Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 755 The Status Quo of the Frontline

With the operation of the first logistics base in Beihai, the supplies produced by it began to be continuously transported to the front line through small cargo land ships.

And as the supplies they carried were transported to the front line, these small land-ships suddenly became the most popular existence among the front-line troops.

Every time they appear, everyone on the front line of defense cheers endlessly, which even surpasses their previous welcome to the escort land ships that provide them with fire support. wife.

But jokes are jokes, because the small cargo land ships that transport logistics supplies appear frequently and can provide supplies that can effectively boost morale, their popularity is indeed far more than just occasionally showing up when the defense line is in jeopardy. escort landship.

After all, what Yan Kingdom invested in the European defense line was only the three escort ships and the carrier-based aircraft on the land carrier that arrived in Europe with the European aid fleet.

Although the effective combat attack range of an aircraft carrier can reach a radius of 1,000 kilometers, the limited number of ships and carrier-based aircraft is undoubtedly seriously insufficient compared with the long defense line with too many targets that need to be supported and attacked.

This also leads to the fact that the possibility of front combat personnel receiving air fire support is much lower than the possibility of receiving supplies sent by cargo land ships.


Bob is an ordinary corporal in the English Army. He and his company are responsible for stationing a firepower point in the mountainous area in the middle of the defense line.

This firepower point is the most important strategic support for this section of the line of defense. In addition to Bob's company who is in charge of stationing the firepower point, there are also a French machine infantry battalion and an Italian infantry battalion on their two wings.

It's called the firepower point, but in fact it has been built as a strong bunker or semi-underground fortress.

Because in this firepower point, in addition to the company where Bob is stationed, there is also an artillery company responsible for providing fire support for the entire line of defense.

At the same time, this is also the logistics supply point for everyone on the entire defense line. All their supplies are stored. The soldiers who have been rotated can eat, rest and sleep here, and then prepare their weapons before going into battle.

If they lose this firepower, they can only stay in the trenches dug by themselves in the low temperature environment of tens of degrees below zero, shivering and gnawing on frozen hard food, instead of having a mouthful of hot soup , you can warm up the body that even the stomach is frozen.

The environment on the front line is indeed harsh, and some time ago, supplies were increasingly scarce. Apart from the relatively abundant ammunition, there was less and less food to eat.

Bob and a few teammates are even considering whether to let an alien creature pass the defense line, and then kill it to see if they can cut some meat and eat it.

Of course, their ideas have not been put into practice. It's not that they can't do it, but that the Yan Kingdom's European aid fleet has arrived, bringing them fire support and new supplies.

This undoubtedly greatly changed the situation on the front line, and it also saved Bob and his comrades from actually catching alien creatures to eat, and their logistics officers didn't have to grab the supply convoy every time as a beggar. The same is to ask for more food.

However, although the supply situation has been greatly improved, the long-term continuous fighting still brought them many effects and problems.

Damage to equipment, casualties, and lack of logistical supplies all once made the morale of the front line extremely low.

If they didn't know that they couldn't hold it, it would mean the end of mankind, and the alien creatures in front couldn't accept surrender. I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to hold on long ago.

"Hey, Bob, is there anything to eat? I'll trade this with you." Another round of rotation, Bob and a few comrades left the trench ahead and returned to the warm fortress. Can't wait to ask Bob for food.

Perhaps because of his roommate Yan Guo in college, Bob developed the habit of always carrying something to eat on his body.

At that time, it was to prevent myself from being hungry when my roommate in Yanguo was cooking, but now it has become an effective means of saving lives.

After all, there is food in his pocket, and in the current environment, it can really save his life.

Hearing the question from his comrades-in-arms, Bob touched his body, and then took out an energy bar. This was the most popular item among the supplies sent by the Yan people last time, but it was a pity that there were not many of them. The last one left.

"This is the last one." He threw the energy bar to his comrade, then took the half pack of homemade cigarettes thrown by him, took a look at it and put it in his pocket.

Although they are all comrades who can help the opponent block bullets, these foods have already become a very strong hard currency, even if Bob and the others can only exchange between comrades, or exchange other things with the supply team.

For example, the half-pack of homemade cigarettes thrown to him by his teammates was exchanged from the supply team. Although this thing is just a piece of paper rolled in it with some unknown leaves and dried, but for someone like Bob For the leading soldiers, it is already ok.

"Speaking of which, today should be the day to deliver supplies, right?" Bob asked his teammates who were eating energy bars.

Because the front line consumes a lot of ammunition every day, even if the food supply is insufficient, the supply of ammunition is still guaranteed, and the supply team will still send supplies regularly without any delay.

"Yeah, I don't know how much food they can send this time. If I want to say, I should leave the logistics and supplies to the people of Yanguo. What they are best at is farming!" Bob's comrade-in-arms swallowed He swallowed the food in his mouth and boasted to Bob what he had seen and heard: "Let me tell you, when I was fighting in the Middle East, I saw the peacekeeping garrison of the Yan people, do you know? They even cultivate land around the barracks." Grow vegetables in the wasteland! Grow vegetables in places like the Middle East that are full of sand!"

Hearing what his comrades said, Bob suddenly missed the taste of the vegetable salad his mother used to make. Ever since this damn disaster came, and England abandoned the homeland, Bob has rarely been able to eat fresh vegetables.

"Did you say that there will be fresh vegetables in today's supply? I heard that the Yan people built a greenhouse..." Just as Bob was chatting with his comrades, a loud roar interrupted their conversation.

A small cargo ship has already flown over the firepower point and is slowly landing.

Seeing the appearance of the cargo land ship, everyone in the entire firepower point and the surrounding defense line who could see here couldn't help cheering.

They knew that the appearance of land-ships meant that they could get quite a lot of food supplies today, instead of only the shells sent by the supply team.

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