Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 777 Blood tax

It's called the Knights, of course, it can't really be the same as those tin cans riding horses in the Middle Ages.

In fact, even if they want to ride horses in a retro way, there are no horses for them to ride in the current environment.

Although in a sense such a regional armed force did require mobility, riding a horse was a solution when cars or other modern means of transportation were lacking.

However, Chen Xin prepared snowmobiles and snowmobiles for these "knights". Of course, they were all versions equipped with isotope thermoelectric batteries.

The current Yan country has already fully understood the isotope thermoelectric battery technology provided by Chen Xin, and can produce this kind of "nuclear power" transportation.

In fact, this kind of transportation that almost never needs to be refueled is widely used in China. Nuclear-powered snowmobiles paired with protective clothing are the first choice for most people who need to travel short distances. Although driving is fine, cars are more It is also used for long-distance travel.

After all, it is light, flexible, and easy to use. On the premise of one or two people commuting in short distances, snowmobiles are really easy to use.

Chen Xin didn't intend to provide these knights with land ships. In fact, they didn't even have a mobile base that couldn't fly. barracks.

As for snowmobiles and other means of transportation, as well as the weapons equipped by the Knights, apart from a set of exoskeletons that enhance combat capabilities and protective clothing that can cope with extreme cold environments, the weapons of these Knights are still ordinary firearms, and Few heavy weapons.

This is mainly due to the consideration of the combat function of the knight order. After all, what they have to face is only ordinary militants, not alien creatures that can eliminate 9mm caliber bullets.

According to the plan discussed by Chen Xin and each autonomous city, a knight order will be responsible for maintaining the order of three to five autonomous cities according to the size of the city. The main thing they need to face is armed elements with certain force.

Since it is fighting against people, of course there is no need for heavy weapons such as electromagnetic rifles and heavy machine guns.

The reason why some heavy weapons were left for them was mainly for emergencies. Normally, the only things these knights could use were ordinary firearms and thrown explosives.

The knights' expenses are mainly provided by the cities they are in charge of. These cities pay a certain amount of money to the knights on a regular basis and are responsible for providing daily needed supplies. The knights need to maintain the peace and stability of these cities as much as possible.

With the Knights, a security system consisting of the joint security maintenance force, the autonomous militia, and the Knights was formed.

In this system, the joint security maintenance force is naturally the main military force. With sophisticated weapons and equipment, they are responsible for clearing large-scale armed separatist forces. They have good mobility and can take charge of a considerable area.

Usually, they are not stationed in a certain city, but use land-ships as their bases, and conduct regular patrols as their main activity.

The militiamen are the main force for maintaining law and order in the city. They are not very equipped with weapons, only a small number of light weapons such as police pistols, scattered in their respective cities, doing the work of the former police and responsible for maintaining city law and order.

As for the Knights, they can be regarded as a supplement between the two. They have a certain amount of armed force, mainly as a supplement to the joint security forces.

After all, the joint security maintenance force is limited to the size of the force and the way it operates. Their main job is to clear up and deal with larger-scale armed separatist forces, such as remote areas or smaller-scale armed forces. It is obviously overkill to dispatch them.

The Knights are just an effective supplement to the United Security Forces. They can be stationed in a certain area for a long time, assign manpower to patrol the main cities and residential areas in the area, and even be stationed in multiple cities. It can effectively maintain law and order in the area.

It is precisely because of such advantages that the plan to establish a knight order has won the support of various autonomous cities.

Soon, several knight orders were established with the support of these autonomous cities, which also effectively improved the local security environment.

Relying on the joint efforts of the security forces, the militia, and the Knights, the originally chaotic and heavily armed separatist areas were quickly stabilized. The establishment of various autonomous cities has allowed a large number of people and resources that were not under the official control of European countries. It was reused and became a powerful support for the front line.

After all, neither the officials of the European countries nor Chen Xin will obviously let such a large force of the autonomous city wander outside the war against alien creatures.

Although the officials of various countries cannot effectively control the autonomous cities, they can only admit their existence by pinching their noses, but this does not mean that the officials of various countries really have nothing to do with the autonomous cities.

After all, they are the original legal rulers of each country, and the officials of each country who control the armed forces of the army, if they are really in a hurry, it is not a problem at all to mobilize the army to use the autonomous city to kill chickens and monkeys.

Therefore, as the price for the official recognition of urban autonomy in various countries, each autonomous city needs to pay taxes to the officials of various countries to support the frontline operations against alien creatures.

Fortunately, the autonomous cities also understand that their ability to live a safe life largely depends on the front line resisting the attack of alien creatures, so there is no objection on this point.

Autonomous cities need to pay taxes to support the front line, and the Knights are no exception.

Although they cannot be regarded as an army, they are also military organizations. Although these knight orders only accept the support of the autonomous city and have no source of income of their own, they also need to pay taxes.

It's just that what they need to pay is not the resources of the autonomous city, but the need to send some people to directly participate in the frontline operations.

The battle against alien creatures naturally requires the dead, so this method of taxation has also been dubbed the "blood tax".

According to the regulations, after each knight order is established, it needs to send a quarter of its people to the front line every three months to participate in the battle against alien creatures, and then send a quarter of its people for rotation after three months.

In this way, a knight order is basically equivalent to a year, and everyone needs to go to the front line to serve for three months.

Originally, Chen Xin and the officials of various countries thought that the Knights would oppose this request, but they didn't expect that after the request of "blood tax" was handed down, the Knights did not show much resistance.

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