although it is said that one must bend over when farming, but if you can’t straighten your waist all the time, it will still make people feel uncomfortable. After all, even when the peasant uncle is plowing the land, he will occasionally straighten up and take a rest, instead of bending all the time. waist.

Fortunately, Chen Xin's greenhouse is not large, and the land to be planted is only 200 square meters, so it will not be too tiring.

Just after realizing this problem, Chen Xin still thought of the small agricultural machinery he had prepared before.

The supplies exchanged with Uncle Ding this time did not include small agricultural machinery. It is not that Chen Xin did not mention it, but Uncle Ding did not send the small agricultural machinery he asked for, but said that he would wait for the next Chen. After the new payment has been paid in full, the things he wants will be delivered.

Obviously, Uncle Ding is still wary of Chen Xin.

This has nothing to do with trust or not. Even before the disaster, if you ask a bank for a loan or a friend to borrow money, you still need some collateral. Chen Xin's installment transaction method makes the other party somewhat uneasy, so it is normal to keep one hand.

Chen Xin didn't have any dissatisfaction or opinion on this, but just like this, his work this month would inevitably have to be harder.

Fortunately, when the system was upgraded, the soil on the ground was also upgraded, but he didn't need to fertilize and dig the ground, just sow the seeds of upland rice.


After finishing the work of planting the greenhouse, the time has come to evening.

Although it is said that without the change of light, the night can no longer be called night, but the work and rest time is still the same after all.

After dinner, Chen Xin collapsed on the sofa in the living room, playing the game console in a bored way.

After a whole day of work, Chen Xin felt that his muscles were sore all over. Although he had done a lot of farm work this month, he still felt extremely tired today, so he wanted to play two games. relax for a moment.

Speaking of which, it’s normal to feel tired today. After all, I moved all kinds of materials in the morning, and in the afternoon I planted seeds with water and planted upland rice. Compared with the previous month, the workload has indeed increased a lot.

Fortunately, there is no need to cultivate the land today, otherwise Chen Xin felt that he would be exhausted and broken.

While rubbing the handle, Chen Xin took a sip from the cup beside him, and the bland boiled water in his mouth made him smack his lips.

Unfortunately, the sanctuary did not have a holy relic such as the Fat House Happy Water, which relieved fatigue, and some only had bland and tasteless pure water.

Before the disaster, Chen Xin mainly collected survival materials. Although it was not impossible to collect materials such as fat house happy water, Chen Xin did not consider these at all at that time, so that when he could no longer drink it, he would only To remember that you were not prepared at all.

As for now that the disaster has come, it may still be possible to get the happy water of the fat house through material exchange, but I don't know if there is any stock in the large shelter.

After all, these things are consumables. Now after the disaster, I am afraid that even if the country organizes to resume production, it will not waste resources to produce these materials that are not necessary for survival, but will use all resources for the production of survival materials.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin couldn't help but sigh, not only the fat house happy water, but also many things that he is familiar with will disappear with this disaster and become a record in the history books.

I don’t know if human beings can produce these things again after they resume production and rebuild their homes. How many things in the past can be restored?

Chen Xin didn't know the answer, but he sincerely hoped that if possible, he could restore his old life, even if it was only a part of it.

The collapse of the world is not instantaneous, and the deterioration of the environment is also a gradual process. The natural disaster of meteorites is not a biochemical crisis. If you close your eyes or open your eyes, the whole world will become a hell where it is difficult to survive. You can only boil frogs in warm water. It slowly collapsed little by little, and the progress bar of the ice-cold troublemaker did not fill up all at once.

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