Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 568 Success is always trivial

The snow fell, and this time it was not snow blown by the strong wind, but snowflakes that really fell from the sky.

"It's really snowing!" Chen Xin rushed out of the command room and came to the deck outside.

Looking up at the sky, snowflakes are falling one after another. Although it is sparse and looks like only a small snow, it seems to be a kind of hope.

"It's really snowing?!" At this time, the operator of the mobile base also came to the deck with the captain, watching the snowflakes gradually falling from the sky, and also made a sound of amazement.

Since the meteorite hit and the global temperature dropped to minus zero, I am afraid this is the first time everyone has seen natural snowfall.

This can't help but make everyone excited and emotional, because this snow is produced through the influence of technology, and it is also the goal of this group of people's efforts and struggles.

Now that the goal has been achieved, how can everyone not be excited?

"Academician, it's snowing!" A staff member shouted to Chen Xin excitedly, and beside him, there were more staff members who were also shouting.

Chen Xin looked at the cheering staff with a smile on his face, as excited and excited as they were.

Chen Xin also felt the same about the excitement and excitement of these staff. This time, he and these staff put too much effort into the experiment. He originally thought that the experiment was unsuccessful, and he was already prepared for the experiment to fail, but now But it really successfully affects the weather, how can this not make people feel the joy of success?

Although the strong wind is sweeping at the moment, with the weather controller turned off, the temperature is constantly dropping, and the icy cold wind is howling, making everyone's clothes rustling, but at this moment, the loud wind can't cover up everyone's feelings joy.

Can improve the local weather, although it is only a light snow, and even this small snow will soon stop, but this still marks the success of the weather controller research, they can already control the weather, and try to Improve the current environment.

Even though this is just a trivial attempt, it is a good start. Whether it is Chen Xin or the many staff involved in the experiment, everyone believes that from this moment on, they can gradually correct the environment of Blue Star, and finally One day this research will change everything and restore Bluestar's environment to the way it was before the disaster.

Everyone cheered and celebrated for a long time until the snow stopped before returning to the interior of the mobile base.

After cheering the victory, there is still work that requires serious devotion.

A staff member sent a report to Chen Xin: "Academician, during the previous test, the microwave irradiation of the weather controller had a certain impact on the electrical lines in the mobile base. This is the result of the loss statistics, please Take a look."

Chen Xin took the report, read it carefully, and also asked the staff: "Apart from the damage to the electrical circuit, are there any other losses? Are the operators on the ship experiencing physical discomfort or other conditions?"

"A few of the two crew members have suffered from physical discomfort, showing mild vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms. They are currently receiving treatment in the medical room, and the situation is not serious." The staff reported to Chen Xin and explained : "They mainly stayed in the kitchen during the test. Many metal kitchen utensils in the kitchen were affected by microwave exposure, which had an indirect impact on them. Other than that, everything was normal."

"I still can't be careless, and then let them go to the base for a comprehensive inspection to make sure that everything is safe, and they can't make fun of the bodies of comrades." Chen Xin attaches great importance to this, and does not really feel that because the staff said it is fine no problem.

When the staff heard Chen Xin say this, they also took his words seriously: "I know the academicians, and they will be arranged to go to the base for a comprehensive medical examination later."

Seeing that the staff wrote down what he said, Chen Xin turned over the report and continued to ask: "There has been a certain degree of short circuit and melting in the electrical circuit. It seems that the microwave irradiation is still very influential...

I saw some equipment generating sparks in the command room before, but it didn't write on it. Did it cause no damage? "

"Yes, because of the timely power outage, the equipment itself did not malfunction, and it can still be used normally after restarting." The staff explained to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin nodded clearly, put down the report and fell into thinking.

Of course, the mobile base itself has defensive measures, and it has sufficient resistance to microwave irradiation and EMP shocks that may appear on the battlefield.

However, there is an upper limit to this resistance. The long-term microwave irradiation like this test has broken through the defense of the mobile base, which will cause damage.

However, this is not the main reason for Chen Xin's thinking, because according to the initial prediction, the microwave radiation generated by the weather controller should not have such a big impact on the mobile base, let alone cause any damage to the human body. .

However, the result of the report is that the metal kitchen utensils in the kitchen were indirectly affected by the microwave exposure, and it also caused damage to the electrical circuits of the mobile base, which had to make Chen Xin think about the reasons and the problem.

The problem of the kitchen can be ignored, but the electrical circuits of the mobile base are specially protected. In this case, it still caused no small damage. It is very necessary to investigate the cause and solve the problem so as to prevent similar situations from happening again in the future. of.

As for the reason for this problem, Chen Xin is not very good at electrical, but he thinks it should not be caused by the lack of protection.

It's just that Chen Xin himself couldn't think of the reason for a while, and he could only roughly speculate that it might be caused by too much microwave irradiation power generated by the weather controller.

More specific reasons can only be left to professionals for analysis.

"The damaged part of the mobile base in this test should be repaired in time. Don't delay. If there is any problem reported in time, the base will solve it." Chen Xinru told the staff.

The mobile base is related to Chen Xin's next stage of upgrading the weather controller. He does not want any mistakes and mistakes in the mobile base.

If it weren't for some minor damage, the maintenance personnel at the mobile base could handle it themselves. Chen Xin even wanted to use the system upgrade to repair the mobile base.

But even so, the mobile base must be upgraded in the future. After all, what Chen Xin will do next is to move the weather controller that can already affect the weather to the mobile base.

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