Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 771 The deterrent power of security forces

Nuremberg is a city in the southeastern region of Germany. It is located in the small basin of the Pegnitz River in the northwest of Munich and forms a twin city with the adjacent Fürth.

This is an important industrial and commercial center in Bavaria. It was famous in Europe for its toy manufacturing in history. Before the disaster, it was a city with a population of more than half a million.

It's also a city with a long history, once famous in history, although that's not a good reputation, which also led to the city being heavily bombed during World War II.

When the disaster struck, the city was not seriously damaged because of the terrain.

In addition, it is an important transportation hub in the region, so German officials have also given priority to the post-disaster reconstruction of the city.

After the invasion of extraterrestrial creatures, this place has received more attention as an important traffic artery for transporting materials from Germany to the front line of defense. German officials even deployed a brigade of troops here to ensure the smooth transfer of materials here.

For the brigade stationed here, their life is undoubtedly extremely comfortable compared to other colleagues.

Nuremberg is located behind the line of defense. Although occasionally some flying units of alien creatures will cross the line of defense and attack the rear, they will be shot down by anti-aircraft fire without causing much impact.

And here, as a material transfer center, obviously there will be no shortage of material supplies.

Stationed here, there is no need to fight life and death like the troops on the front line, nor does it need to pick out every bit of material from the teeth and send it to the front line to support the battle like the rear.

It can be said that they only need to properly show their sense of presence every day to maintain the operation of the city, and they can eat their brains full of fat.

Really complied with that sentence, the front is tight, and the rear is tight. This army can be said to be raised here full of arrogance and arrogance.

If it weren't for this army, it is still very important to know their position more or less. Once it affects the frontline operations, the defense line will completely collapse, and the entire human world will be destroyed. If you try to maintain the transfer of materials in Nuremberg after you have eaten as much as possible, I am afraid that this place has already become a local separatist force.

After all, it can be said that there is food and drink here, and as a traffic artery, it has important strategic significance from ancient times to the present. The defense here is also very strong due to the terrain and terrain, and it fully meets all the necessary conditions to form a local separatist force.

And this also caused this army to become more and more arrogant. Except that they did not form a de facto separatist regime and blatantly disobeyed official orders, they were actually no different from the separatist forces occupying the place.

Relying on the force in their hands, although they can't be called slaves, they are also driving the people of this city to serve them, and the military discipline has long been corrupted.

Of course the German officials wanted to replace them, but because they didn’t have enough strength in their hands to subdue this army, they could only hold their noses and endure their existence, resulting in the loss of at least 10% of all supplies passing through Nuremberg. "Drifting".

However, in the eyes of this garrison, they have really done what can be called dedication and benevolence. At least they are still doing their duty. 10% isn't it?

It's just that for the German officials, the existence of this army made them feel stuck in their throats. It was like a mouthful of old phlegm stuck in their throats. They couldn't swallow it or spit it out.

If this army has created a de facto separatist regime and openly resisted the official decree, then the German officials can directly suppress them and eradicate this cancer.

But they did it very well, which made the German officials have no suitable reason to completely suppress and eradicate them, and they could only be disgusted like this.

After all, the German government can still maintain its existence now, to a large extent it depends on the support of the military. If it loses the power of the army, the German government obviously cannot even control the capital they are in.

This army did not openly betray and resist the government, he is still a member of the German military, and the chief officer of this army also manages up and down, and someone speaks for him, which makes it even more difficult for the German officials to deal with this army. .

This also made it clear to the entire army that the authorities had nothing to do with them, making them even more arrogant and unscrupulous.

However, with the establishment of the joint security maintenance force, this security maintenance force jointly formed by European countries began to operate, and a large number of separatist forces and militants were eradicated, which still made the chief officer of this force feel a certain threat.

For the sake of safety, he also warned his subordinates to restrain themselves a little during this period, so as not to hit the muzzle of the gun, and was attacked by the joint security maintenance force, who was wiped out as a separatist force.

Although this force also has the strength of a brigade, the chief officer of this force does not think that this force in his hands is capable of fighting against the joint security maintenance force.

After all, some of the previously lost materials also included equipment from the Yan Kingdom, which was enough for him to clearly understand the huge gap in combat power between a soldier equipped with Yan country equipment and a soldier without Yan country equipment.

Not to mention, he already knew that all the members of the joint security maintenance force had been equipped with Yan Nation equipment, and there were even powerful equipment like Titans and Land Cruisers that he had never seen before.

Although facing his subordinates' worries behind him, he confidently stated that the land ship is just a target flying in the sky, and it can be shot down casually with anti-aircraft guns.

But in fact, he himself clearly knows that if the joint security maintenance force comes to attack him, even only one regiment of troops is needed to defeat the force in his hands. It is undoubtedly a war of annihilation.

In the city, the advantage held by an army equipped with exoskeletons and power armor, and supported by titans, is simply too great.

It was precisely because he knew this that he deliberately asked his subordinates to restrain themselves a little during this time.

Under the guidance of this chief officer, this army is still relatively clear-headed, and they are not out of their minds, or because of the current general environment, they feel that no one can do anything to them, and they have restrained their recent behavior obediently to avoid He was approached by the joint vigilante forces.

After all, although the Joint Security Force was established not long ago, it took only one or two months to wipe out most of the separatist forces and militants in European countries, which is enough to prove their strength and terror.

However, they will come if they are afraid. Just when the chief officer of this force was worried that the joint security force would come to his door, they had already appeared in the sky over Nuremberg.

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