With the benefit of returning home to visit relatives as a temptation and encouragement, everyone in the base quickly adjusted and regained their energy and morale after experiencing a morale shake.

The work is still proceeding step by step and in an orderly manner.

Compared with the first two tests, the situation of the third test is undoubtedly much better. At least this time, there is no problem with the equipment, and the weather controller itself has no need for structural adjustment and maintenance. On the basis of the test results, further technical optimization and improvement will be carried out to make this machine more effective.

In addition, that is what Chen Xin has always planned, the medium-term goal of reducing the size of the weather controller, moving it to the mobile base, and turning it into a mobile type.

However, it is not easy to accomplish this goal in a short period of time, so relatively speaking, the atmosphere in the base is not as urgent and tense as before. Although all the staff are still working efficiently, there are many A sense of ease.

In this regard, Chen Xin is happy to see it happen. Although it is said that upgrading the weather controller to a size model that can be installed on the mobile base can be done instantly through the system upgrade, but for the sake of safety, Chen Xin decided to work with the staff. , conduct research and analysis on the weather controller, and work out an upgrade plan before upgrading.

And doing so is also conducive to technical accumulation and team experience, and to improve the level of the entire research team.

"Academician, according to our analysis, it is difficult to install the weather controller on the mobile base in terms of the structure of the existing mobile base, so the mobile base must be renovated on a larger scale." In the conference room, a staff member was holding a sketch and telling Chen Xin their conclusion.

Regarding this conclusion, Chen Xin did not express any opinion, but picked up the drawing and read it carefully before saying, "Tell me your opinion, how do you want to change it?"

The current mobile base is mainly to carry personnel and provide regional support. Therefore, the structural design is also mainly to accommodate personnel. Therefore, there is really no place for the weather controller to be inserted in the entire mobile base.

Even if it is only the core part, it is necessary to dismantle the top hangar, the public space of the personnel cabin, and even the bottom garage to put it in.

Therefore, Chen Xin understands the staff's proposal to modify the structure of the mobile base, and he actually has the same idea.

Now asking the staff for their opinions is largely to use as a reference to see if there are any designs or ideas that can make people shine.

"We plan to replace the energy system of the mobile base first." The staff really had an idea, and they planned to replace the power source of the mobile base as soon as they came up.

"Replace? What are you going to replace?" Chen Xin didn't ask why, because the weather controller itself is a big energy consumer. If you want to install it on the mobile base, you must solve the energy problem.

The original energy supply of the mobile base itself is not a problem, but if you add a weather controller, this is not a load that the energy of the mobile base itself can bear.

It is for this reason that the staff naturally want to replace the energy system of the mobile base.

So he said to Chen Xin: "The plan is to replace it with a small fusion reactor. There are already mature technologies in this area in China, and this plan should be able to be adopted. If not, it is not impossible to use an isotope generator, but an isotope generator. The output power will be relatively lower, and two groups may need to be added, so the structural layout needs to be adjusted.”

"Well, a small fusion reactor... Yes, this is a good idea. I will apply to China, and you can improve the plan in this area." Chen Xin nodded, expressed his affirmation and support, and continued to ask: "Also Any other ideas?"

"Also, we hope to adjust the structure of the mobile base to free up space for installing weather controllers." Although the staff said this, the expression on their faces was a little embarrassed: "But now the weather The volume of the controller is undoubtedly much larger than that of the mobile base, and before the actual modification of the weather controller is completed, this idea is not very practical, and we can only confirm how much space can be vacated on the mobile base.”

This is also a kind of helplessness for ordinary researchers. They do not know how much the weather controller can be reduced when it is finally formed and moved to the mobile base. Therefore, they can only target the space that can be vacated on the mobile base. Keep the weather controller as small as possible to fit in the space.

It's unlikely that the mobile base will be resized based on the size of the weather controller, because then the entire mobile base would need to be redone.

But for Chen Xin, this is a lot easier to say, because he can adjust the mobile base according to the weather controller, and he can also adjust the weather controller according to the mobile base. There is no saying that one has to adapt to the other. The two can be adjusted to each other to achieve a most suitable state.

Therefore, Chen Xin did not explain much to the questions raised by the staff, but said to him: "Don't worry about this, do your best first, as for how to reduce the size of the weather controller, how to adjust the space of the mobile base, these I'll coordinate things."

"Okay academician, I understand." The staff nodded and understood what they should do.

Seeing this, Chen Xin saw that the other party had not put forward any new suggestions, so he motioned him to go to work first: "To sort out the ideas, these two suggestions are very good, let's make a plan first, and the details don't need to be written in too much detail. The idea is clear.”

After speaking, Chen Xin picked up the previous sketch and handed it to the staff

"I understand, then I'll go to work first." The staff took the sketches from Chen Xinxing before turning around and leaving.

After the staff left, Chen Xin himself used the nano-molecules in his watch to simulate the structure of the mobile base in front of his eyes, trying to replace its energy system, hollowing out its interior, and trying to put weather control in it. device.

But the weather controller itself is now many times larger than the mobile base, and there is no way to put it into the mobile base.

Chen Xin did not get into a stalemate because the weather controller was too large. He tried to disassemble the different parts of the weather controller and put them into different floors of the mobile base according to their functions.

While trying, I thought: "Do you want to take apart the weather controller..."

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